SSIS Components for SendGrid

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query the available New Marketing Campaign Single Sends in SendGrid.


NMC は、New Marketing Campaign の略です。


このテーブルはId によるフィルタのみをサポートしています。唯一可能なSELECT クエリは次のとおりです。

SELECT * FROM NMCSingleSends WHERE Id = '148825'



INSERT INTO NMCSingleSends (Name) VALUES ('SingleSend Name')


Id を指定してNMCSingleSends を更新することができます。

UPDATE NMCSingleSends SET Name = 'SingleSend Updated' WHERE Id = 1310789


Id を指定することでNMCSingleSends から削除できます。

DELETE FROM NMCSingleSends WHERE Id = 1310789


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

The Id of the single send.

Name String False

The name of the single send.

Categories String False

The name of the single send.

Status String False

The status of the single send.

CreatedAt String True

The created timestamp of the single send.

UpdatedAt String True

The updated timestamp of the single send.

IsABTest Boolean False

Indicator showing if the single send is an AB Test.

SendAt Datetime False

The ISO 8601 time at which to send the single send.

EmailConfigCustomUnsubscribeUrl String False

The URL allowing recipients to unsubscribe.

EmailConfigEditor String False

The editor, design or code, used to modify the Single Send's design in the Marketing Campaigns application user interface. This is populated only when Id is specified.

EmailConfigGeneratePlainContent Boolean False

If this property is set to true, plain_content is always generated from html_content. If it's set to false, plain_content is not altered. This is populated only when Id is specified.

EmailConfigHtmlContent String False

The HTML content of the Single Send. This property is not used when a design_id value is set. This is populated only when Id is specified.

EmailConfigIpPool String False

The name of the IP Pool from which the Single Send emails are sent. This is populated only when Id is specified.

EmailConfigPlainContent String False

The plain text content of the Single Send. This is populated only when Id is specified.

EmailConfigSenderId Integer False

The ID of the verified sender from whom the Single Send will be sent. This is populated only when Id is specified.

EmailConfigSubject String False

The subject line of the Single Send. This is populated only when Id is specified.

EmailConfigSuppressionGroupId Integer False

The ID of the Suppression Group to allow recipients to unsubscribe. This is populated only when Id is specified.

SendToListIds String False

The IDs of each contact list to which the Single Send will be sent. This is populated only when Id is specified.

SendToSegmentIds String False

The IDs of each segment to which the Single Send will be sent. This is populated only when Id is specified.

SendToAll Boolean False

If this property is set to true, the Single Send will be sent to all of your contacts. This is populated only when Id is specified.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963