JDBC Driver for Jira

Build 24.0.8963


Query the available Workflows in Jira.


Most filters are processed client side, though there are a few exceptions to this:

  • The driver uses the Jira APIs to process filters on the Name that use the equals (=) and IN operators only.
  • The driver processes WHERE filters for the IsActive and Query columns with only the equals (=) operator server-side.

For example, the following queries are executed server side:

SELECT * FROM Workflows WHERE Name = 'abc'

SELECT * FROM Workflows WHERE Name IN ('abc','def','ghi')

SELECT * FROM Workflows WHERE IsActive = true AND Query = 'flow'

The Scope, Statuses, and Workflows columns accept aggregate values and are only used for inserting to and updating Workflows.

INSERT INTO Workflows(Scope, Statuses, Workflows) VALUES ('{"type":"GLOBAL"}', '[{"description":"","name":"To Do #2","statusCategory":"TODO","statusReference":"f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0"}]', '[{"description":"","name":"Software workflow 1","startPointLayout":{"x":-100.00030899047852,"y":-153.00020599365235},"statuses":[{"layout":{"x":114.99993896484375,"y":-16},"properties":{},"statusReference":"f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0"}],"transitions":[{"actions":[],"description":"","from":[],"id":"1","name":"Create","properties":{},"to":{"statusReference":"f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0"},"triggers":[],"type":"INITIAL","validators":[]}]}]')", true)


Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Platform Description
Id String False

The entity ID of the workflow.

Name String False IN

The name of the workflow.

Description String False

The description of the workflow.

Created String False

The date when the workflow was created.

Updated String False

The date when the workflow was updated.

IsDefault Boolean False

Boolean indicating if the workflow is set as the default.

CanDelete Boolean False

Boolean indicating whether the workflow can be deleted.

CanEdit Boolean False

Boolean indicating whether the workflow can be edited.

IsActive Boolean False =

Filters active and inactive workflows.

Query String False =

String used to perform a case-insensitive partial match with workflow name.

Scope String False

A JSON aggregate outlining the scope of the workflow. This column used exclusively for inserting to and updating workflows (does not return in SELECT query results).

Statuses String False

A JSON aggregate outlining the statuses to associate with the workflows. This column used exclusively for inserting to and updating workflows (does not return in SELECT query results).

Workflows String False

The details of the workflows to create. This column used exclusively for inserting to and updating workflows (does not return in SELECT query results).

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963