ODBC Driver for SendGrid

Build 22.0.8462


Download Marketing Campaign Stats for Automations

Stored Procedure Specific Information

The DownloadCampaignAutomationStats Stored Procedure requires CampaignID and the DownloadTo parameters to download the campaign automation stats in specific folder.

For Example:

EXEC DownloadCampaignAutomationStats Campaignid= 3091688, DownloadTo= 'C:\dev\tests\v20\ProviderSendGrid\'


Name Type Required Accepts Output Streams Description
CampaignID String True False Comma seperated list of campaignIds.
Timezone String False False TimeZone of the location.
DownloadTo String False False Where to store the file.
Encoding String False False The FileData input encoding type.

The allowed values are NONE, BASE64.

The default value is BASE64.

FileStream String False True An instance of an output stream where file data is written to. Only used if DownloadTo is not provided.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success String Whether or not the campaign was downloaded successfully.
FileData String If the DownloadTo and FileStream are not provided, this contains the content of the file.

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Build 22.0.8462