Power BI Connector for SendGrid

Build 24.0.8963


Query Email Activities in SendGrid.

NOTE: If you want access to Email activities, you must purchase the Email Activity History add-in of SendGrid. If using a Restricted Access key, you must give it the messages.read and email_activity.read scopes.

View-Specific Information


The connector will use the SendGrid API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

Note: The API will return only 1000 records. Please choose from the available filters to restrict the search.

  • Id supports the '=,IN' comparisons.
  • Status supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • Subject supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • FromEmail supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • ToEmail supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • Clicks supports the '>,<,<=,>=,=,!=' comparisons.
  • LastEventTime supports the '>=, <=, BETWEEN' comparisons.
  • ApiKeyId supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • AsmGroupId supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • MarketingCampaignId supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • MarketingCampaignName supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • OriginatingIp supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • OutboundIp supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • Teammate supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • TemplateId supports the '=,!=,LIKE,NOT LIKE' comparisons.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:


SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE Id = '1234'

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE Id IN ('1234', '4567')

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE Status = 'not_delivered'

SELECT * FROM Messages WHERE LastEventTime BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-01-15'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The Id of the message.
Status String Status of the email.
Subject String Subject of the email.
FromEmail String The email of the sender.
ToEmail String The email of the receiver.
ClicksCount Integer The number of clicks.
OpensCount Integer The number of times that the email was opened.
LastEventTime Datetime The datetime of the event.
ApiKeyId String Id of the API Key.
AsmGroupId String ASM Group Id.
MarketingCampaignId String The id of the marketing campaign.
MarketingCampaignName String The name of the marketing campaign.
MarketingCampaignSplitId String Split id of the campaign.
MarketingCampaignVersion String Version of the campaign.
OriginatingIp String This is the IP address of the person sending the message
OutboundIp String This is the SendGrid dedicated IP address used to send the email
OutboundIpType String The type of the outbound IP.
Teammate String Username of the teammate.
TemplateId String Template ID of the email.
Events String List of events related to email message in SendGrid.

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Build 24.0.8963