SSIS Components for SendGrid

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query Alerts in SendGrid.



このテーブルはId によるフィルタのみをサポートしています。唯一可能なSELECT クエリは次のとおりです。

SELECT * FROM Alerts WHERE Id = '148825'


Stats Notification の挿入には、次のカラムが必須です:Type、EmailTo、Frequency。

INSERT INTO Alerts (Type, EmailTo, Frequency) VALUES ('stats_notification', '[email protected]', 'daily')

Usage Limit の挿入には、次のカラムが必須です:Type、EmailTo、Percentage。

INSERT INTO Alerts (Type, EmailTo, Percentage) VALUES ('usage_limit', '[email protected]', 20)


Id を指定することでEmailTo を更新できます。

UPDATE Alerts SET EmailTo = '[email protected]' WHERE Id = 1310789


Id を指定することでAlerts から削除できます。

DELETE FROM Alerts WHERE Id = 1310789


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Integer False

The ID of the alert.

CreatedAt Datetime True

Date when the alert was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

Date when the alert was updated.

EmailTo String False

The email address that the alert will be sent to.

Percentage Integer False

The email address that the alert will be sent to.

Type String False

The type of alert. Allowed values (usage_limit, stats_notification).

Frequency String False

If the alert is of type stats_notification, this indicates how frequently the stats notifications will be sent.(daily, weekly, monthly).

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Build 24.0.8963