JDBC Driver for SendGrid

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query Marketing Campaigns in SendGrid.

Table-Specific Information


This table only supports filtering by Id. The following are the only possible SELECT queries:

SELECT * FROM MarketingCampaigns
SELECT * FROM MarketingCampaigns WHERE Id = '1'


The following columns are required in an insert: Title, Subject, SenderId, ListIds, SegmentIds, Categories, SuppressionGroupId, HtmlContent, and PlainContent.

Note that a CustomUnsubscribeUrl can be used in place of a SuppressionGroupId. However, SendGrid highly recommends to use SuppressionGroupId.

Use the check points below to find the SenderId and SuppressionGroupId inputs:

  • To find the SenderId, navigate to Marketing -> MarketingCampaigns -> Senders. Create a new sender if you do not have one already. Then click the gear on the Action column and select Edit. The Id is displayed on the navigation bar after /senders/id.
  • To find the SuppressionGroupId, insert into the UnsubscribeGroups table; the created Id is the SuppressionGroupId.

INSERT INTO MarketingCampaigns (Title, Subject, SenderId, ListIds, Categories, SuppressionGroupId, HtmlContent, PlainContent) VALUES ('Test Campaign', 'March Newsletter', '123', '1,2', 'fruits, health', '12', '<b>Eat Healthy</b>', 'Eat healthy')


You can only update MarketingCampaigns by specifying an Id.

UPDATE MarketingCampaigns SET PlainContent = 'Eat healthier' WHERE Id = '123'


You can only delete from MarketingCampaigns by specifying an Id.

DELETE FROM MarketingCampaigns WHERE Id = '123'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

The Id of the marketing campaign.

Title String False

The title of the marketing campaign.

Subject String False

The subject of the marketing campaign.

SenderId Integer False

The sender Ids of the marketing campaign, separated by a comma.

ListIds String False

The list of list Ids of the marketing campaign, separated by a comma.

SegmentIds String False

The list of segment Ids of the marketing campaign, separated by a comma.

Categories String False

The categories of the marketing campaign.

SuppressionGroupId Integer False

The suppression group Id of the marketing campaign.

CustomUnsubscribeUrl String False

The custom unsubscribe URL of the marketing campaign.

IpPool String False

The IP pool of the marketing campaign.

HtmlContent String False

The HTML content of the marketing campaign.

PlainContent String False

The content of the marketing campaign.

Status String True

The status of the marketing campaign.

Editor String False

The editor used in the UI.

The allowed values are code, design.

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Build 24.0.8963