JDBC Driver for Jira

Build 22.0.8479


Query the set up Filters in JIRA. This table is not available in JIRA Server.



本製品 はJira API を使用して一部のフィルタを処理します。

本製品 は他のフィルタを本製品 内で処理します。 SupportEnhancedSQL をfalse に設定することで、クエリのクライアント側の実行をオフにできます。


SELECT * FROM Filters 

特定のフィルタのId を指定:

SELECT * FROM Filters WHERE Id = 10001 


Name Type References SupportedOperators Platform Description
Id [KEY] Integer = Cloud The Id of the filter.
Name String Cloud The name assigned to the filter.
JQLExpression String Cloud The JQL by which the filter will search issues by.
Description String Cloud The description given to the filter.
OwnerDisplayName String = Cloud The board Id the sprint originated from.
Favourite Boolean Cloud Whether you have set this filter as a favourite.
FavouritedCount Integer Cloud How many users have this filter as a favourite.
SubscriptionsAggregate String Cloud Collection of user subscriptions to the filter .
SharePermissionsAggregate String Cloud Aggregate of share permissions to the filter.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8479