CData Python Connector for Jira

Build 22.0.8479


Query the available Permissions of the current user in JIRA.



本製品 は、このテーブルで指定されたすべてのフィルタをクライアント側で本製品 内で処理します。

SELECT * FROM MyPermissions


Name Type References SupportedOperators Platform Description
Id [KEY] Integer Common The Id of the permission.
Key [KEY] String Common The key of the permission.
Name String Common The name of the permission.
Type String Common The type of the permission.
Description String Common The description of the permission.
HavePermission Boolean Common Boolean indicating if the permission is set or not.
DeprecatedKey Boolean Common Boolean indicating if the permission is deprecated.
Permissions String = Common Permissions as comma seperated values.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
ProjectKey String The key of the project associated with the permission.
ProjectId String The Id of the project associated with the permission.
IssueKey String The key of the issue associated with the permission.
IssueId String The Id of the issue associated with the permission.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8479