SSIS Components for Highrise

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query Notes that are visible to the authenticated user and related to a specific Person, Company, Case, or Deal.



Notes の取得には、People、Companies、Cases、もしくはDeals などのNote が所属するSebjectType およびSubject Id を入力します。

SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE SubjectType = 'Companies' AND SubjectId = 149760370
特定のnote に関連する情報の取得には note のId を指定します。
SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE Id = 351922361
すべての会社からすべてのnote を取得するには、IN 演算子でサブクエリを使用できます。
SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE SubjectType = 'Companies' AND SubjectId IN (SELECT Id FROM Companies)

Datetime カラムでは、WHERE 句にて'>'、および'>=' の演算子だけがサポートされています。

SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE SubjectType = 'Companies' AND SubjectId = 149760370 AND UpdatedAt > '2012-01-12'


新しいNote を作成するには、Note's Body、Subject Id、およびSubject Type が必須です。

INSERT INTO Notes (Body, SubjectId, SubjectType) VALUES ('my note', 149760370, 'Companies') 


既存のNote を更新するには、そのId を指定する必要があります。

UPDATE NOTES SET Body = 'updated note' WHERE Id = 499468019


既存のNote を削除するには、そのId を指定する必要があります。



Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

The unique identifier of the note.

Title String True

The title of the note.

Body String False

The body of the note.

AuthorId Integer True

The Id of the author of the note.

SubjectId Integer True

The Id of the subject of the note. This can be a reference to a person, company, case, or deal.

SubjectType String True

The subject type of the note: person, company, case, or deal.

SubjectName String True

The subject name of the note.

CollectionId Integer True

The Id of the collection associated with the note.

CollectionType String True

The type of the collection associated with the note.

VisibleTo String True

Who the note is visible to: Everyone, Owner, or NamedGroup.

OwnerId Integer True

The Id of the owner associated with the note.

GroupId Integer True

The Id of the group associated with the note.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the note was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the note was last updated.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963