SSIS Components for SendGrid

Build 24.0.8963


Query Subuser Statistics in SendGrid.



SubuserName でフィルタリングすると、特定のサブユーザーの統計情報を取得できます。

SELECT * FROM SubuserStats WHERE SubuserName = 'Example'

日付でフィルタをかけることもできます。このカラムでは=、>=、<=、<、および> 演算子がサポートされています。指定しない場合は、過去1年間のデフォルト期間が適用されます。

SELECT * FROM SubuserStats WHERE SubuserName = 'News' AND Date > '2016-01-01' AND Date < '2016-01-30'


Name Type References Description
Date Datetime The time the subuser statistic was created.
Blocks Integer The number of emails that were not allowed to be delivered by ISPs.
Drops Integer The number of emails automatically dropped because they appear on one of the suppression lists.
Bounces Integer The number of emails that bounced instead of being delivered.
Clicks Integer The number of links that were clicked in the emails from this subuser.
Deferred Integer The number of emails temporarily refused by the receiving server.
Delivered Integer The number of emails from this subsuer that were confirmed delivered.
InvalidEmails Integer The number of emails with a malformed address or reported as invalid by the receiving server.
Opens Integer The number of times emails from this subuser were opened by recipients.
Processed Integer The number of emails pushed to SendGrid by this subuser.
Requests Integer The number of emails that you requested to send via SendGrid from this subuser.
SpamReportDrops Integer The number of emails automatically dropped because the emails were marked as spam by the recipients.
SpamReports Integer The number of emails from this subuser that were marked as spam by recipients.
UniqueClicks Integer The number of unique recipients who clicked on links in your emails from this subuser.
UniqueOpens Integer The number of unique recipients who opened your emails from this subuser.
UnsubscribeDrops Integer The number of emails from this subuser dropped by SendGrid because the recipients unsubscribed from your emails.
Unsubscribes Integer The number of recipients who unsubscribed from your emails from this subuser.
SubuserName String The name of the statistic.
Type String The type of the statistic.

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Build 24.0.8963