The CData Sync App provides a straightforward way to continuously pipeline your eBay data to any database, data lake, or data warehouse, making it easily available for Analytics, Reporting, AI, and Machine Learning.
The eBay connector can be used from the CData Sync application to pull data from eBay and move it to any of the supported destinations.
The Sync App allows a relational view of entities from the Trading, FileTransfer, BulkData, Feedback, and Merchandising APIs.
For required properties, see the Settings tab.
For connection properties that are not typically required, see the Advanced tab.
Set the following to connect to eBay:
The Sync App can authenticate to eBay using either the OAuth 2.0 authentication standard or Auth'n'Auth, the traditional authentication used by the eBay APIs.
Set AuthScheme to OAuth.
The Sync App can authenticate using eBay's legacy Auth'n'Auth protocol. Select this authentication scheme if you're using an older application that was built to use Auth'n'Auth.
Set AuthScheme to AuthNAuth.
You need to create a custom OAuth application. See Creating a Custom OAuth App for more information.
An OAuthAccessToken is required when authenticating via Auth'n'Auth. Set the following connection properties to obtain the OAuthAccessToken:
Then call stored procedures to complete the token exchange:
Call the GetOAuthAuthorizationURL stored procedure. Set the RuName input to the eBay Redirect URL you specified in your app settings. The stored procedure returns the URL to the OAuth endpoint.
Set the following connection properties to connect to data:
Note: Auth'n'Auth tokens expire after 18 months. You will need to generate a new token after the token expires.
This section details a selection of advanced features of the eBay Sync App.
The Sync App supports the use of user defined views, virtual tables whose contents are decided by a pre-configured user defined query. These views are useful when you cannot directly control queries being issued to the drivers. For an overview of creating and configuring custom views, see User Defined Views .
Use SSL Configuration to adjust how Sync App handles TLS/SSL certificate negotiations. You can choose from various certificate formats;. For further information, see the SSLServerCert property under "Connection String Options" .
Configure the Sync App for compliance with Firewall and Proxy, including Windows proxies and HTTP proxies. You can also set up tunnel connections.
For further information, see Query Processing.
By default, the Sync App attempts to negotiate TLS with the server. The server certificate is validated against the default system trusted certificate store. You can override how the certificate gets validated using the SSLServerCert connection property.
To specify another certificate, see the SSLServerCert connection property.
To authenticate to an HTTP proxy, set the following:
Set the following properties:
The CData Sync App models entities in the eBay API as tables, views, and stored procedures. These are defined in schema files, which are simple, text-based configuration files.
API limitations and requirements are documented in this section; you can use the SupportEnhancedSQL feature, set by default, to circumvent most of these limitations.
Note: If you're using the Auth'n'Auth authentication scheme, there are some tables and views you cannot access. See AuthNAuth Limitations for a list of these limitations.
The CData Sync App models Item Listings in tables so that they can be easily queried, updated, and deleted. You can list items on your eBay store by calling the AddItem stored procedure.
Views are tables that cannot be modified. Typically, read-only data are shown as views.
Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to the data source. They can be used to search, update, and modify information in the data source.
If you use the Auth'n'Auth authentication scheme, the following tables/views are Unavailable:
The Sync App models the data in eBay as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Name | Description |
ItemListing | Update, delete, and query Item Listings for sellers. |
ItemVariations | Item Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price listing. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand that vary by color and size; each variation would specify a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. You can buy multiple items from one variation at the same time. (That is, one order line item can contain multiple items from a single variation.) |
Tasks | Retrieves all the tasks for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter. |
Update, delete, and query Item Listings for sellers.
The following query retrieves seller items. By default this query returns items that were added in the last 100 days.
SELECT * FROM ItemListing
ItemListing is the only table that supports ORDER BY. Only two columns can be used for ordering: StartTime and EndTime. The following query retrieves items that end between the specified time, ordered by the item ending soonest.
SELECT * FROM ItemListing WHERE EndTimeFrom = '2016-01-25' AND EndTimeTo = '2016-02-05' ORDER BY EndTime
The AddItem stored procedure provides the functionality to add a new item.
The inputs that are required for an update depend on the type of the item and its category. At least the ItemId and one property of the item must be provided in an update.
UPDATE ItemListing SET Title = 'My Awesome Item' WHERE ItemId = '123456789'After one item in a multiquantity listing has been sold, sellers cannot change the values in the Title, Primary Category, Secondary Category, Listing Duration, and Listing Type fields. However, all other fields are still editable.
The ItemId and EndingReason must be specified to delete an item.
DELETE FROM ItemListing WHERE ItemId = '123456789' AND EndingReason = 'LostOrBroken'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | String | False |
The Id that uniquely identifies the item listing. The Id is generated by eBay after an item is listed. You cannot choose or revise this value. |
Title | String | False |
Name of the item as it appears in the listing or search results. |
AutoPay | Boolean | False |
If true, the seller requests immediate payment for the item. |
BuyerProtection | String | False |
Flag to indicate the eligibility of an item for the PayPal Buyer Protection program. |
BuyItNowPrice | Decimal | False |
This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a Buy It Now price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. |
ConditionDescription | String | False |
This string field is used by the seller to more clearly describe the condition of items that are not brand new. |
Country | String | False |
Defines the 2-letter ISO 3166 country code. |
Currency | String | False |
Currency associated with the price information of the item. 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the item by the seller. In listing requests, you can use CDATA tags to submit your description if you want to use HTML or XML-reserved characters in the description. |
HideFromSearch | Boolean | False |
Whether the listing is hidden from all searches occurring on eBay. |
HitCount | Integer | False |
The number of page views for the item. |
Adult | Boolean | False |
If true, the item is listed in a Mature category. |
BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice | Decimal | False |
The price at which Best Offers are automatically accepted. Similar in use to MinimumBestOfferPrice. |
CheckoutEnabled | Boolean | False |
This flag indicates whether or not the Checkout Enabled preference of the seller is turned on (at account level or at listing level). |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
The StartTime for when the item was listed. |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration), or the actual end time if the item has ended. |
MinimumBestOfferPrice | Decimal | False |
Specifies the minimum acceptable Best Offer price. If a buyer submits a Best Offer that is below this value, the offer is automatically declined by the seller. |
ViewItemURL | String | False |
The URL of the Web page where a user can view the listing. On the U.S. site, this is called the View Item page. |
ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch | String | False |
This URL takes you to the same View Item page as ViewItemURL, but this URL is optimized to support natural search. That is, this URL is designed to make items on eBay easier to find via popular Internet search engines. |
ListingDuration | String | False |
Describes the number of days the seller wants the listing to be active (available for bidding/buying). |
ListingType | String | False |
The format of the listing the seller wants to use, such as Chinese auction or fixed price. |
Location | String | False |
Indicates the geographical location of the item (along with Country). When you revise a listing, you can add or change this value only if the listing has no bids (or no items have sold), and it does not end within 12 hours. |
CategoryId | String | False |
Category Id for the first (or only) category in which the item is listed (or will be listed, if the item is new). |
CategoryName | String | False |
This string value is the display name of the eBay primary category, as it would appear on the eBay website. |
PrivateListing | Boolean | False |
If true, designates the listing as private. |
Quantity | Integer | False |
The meaning of this value depends on the context. |
QuantityAvailableHint | String | False |
Indicates the type of message that will be returned describing the quantity available for the item. |
QuantityThreshold | Integer | False |
The quantity threshold above which the seller prefers not to show the actual quantity available. |
ReservePrice | Decimal | False |
The lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell the item. |
Refund | String | False |
Display string that buyer applications can use to present RefundOption in a more user-friendly format to buyers. |
RefundOption | String | False |
Indicates how the seller will compensate the buyer for a returned item. |
ReturnsAccepted | String | False |
Display string that buyer applications can use to present ReturnsAcceptedOption in a more user-friendly format to buyers. |
ReturnsAcceptedOption | String | False |
Indicates whether the seller allows the buyer to return the item. One of the following values: ReturnsAccepted or ReturnsNotAccepted. If you specify ReturnsNotAccepted, the View Item page will indicate that returns are not accepted instead. |
ReturnsWithin | String | False |
Display string that buyer applications can use to present ReturnsWithinOption in a more user-friendly format to buyers. |
ReturnsWithinOption | String | False |
The buyer can return the item within this period of time from the day they receive the item. |
ShippingCostPaidBy | String | False |
Display string that buyer applications can use to present ShippingCostPaidByOption in a more user-friendly format to buyers. |
ShippingCostPaidByOption | String | False |
The party who pays the shipping cost for a returned item. |
ItemRevised | Boolean | False |
This field is returned as true if the original listing has been revised. |
SellerName | String | False |
The name of the seller. This field is used as part of the address. |
CurrentPrice | Decimal | False |
The current price of the item in the original listing currency. |
ListingStatus | String | False |
Specifies an active or ended listing status in the processing workflow. |
PromotionalEndTime | Datetime | False |
End time of a discount for an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature. |
PromotionalOriginalPrice | Decimal | False |
Original price of an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature. |
PromotionalStartTime | Datetime | False |
Start time of a discount for an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature. |
QuantitySold | Integer | False |
The total number of items purchased so far in the lifetime of the listing. Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available. |
ReserveMet | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether the reserve price has been met for the listing. Returns true if the reserve price was met or no reserve price was specified. |
SecondChanceEligible | Boolean | False |
Part of the Second Chance Offer feature, which indicates whether the seller can extend a second chance offer for the item. |
Site | String | False |
The name of the site on which the item is listed. |
SKU | String | False |
A SKU (stock keeping unit) is an identifier defined by a seller. |
StartPrice | Decimal | False |
The original price of the item at listing or relisting time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price. |
TimeLeft | String | False |
Time left before the listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS). |
TotalQuestionCount | Integer | False |
The number of questions asked about this item. Applies to eBay Motors Pro applications only. |
WatchCount | Integer | False |
The number of watches placed on this item from the My eBay accounts of the buyers. |
StoreCategoryId | Long | False |
Unique identifier of a primary custom category in which to list the item. |
StoreCategoryId2 | Long | False |
Unique identifier for the secondary custom category in which to list the item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AdminEndedItemsOnly | String |
Specifies whether to return only items that were administratively ended based on a policy violation. |
EndTimeFrom | Datetime |
Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time. Specify either an end-time range or a start-time range filter. Each of the time ranges must be a value less than 120 days. |
EndTimeTo | Datetime |
Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time. Specify either an end-time range or a start-time range filter. Each of the time ranges must be a value less than 120 days. |
GranularityLevel | String |
Specifies the subset of item and user fields to return. |
StartTimeFrom | Datetime |
Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item start time. |
StartTimeTo | Datetime |
Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item start time. Must be specified if StartTimeFrom is specified. |
UserId | String |
Specifies the seller whose items will be returned. UserId is an optional input. If not specified, retrieves listings for the user identified by the authentication token passed in the request. |
DetailLevel | String |
Detail levels are instructions that define standard subsets of data to return for particular tables. The allowed values are ReturnAll. |
EndingReason | String |
Indicates the reason the seller ended the listing early. |
Item Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a single fixed-price listing. For example, a T-shirt listing could contain multiple items of the same brand that vary by color and size; each variation would specify a combination of one of these colors and sizes. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. You can buy multiple items from one variation at the same time. (That is, one order line item can contain multiple items from a single variation.)
An item Id must be specified to get variations for the item which this Id represents.
SELECT * FROM ItemVariations WHERE ItemId = '110187147205'
The fields which are required for insert are ItemId, VariationSpecificsAggregate, StartPrice, and Quantity. VariationSpecificsAggregate should contain variation specifics structured in XML format.
For instance, the following VariationSpecificsAggregate adds a large blue item:
<NameValueList> <Name>Color</Name> <Value>Blue</Value> </NameValueList> <NameValueList> <Name>Size</Name> <Value>L</Value> </NameValueList>
The following query adds a variation of a large blue item with a StartPrice of 15 and a Quantity of 100.
INSERT INTO ItemVariations (ItemId, VariationSpecificsAggregate, Quantity, StartPrice) VALUES ('110188946596', '<NameValueList><Name>Color</Name><Value>Blue</Value></NameValueList><NameValueList><Name>Size</Name><Value>L</Value></NameValueList>', '100', '15')
ItemId and VariationSpecificsAggregate are required for updating a variation. Optionally other details can be provided for variations, like StartPrice and Quantity.
VariationSpecificsAggregate should be in XML format and should contain all specifics which identify a variation.
UPDATE ItemVariations SET Quantity = '5' WHERE ItemId = '110188946596' AND VariationSpecificsAggregate = '<NameValueList><Name>Color</Name><Value>Blue</Value></NameValueList><NameValueList><Name>Size</Name><Value>L</Value></NameValueList>'
ItemId and VariationSpecificsAggregate are required for deleting a variation.
DELETE FROM ItemVariations WHERE ItemId = '110188946596' AND VariationSpecificsAggregate = '<NameValueList><Name>Color</Name><Value>Blue</Value></NameValueList><NameValueList><Name>Size</Name><Value>L</Value></NameValueList>'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | String | False |
The Id that uniquely identifies the item listing. The Id is generated by eBay after an item is listed. You cannot choose or revise this value. |
VariationSpecificsAggregate [KEY] | String | False |
A list of name/value pairs that uniquely identify the variation within the listing. All variations must specify the same set of names. For example, if the items vary by color and size, then every variation must specify Color and Size as names, and no two variations can specify the same combination of color and size values. |
StartPrice | Decimal | False |
The price of the item at listing or relisting time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes this price. |
Currency | String | False |
Currency associated with the price information of the item. 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Quantity | Integer | False |
This value indicates the quantity of items in the specific variation that are available for purchase. |
QuantitySold | Integer | False |
The total number of items purchased so far. Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available. |
SKU | String | False |
A SKU (stock keeping unit) is an identifier defined by a seller. It is only intended for the use of the seller (not for buyers). |
EAN | String | False |
This field is used if the seller wishes to identify each product variation within a multivariation listing by an EAN (European Article Number) value. |
ISBN | String | False |
This field is used if the seller wishes to identify each product variation within a multivariation listing by an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) value. |
UPC | String | False |
This field is used if the seller wishes to identify each product variation within a multivariation listing by a UPC (Universal Product Code) value. |
ListingStatus | String | False |
Specifies a listing with an active or ended status in the eBay processing workflow. |
Retrieves all the tasks for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter.
FeedType is required filter in the Select query. You can follow the query below to obtain the required values through SQL:
Some of the fields are named with the suffix Aggr. These fields display the content of the JSON tag with the same name that is returned from the API endpoint.
FeedType, MarketplaceID and SchemaVersion are required in the Insert query. You can follow the query below to obtain the required values through SQL:
INSERT INTO [Tasks] (FeedType, MarketplaceID, SchemaVersion) VALUES ('LMS_ADD_ITEM', 'EBAY_US', '1149')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
TaskId [KEY] | String | True |
The ID of the task that was submitted in the request. |
Status | String | True |
The enumeration value that indicates the state of the task that was submitted in the request. |
FeedType | String | False |
The feed type associated with the task. |
CreationDate | Datetime | True |
The date the task was created. |
UploadSummaryAggr | String | True |
This container provides summary information on an upload feed (not applicable for download feed types). |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
MarketplaceID | String |
MarketplaceID of your Ebay account. |
SchemaVersion | String |
The schema version number associated with the task. |
Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
Name | Description |
Bidders | Query eBay users that bid on a specified listing, regardless of whether the listing has ended. |
Categories | Query eBay Categories. |
CategoryFeatures | Query the settings supported by eBay Categories. |
CategorySubtree | Retrieve all nodes of the category tree hierarchy (the subtree) below a specified category in a specified category tree. |
CategorySuggestions | Return an array of suggested categories that eBay has determined correspond to keywords that describe an item. |
CategoryTree | Retrieve the complete category tree corresponding to a specified category tree ID. |
CompatibilityProperties | Retrieve an array of parts compatibility aspects that are used to describe compatible vehicles. |
CompatibilityPropertyValues | Retrieve an array of parts compatibility aspect values that are used to describe compatible vehicles. |
Countries | Lists the country code and associated name of the countries supported by the eBay system, regardless of the site specified in the request. |
Currencies | Query the supported Currencies in eBay. |
DefaultCategoryTreeId | Retrieve the default category tree reference for a specific eBay marketplace. |
FulfillmentPolicies | Retrieves all the fulfillment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter. |
HighestBidder | Query the Highest Bidder of the eBay users who bid on a specified listing, regardless of whether the listing has ended. |
ItemAspectsForCategory | Retrieve an array of aspects that are appropriate for describing items in a specified category. |
ItemCompatibilityList | Query compatability categories and possible compatability values for a specific item. |
ItemShipping | Query details pertinent to one or more items for which calculated shipping has been offered by the seller, such as package dimension, weight, and packaging/handling costs. |
ItemSpecifics | Query item specifics for a specific item. |
ItemTransactions | Query order line item (transaction) information for a specified listing. For auction listings, order line items are not created until the auction ends with a winning bidder, or if the Buy It Now feature is enabled for the listing and used by the buyer to purchase the item. For fixed-price listings, order line items are created after a buyer has committed to purchase the item(s). |
MostWatchedItems | Query items with the highest watch counts for the entire site or for a specific category. The top items are determined by the Watch Count totals from the preceding day. Ranking of the Most Watched Items is calculated with the latest Watch Count information. |
OrderPayments | Query all payments of the orders, in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only payment details of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Payment details of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId. |
Orders | Query all orders in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId. |
OrderShipping | Query shipping details of the orders in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only shipping details of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Shipping details of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId. |
PaymentPolicies | Retrieves all the payment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter. |
ReturnPolicies | Retrieves all the return policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter. |
ShippingCarriers | Query Shipping Carriers supported by the specified site. |
ShippingCategories | A shipping service category supported for the site. |
ShippingLocations | Lists the regions and locations supported by eBay's shipping services. Returns all shipping locations supported by eBay, regardless of the site specified in the request. |
ShippingServices | Query Shipping Services supported by the specified eBay site. |
Sites | Lists all available eBay sites and their associated SiteID numbers. |
SuggestedCategories | Query eBay list of categories with the highest number of listings. |
TopSellingProducts | Query your eBay Top Selling Products. |
TransactionLinkedItems | Query all linked line items of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only linked line items of transactions made in the last 90 days are returned. Linked line items of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds. |
TransactionPayments | Query all payments of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only payments of transactions made in the last 90 days are returned. Payments of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds. |
TransactionRefunds | Query all refunds of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only refunds of transactions made in the last 90 days are returned. Refunds of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds. |
Transactions | Query all transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only transactions of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Transactions of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId. |
TransactionShipping | Query shipping details of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only shipping details of transaction made in the last 90 days are returned. Shipping details of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds. |
Query eBay users that bid on a specified listing, regardless of whether the listing has ended.
The only supported columns for filtering are ItemId and ListMode. An ItemId must be specified for retrieving data from this view.
SELECT * FROM Bidders WHERE ItemId = '1234567'
SELECT * FROM Bidders WHERE ItemId = '1234567' AND ListMode = 'EndedListing'
Name | Type | Description |
Action | String | Indicates the type of offer being made on the specified listing. |
MaxBid | Decimal | Amount of the offer placed. For auction listings, the amount bid on the item (subject to outbid by other buyers). For fixed-price listings, the fixed sale price at which the item is purchased. For auction listings with an active Buy It Now option, this amount will be either the Buy It Now price for purchase or the amount of a bid, depending on the offer type. |
Currency | String | The three-digit currency code for the Max Bid. |
ConvertedPrice | Decimal | The price in the currency specified. |
ConvertedPriceCurrency | String | The three-digit currency Id of the converted price. |
HighestBid | Decimal | Amount the highest bidder has bid on the item. Applicable to only auction listings where there is progressive bidding and winning bidders are determined based on the highest bid. |
HighestBidCurrency | String | The three-digit currency code for the highest bid. |
Quantity | Integer | Specifies the number of items the user tendering the offer intends to purchase, bid on, or make a Best Offer on. |
SecondChanceEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether user is willing to be the recipient of second chance offers. |
SiteCurrency | String | Unique Id identifying the currency in which the localized offer amounts are expressed. |
TimeBid | Datetime | Date and time the offer or bid was placed. |
UserId | String | Unique eBay user Id for the user. |
UserCountry | String | The two-digit code representing the country of the user. |
UserFeedbackScore | Integer | The aggregate feedback score for a user. A feedback score for a user is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user. |
ItemId | String | The Id of the item. The bidders who bid on this item are returned. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ListMode | String | Specifies which bidder information to return. EndedListing returns all nonwinning bidders for ended listings only. It can be used only by a seller. SecondChanceEligibleEndedListing returns all nonwinning bidders for an ended listing who have not yet received a Second Chance Offer and noted interest in receiving a Second Chance Offer. It can be used only by a seller. ViewAll returns all bidders for an ended or still-active listing. It can be used by any user.
The allowed values are EndedListing, SecondChanceEligibleEndedListing, ViewAll. |
Query eBay Categories.
The only columns supported for filtering are CategorySiteId, LevelLimit, and CategoryParentId.
SELECT * FROM Categories.You can return more information about a specific category and its subcategories with the following query:
SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE LevelLimit = '2' AND CategoryParent = '267'
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryId [KEY] | String | This string value is the unique identifier of an eBay category. |
AutoPayEnabled | Boolean | Specifies that the corresponding category supports immediate payment for listings. |
B2BVATEnabled | Boolean | Specifies that the corresponding category supports business-to-business (B2B) VAT listings. This feature is applicable to the eBay Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and Switzerland (CH) sites only. |
BestOfferEnabled | Boolean | Specifies that the corresponding category supports Best Offers. |
CategoryLevel | Integer | This integer value indicates the level where the category fits in the category hierarchy of the eBay site. For example, if this field has a value of 2, then the category is two levels below the root category. |
CategoryName | String | This string value is the display name of the eBay primary category, as it would appear on the eBay website. |
CategoryParentId | String | This string value is the category Id of the parent category of the primary category indicated in the CategoryId field. |
Expired | Boolean | Specifies that the corresponding category is no longer a valid eBay category on the site, and items may not be listed in this category. |
LeafCategory | Boolean | Specifies that the corresponding category is an eBay leaf category, a category in which items may be listed. |
LSD | Boolean | Lot Size Disabled. Specifies that the corresponding category does not support lot listings. A lot listing is a listing that features multiple related items that must be purchased by one buyer in one transaction. |
ORPA | Boolean | Override Reserve Price Allowed: Specifies that the corresponding category is an exception to the standard Reserve Price policy on auction listings for the eBay site. |
ORRA | Boolean | Override Reduce Reserve Allowed: Specifies that the corresponding category is an exception to the standard Reduce Reserve Price (on active auction listing) policy. |
Virtual | Boolean | Specifies that the corresponding category is an eBay virtual category, a category in which items may not be listed. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategorySiteId | String | The Id of the U.S. eBay site for the category. |
LevelLimit | String | Specifies the maximum depth of the category hierarchy to retrieve, where the top-level categories (metacategories) are at level 1. If not specified, categories are retrieved at all applicable levels. |
ViewAllNodes | String | This value controls whether all eBay categories or only leaf categories that satisfy any WHERE clause restrictions are returned. You can only list items in leaf categories. The default value is true. |
DetailLevel | String | Detail levels are instructions that define subsets of data to return for particular tables. Possible values: ItemReturnAttributes, ItemReturnCategories, ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll, ReturnHeaders, ReturnMessages, and ReturnSummary. |
Query the settings supported by eBay Categories.
The only columns supported for filtering are CategoryId, LevelLimit, AllFeaturesForCategory, and FeatureId. If no CategoryId is specified , all features for top level categories will be returned.
SELECT * FROM CategoryFeatures WHERE LevelLimit = '2' AND CategoryId = '277'
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryId | String | The unique identifier of the category that the setting belongs to. |
BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer Automatic Accept feature for fixed-price listings. |
BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer Auto Decline feature. |
BestOfferCounterEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports sellers offering a counter offer against the Best Offer from a buyer, or a buyer offering a counter offer against the counter offer of the seller. This field is only applicable to fixed-price listings. |
BestOfferEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer feature for fixed-price listings. |
BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports the capability to identify a product using the brand/manufacturer part number combination. |
ConditionEnabled | String | Indicates whether the category supports (or requires) conditions to be specified. |
ConditionValuesAggregate | String | The valid condition Ids for this category. |
EANEnabled | String | Indicates whether or not European Article Numbers (EANs) can be used to help create a listing. |
FreeGalleryPlusEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports free, automatic upgrades for Gallery Plus, which enhances pictures in search results. |
FreePicturePackEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports free, automatic upgrades for Picture Pack, a discount package that includes super-sizing of pictures. |
GlobalShippingEnabled | Boolean | Specifies whether or not the corresponding category supports the Global Shipping Program (GSP). |
Group1MaxFlatShippingCost | Double | Returns the applicable max. cap per shipping cost for shipping service group 1. |
Group2MaxFlatShippingCost | Double | Returns the applicable max. cap per shipping cost for shipping service group 2. |
Group3MaxFlatShippingCost | Double | Returns the applicable max. cap per shipping cost for shipping service group 3. |
HandlingTimeEnabled | Boolean | If false, listings in this category require a handling time when flat or calculated shipping is specified. A handling time is not required for local pickup or for freight shipping. see DispatchTimeMax in AddItem. |
HomePageFeaturedEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether or not it is possible to enhance a listing by putting it into a rotation for display on a special area of the eBay home page. Support for this feature varies by site. Item or feedback restrictions may apply. |
INEscrowWorkflowTimeline | String | Indicates the escrow workflow version that applies to the category on the India site: Default Workflow, Workflow A, or Workflow B. |
ISBNEnabled | String | Indicates whether or not International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) can be used to help create a listing. |
ItemCompatibilityEnabled | String | Indicates whether the category supports parts compatibility by application (ByApplication), by specification (BySpecification), or not at all (Disabled). |
ItemSpecificsEnabled | String | Indicates whether the category supports custom Item Specifics. |
ListingDurations | String | The listing types and listing durations in days that are supported for the category. |
MaxFlatShippingCost | Double | The maximum cost the seller can charge for the first domestic flat rate shipping service. The total shipping cost is the base flat rate shipping cost plus the cost of insurance, if insurance is required. Mutually exclusive with GroupNMaxFlatShippingCost. |
MaxGranularFitmentCount | Integer | Indicates the maximum fitment count. |
MaxItemCompatibility | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of parts compatibilities. |
MinimumReservePrice | Double | Indicates whether a Minimum Reserve Price is enabled for this category. On the Germany, Austria, Belgium French, and Belgium Dutch sites, Minimum Reserve Price is supported for the Art and Antiques, Watches and Jewelry, and Motorbikes categories. |
MinItemCompatibility | Integer | This field specifies the minimum number of parts compatibilities for listing items. |
NonSubscription | String | The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller does not have a vehicle subscription. |
PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports the PaisaPayEscrow payment method. This feature is only applicable to the India site. |
PaymentMethods | String | Indicates the acceptable payment methods that can be used when adding, revising, or relisting an item in the corresponding category. |
PaymentProfileCategoryGroup | String | Indicates the Business Policies category group that can be used for Payment profiles. Only returned when this value (or the setting of this category) overrides the value inherited from the parent category. |
PayPalBuyerProtectionEnabled | Boolean | Whether then buyer protection is allowed for this category. |
PayPalRequired | Boolean | Indicates whether the category requires PayPal as a payment method. |
PickupDropOffEnabled | Boolean | A true value in this field indicates that items listed in the category can be enabled with the Click and Collect feature. With the Click and Collect feature, a buyer can purchase certain items on eBay and collect them at a local store. Buyers are notified by eBay once their items are available. |
PremiumSubscription | String | The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller has a Premium vehicle subscription. |
ProductCreationEnabled | String | Indicates whether a category supports (or requires) product creation in listings. Use this to determine whether it is mandatory to specify the product Id when adding, revising, or relisting. |
ProPackEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports the Pro Pack Bundle listing upgrade. |
ReturnPolicyEnabled | Boolean | Only returned when this value (or the setting of this category) overrides the value inherited from the parent of the category. |
ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup | String | Indicates the Business Policies category group that can be used for Return Policy profiles. Only returned when this value (or the setting of this category) overrides the value inherited from the parent of the category. |
RevisePriceAllowed | Boolean | Indicates if the category allows the seller to revise the price of a fixed-price listing. |
ReviseQuantityAllowed | Boolean | Indicates if the category allows the seller to revise the quantity of a multiquantity, active listing. |
SafePaymentRequired | Boolean | Indicates whether listings in this category need to have a safe payment method. |
SellerContactDetailsEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether this category supports seller-level contact information for Classified Ad listings. |
SellerProvidedTitleSupported | Boolean | This boolean field indicates whether a category supports Seller Provided Titles in listings. |
ShippingProfileCategoryGroup | String | Indicates the Business Policies category group that can be used for Shipping profiles. Only returned when this value (or the setting of this category) overrides the value inherited from the parent of the category. |
ShippingTermsRequired | Boolean | Indicates whether the category requires sellers to specify shipping details at listing time. |
SpecialitySubscription | String | The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller has a Specialty vehicle subscription. |
ListingDurationsAggregate | String | Provides additional listings durations that are available to eBay Store owners. The extended listing durations provided here in this element should be merged in with the baseline listing durations provided in the ListingDurations column. Applies to fixed-price Listings. |
TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled | Boolean | Defines if transaction confirmation requests are enabled in a given category. |
UPCEnabled | String | Indicates whether or not Universal Product Codes (UPCs) can be used to help create a listing. |
UserConsentRequired | Boolean | Indicates whether a bidder must consent to the bid by confirming that he or she read and agrees to the terms in the privacy policy of eBay. |
ValueCategory | Boolean | Some eBay sites may select a few categories and designate them as value categories. These are typically selected from categories where buyers can find great deals. This designation can change over time. |
ValuePackEnabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the category supports the Value Pack bundle listing upgrade. |
VariationsEnabled | Boolean | If true, you can create multiple-variation listings when you list a fixed-price item in this category. |
VINSupported | Boolean | Indicates if the category supports the use of the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) field to identify a motor vehicle and create a listing. VINs are supported on the US, Canada, Canada-French, and Australia sites. |
VRMSupported | Boolean | Indicates if the category supports the use of the VRM (Vehicle Registration Mark) field to identify a motor vehicle and create a listing. VRMs are only supported on the UK site. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AllFeaturesForCategory | String | Use this switch to view all of the feature settings for a specific category. All feature settings are returned, regardless of the site default settings. This element works in conjunction with CategoryId--refer to the notes for that element for more details. If you also set FeatureId, eBay returns the status of the specified features only for the specified category. Default: false. |
FeatureId | String | Use this field if you want to know if specific features are enabled at the site or root category level. Multiple FeatureId elements can be used in the request. |
LevelLimit | String | A level of depth in the category hierarchy. Retrieves all category nodes with a CategoryLevel less than or equal to the LevelLimit value. The root category is 0.
The allowed values are 1. |
ViewAllNodes | String | If set, eBay returns the site defaults along with all the categories that override the feature settings they inherit. That is, this column contains only the features that the category has overridden from its parent category. |
DetailLevel | String | Detail levels are instructions that define subsets of data to return for particular tables. Possible values: ItemReturnAttributes, ItemReturnCategories, ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll, ReturnHeaders, ReturnMessages, and ReturnSummary. |
Retrieve all nodes of the category tree hierarchy (the subtree) below a specified category in a specified category tree.
The Sync App will use the eBay API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The CategoryTreeId and CategoryId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM CategorySubtree WHERE CategoryTreeId = 0 AND CategoryId = 11450
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the eBay category tree to which this subtree belongs. |
categoryTreeVersion | String | The version of the category tree identified by categoryTreeId. |
categorySubtreeNode | String | Contains details of all nodes of the category subtree hierarchy below a specified node. This is a recursive structure. |
category | String | Contains details about the current category tree node. |
categoryName | String | The name of the category identified by categoryId. |
categoryTreeNodeLevel | Integer | The absolute level of the current category tree node in the hierarchy of its category tree. |
childCategoryTreeNodes | String | An array of one or more category tree nodes that are the immediate children of the current category tree node, as well as their children, recursively down to the leaf nodes. |
category | String | Contains details about the current category tree node. |
categoryName | String | The name of the category identified by categoryId. |
categoryTreeNodeLevel | Integer | The absolute level of the current category tree node in the hierarchy of its category tree. |
childCategoryTreeNodes | String | An array of one or more category tree nodes that are the immediate children of the current category tree node, as well as their children, recursively down to the leaf nodes. |
category | String | Contains details about the current category tree node. |
categoryName | String | The name of the category identified by categoryId. |
categoryTreeNodeLevel | Integer | The absolute level of the current category tree node in the hierarchy of its category tree. |
childCategoryTreeNodes | String | An array of one or more category tree nodes that are the immediate children of the current category tree node, as well as their children, recursively down to the leaf nodes. |
leafCategoryTreeNode | Boolean | A value of true indicates that the current category tree node is a leaf node (it has no child nodes). A value of false indicates that the current node has one or more child nodes, which are identified by the childCategoryTreeNodes array. |
parentCategoryTreeNodeHref | String | The href portion of the getCategorySubtree call that retrieves the subtree below the parent of this category tree node. |
leafCategoryTreeNode | Boolean | A value of true indicates that the current category tree node is a leaf node (it has no child nodes). A value of false indicates that the current node has one or more child nodes, which are identified by the childCategoryTreeNodes array. |
parentCategoryTreeNodeHref | String | The href portion of the getCategorySubtree call that retrieves the subtree below the parent of this category tree node. |
leafCategoryTreeNode | Boolean | A value of true indicates that the current category tree node is a leaf node (it has no child nodes). A value of false indicates that the current node has one or more child nodes, which are identified by the childCategoryTreeNodes array. |
parentCategoryTreeNodeHref | String | The href portion of the getCategorySubtree call that retrieves the subtree below the parent of this category tree node. |
CategoryId | String | The unique identifier of the category at the top of the subtree being requested. |
Return an array of suggested categories that eBay has determined correspond to keywords that describe an item.
The Sync App will use the eBay API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The CategoryTreeId and Q is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM CategorySuggestions WHERE CategoryTreeId = 0 AND Q = 'iphone'
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the eBay category tree from which suggestions are returned. |
categoryTreeVersion | String | The version of the category tree identified by categoryTreeId. |
categorySuggestions | String | Contains details about one or more suggested categories that correspond to the provided keywords. |
category | String | Contains details about the suggested category. |
categoryId | String | The unique identifier of the eBay category within its category tree. |
categoryName | String | The name of the category identified by categoryId. |
categoryTreeNodeAncestors | String | An ordered list of category references that describes the location of the suggested category in the specified category tree. |
categoryId | String | The unique identifier of the eBay ancestor category. |
categoryName | String | The name of the ancestor category identified by categoryId. |
categorySubtreeNodeHref | String | The href portion of the getCategorySubtree call that retrieves the subtree below the ancestor category node. |
categoryTreeNodeLevel | String | The absolute level of the ancestor category node in the hierarchy of its category tree. |
categoryTreeNodeLevel | Integer | The absolute level of the category tree node in the hierarchy of its category tree. |
relevancy | String | This field is reserved for internal or future use. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Q | String | A quoted string that describes or characterizes the item being offered for sale. |
Retrieve the complete category tree corresponding to a specified category tree ID.
The Sync App will use the eBay API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The CategoryTreeId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM CategoryTree WHERE CategoryTreeId = 0
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the eBay category tree for the specified marketplace. |
categoryTreeVersion | String | The version of the category tree identified by categoryTreeId. |
applicableMarketplaceIds | String | A list of one or more identifiers of the eBay marketplaces that use this category tree. |
rootCategoryNode | String | Contains details of all nodes of the category tree hierarchy, starting with the root node and down to the leaf nodes. |
category | String | Contains details about the current category tree node. |
categoryId | String | The unique identifier of the eBay category within its category tree. |
categoryName | String | The name of the category identified by categoryId. |
categoryTreeNodeLevel | Integer | The absolute level of the current category tree node in the hierarchy of its category tree. |
childCategoryTreeNodes | String | An array of one or more category tree nodes that are the immediate children of the current category tree node, as well as their children, recursively down to the leaf nodes. |
category | String | Contains details about the current category tree node. |
categoryId | String | The unique identifier of the eBay category within its category tree. |
categoryName | String | The name of the category identified by categoryId. |
categoryTreeNodeLevel | Integer | The absolute level of the current category tree node in the hierarchy of its category tree. |
childCategoryTreeNodes | String | An array of one or more category tree nodes that are the immediate children of the current category tree node, as well as their children, recursively down to the leaf nodes. |
category | String | Contains details about the current category tree node. |
categoryId | String | The unique identifier of the eBay category within its category tree. |
categoryName | String | The name of the category identified by categoryId. |
categoryTreeNodeLevel | Integer | The absolute level of the current category tree node in the hierarchy of its category tree. |
childCategoryTreeNodes | String | An array of one or more category tree nodes that are the immediate children of the current category tree node, as well as their children, recursively down to the leaf nodes. |
leafCategoryTreeNode | Boolean | A value of true indicates that the current category tree node is a leaf node (it has no child nodes). A value of false indicates that the current node has one or more child nodes, which are identified by the childCategoryTreeNodes array. |
parentCategoryTreeNodeHref | String | The href portion of the getCategorySubtree call that retrieves the subtree below the parent of this category tree node. |
leafCategoryTreeNode | Boolean | A value of true indicates that the current category tree node is a leaf node (it has no child nodes). A value of false indicates that the current node has one or more child nodes, which are identified by the childCategoryTreeNodes array. |
parentCategoryTreeNodeHref | String | The href portion of the getCategorySubtree call that retrieves the subtree below the parent of this category tree node. |
leafCategoryTreeNode | Boolean | A value of true indicates that the current category tree node is a leaf node (it has no child nodes). A value of false indicates that the current node has one or more child nodes, which are identified by the childCategoryTreeNodes array. |
parentCategoryTreeNodeHref | String | The href portion of the getCategorySubtree call that retrieves the subtree below the parent of this category tree node. |
Retrieve an array of parts compatibility aspects that are used to describe compatible vehicles.
The Sync App will use the eBay API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The CategoryTreeId and CategoryId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM CompatibilityProperties WHERE CategoryTreeId = 101 AND CategoryId = 33559
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId [KEY] | String | This is the unique identifier of category tree. |
CategoryId | String | The unique identifier of an eBay category. |
CompatibilityPropertyName | String | This is the actual name of the compatible vehicle property as it is known on the specified eBay marketplace and in the eBay category. |
CompatibilityPropertyLocalizedName | String | This is the localized name of the compatible vehicle property. |
Retrieve an array of parts compatibility aspect values that are used to describe compatible vehicles.
The Sync App will use the eBay API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The CategoryTreeId, CategoryId and CompatibilityProperty is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM CompatibilityPropertyValues WHERE CategoryTreeId = 101 AND CategoryId = 33559 AND CompatibilityProperty = 'Trim'
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId [KEY] | String | This is the unique identifier of category tree. |
CompatibilityProperty [KEY] | String | This is the actual name of the compatible vehicle property as it is known on the specified eBay marketplace and in the eBay category. |
CategoryId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of an eBay category. |
CompatibilityPropertyValues | String | Each value field shows one applicable compatible vehicle property value. |
Lists the country code and associated name of the countries supported by the eBay system, regardless of the site specified in the request.
Name | Type | Description |
Country | String | Two-letter code representing a country. These two-letter codes are typically used in Add/Revise/Relist calls when referring to a country. |
Description | String | Full country name for display purposes. May be similar to (but not necessarily identical to) CountryName in addresses (e.g., User.RegistrationAddress.CountryName in GetUser). |
DetailVersion | String | Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DetailName | String | A designation of what kind of information you wish returned for the specified eBay site.
The allowed values are CountryDetails. |
Query the supported Currencies in eBay.
Returns all supported currencies. No columns are supported for filtering.
SELECT * FROM Currencies
Name | Type | Description |
Currency | String | The three-digit currency code as defined in ISO 4217. |
Description | String | Full currency name for display purposes. |
DetailVersion | String | Returns the latest version number for this field. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Gives the time in GMT that the feature fields for the details were last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DetailName | String | If set to a value of CurrencyDetails, additional currency details are returned.
The allowed values are CurrencyDetails. |
Retrieve the default category tree reference for a specific eBay marketplace.
The Sync App will use the eBay API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The MarketplaceId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM DefaultCategoryTreeId WHERE MarketplaceId = 'EBAY_US'
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the eBay category tree for the specified marketplace. |
CategoryTreeVersion | String | The version of the category tree identified by categoryTreeId. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
MarketplaceId | String | The ID of the eBay marketplace for which the category tree ID is being requested. |
Retrieves all the fulfillment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter.
MarketplaceId is required filter in the Select query. You can follow the query below to obtain the required values through SQL:
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentPolicies WHERE MarketplaceId = 'EBAY_US'
Some of the fields are named with the suffix Aggr. These fields display the content of the JSON tag with the same name that is returned from the API endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
FulfillmentPolicyId [KEY] | String | A unique eBay-assigned ID for the fulfillment policy. This ID is generated when the policy is created. |
Name | String | A user-defined name for this fulfillment policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace. |
Description | String | An optional seller-defined description of the fulfillment policy for internal use (this value is not displayed to end users). |
CategoryTypesAggr | String | The CategoryTypeEnum value to which this policy applies. Used to discern accounts that sell motor vehicles from those that don't. (Currently, each policy can be set to only one categoryTypes value at a time.) |
MarketplaceId | String | The ID of the eBay marketplace to which this fulfillment policy applies. |
FreightShipping | Boolean | If set to true, the seller offers freight shipping. Freight shipping can be used for large items over 150 lbs. |
GlobalShipping | Boolean | Indicates if the seller has opted-in to the eBay Global Shipping Program and that they use that service for their international shipments. |
HandlingTimeValue | Integer | The maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing and shipping an order after receiving a cleared payment for the order. |
HandlingTimeUnit | String | A time-measurement unit that specifies a singular period of time used for HandlingTimeValue. |
LocalPickup | Boolean | Identifies if the shipping is offered by this policy and the seller offers only local pickup of the item (normally from a non-business location). |
PickupDropOff | Boolean | If set to true, the seller offers the |
ShipToLocationsAggr | String | This object contains the regionIncluded and regionExcluded fields, which define the geographical regions that a seller does and does not cover by the associated shipping policy. |
ShippingOptionsAggr | String | A list that defines the seller's shipping configurations for DOMESTIC and INTERNATIONAL order shipments. |
Query the Highest Bidder of the eBay users who bid on a specified listing, regardless of whether the listing has ended.
The only supported columns for filtering are ItemId and ListMode. An ItemId must be specified for retrieving data from this view.
SELECT * FROM HighestBidder WHERE ItemId = '1234567'
SELECT * FROM HighestBidder WHERE ItemId = '1234567' AND ListMode = 'EndedListing'
Name | Type | Description |
ItemId | String | The Id of the item. The bidders who bid on this item are returned. |
HighBidder | String | eBay user Id for the user with the highest bid (or the earliest timestamp, in the event of a tie); a second chance offer candidate. |
HighestBid | Decimal | Bid amount offered by the highest bidder. |
Currency | String | Currency code of the bid. |
ListingStatus | String | Specifies the status of an active or ended listing in the processing workflow of the eBay system. If a listing ends with a sale (or sales), eBay needs to update the sale details (e.g., total price and buyer/high bidder) and the final value fee. This processing can take several minutes. If you retrieve a sold item and no details about the buyer/high bidder are returned or no final value fee is available, use this listing status information to determine whether eBay has finished processing the listing. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ListMode | String | Specifies which bidder information to return. EndedListing returns all nonwinning bidders for ended listings only. It can be used only by a seller. SecondChanceEligibleEndedListing returns all nonwinning bidders for an ended listing who have not yet received a Second Chance Offer and noted interest in receiving a Second Chance Offer. It can be used only by a seller. ViewAll returns all bidders for an ended or still-active listing. It can be used by any user.
The allowed values are EndedListing, SecondChanceEligibleEndedListing, ViewAll. |
Retrieve an array of aspects that are appropriate for describing items in a specified category.
The Sync App will use the eBay API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The CategoryTreeId and CategoryId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM ItemAspectsForCategory WHERE CategoryTreeId = 101 AND CategoryId = 67726
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the eBay category tree from which the specified category's aspects are being requested. |
aspects | String | A list of item aspects (for example, color) that are appropriate or necessary for accurately describing items in a particular leaf category. |
aspectConstraint | String | Information about the formatting, occurrence, and support of this aspect. |
aspectApplicableTo | String | This value indicate if the aspect identified by the aspects.localizedAspectName field is a product aspect or an item/instance aspect. |
aspectDataType | String | The data type of this aspect. |
aspectEnabledForVariations | Boolean | A value of true indicates that this aspect can be used to help identify item variations. |
aspectFormat | String | Returned only if the value of aspectDataType identifies a data type that requires specific formatting. |
aspectMaxLength | Integer | The maximum length of the item/instance aspect's value. |
aspectMode | String | The manner in which values of this aspect must be specified by the seller (as free text or by selecting from available options). |
aspectRequired | Boolean | A value of true indicates that this aspect is required when offering items in the specified category. |
aspectUsage | String | The enumeration value returned in this field will indicate if the corresponding aspect is recommended or optional. |
expectedRequiredByDate | String | The expected date after which the aspect will be required. |
itemToAspectCardinality | String | Indicates whether this aspect can accept single or multiple values for items in the specified category. |
aspectValues | String | A list of valid values for this aspect (for example: Red, Green, and Blue), along with any constraints on those values. |
localizedValue | String | The localized value of this aspect. |
valueConstraints | String | Not returned if the value of the localizedValue field can always be selected for this aspect of the specified category. |
applicableForLocalizedAspectName | String | The name of the control aspect on which the current aspect value depends. |
applicableForLocalizedAspectValues | String | Contains a list of the values of the control aspect on which this aspect's value depends. |
localizedAspectName | String | The localized name of this aspect (for example: Colour on the eBay UK site). |
relevanceIndicator | String | The relevance of this aspect. This field is returned if eBay has data on how many searches have been performed for listings in the category using this item aspect. |
searchCount | Integer | The number of recent searches (based on 30 days of data) for the aspect. |
CategoryId | String | The unique identifier of an eBay category. |
Query compatability categories and possible compatability values for a specific item.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | String | The Id that uniquely identifies the item listing. The Id is generated by eBay after an item is listed. You cannot choose or revise this value. |
CompatibilityAttributes | String | A list of all potential compatability catagories for the specified item. |
PossibleCompatibilities | String | A list of all possible compatability values for the specified item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeItemCompatibilityList | String | This is used to include ItemCompatibilityList items and should not be set manually. |
Query details pertinent to one or more items for which calculated shipping has been offered by the seller, such as package dimension, weight, and packaging/handling costs.
The DestinationCountryCode and ItemId filters must be specified for retrieving data from this view. Also, the QuantitySold filter can be used but it is optional.
SELECT * FROM ItemShipping WHERE ItemId = '110177686055' AND DestinationCountryCode = 'US'
Name | Type | Description |
ItemId | String | The item Id that uniquely identifies the item listing for which to retrieve the data. Required input. |
DestinationCountryCode | String | Destination country code. If DestinationCountryCode is US, a postal code is required and it represents the U.S. ZIP code. Default: US. |
ExpeditedService | Boolean | Indicates whether the service is an expedited shipping service. |
FreeShipping | Boolean | Specifies that the seller wants to offer free shipping. This applies only to the first specified domestic shipping service and is ignored if set for any other shipping service. |
ImportCharge | Decimal | The total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties. |
Currency | String | Currency Id |
ShippingService | String | A shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer. For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing. |
ShippingInsuranceCost | Decimal | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ShippingServiceAdditionalCost | Decimal | A shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer. For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing. |
ShippingServiceCost | Decimal | The base cost of shipping the item using the shipping service specified in the ShippingService field. In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field shows the cost to ship each additional item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. |
ShippingServicePriority | Integer | Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. |
ShippingTimeMax | Integer | The maximum guaranteed number of days the shipping carrier will take to ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
ShippingTimeMin | Integer | The minimum guaranteed number of days in which the shipping carrier can ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
QuantitySold | String | Number of items sold to a single buyer and to be shipped together. |
DestinationPostalCode | String | Destination country postal code (or ZIP code for U.S.). Ignored if no country code is provided. Optional tag for some countries. More likely to be required for large countries. |
Query item specifics for a specific item.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemId | String | The Id that uniquely identifies the item listing. The Id is generated by eBay after an item is listed. You cannot choose or revise this value. |
Attribute | String | The name of the attribute for the specified item. |
Specifics | String | Comma separated list of values for the specified item attribute. |
Source | String | Enumerated value indicating whether the Item Specific was manually input or selected during listing/revision/re-listing time, or if the Item Specific name-value pair came from an eBay catalog product that the listing is associated with. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeItemSpecifics | String | This is used to include ItemSpecifics items and should not be set manually. |
Query order line item (transaction) information for a specified listing. For auction listings, order line items are not created until the auction ends with a winning bidder, or if the Buy It Now feature is enabled for the listing and used by the buyer to purchase the item. For fixed-price listings, order line items are created after a buyer has committed to purchase the item(s).
The ItemId column must be specified to retrieve transaction information.
Get all transactions related to a specific item:
SELECT * FROM ItemTransactions WHERE ItemId = '012345678901'
Filter the number of transactions returned by specifying the number of days in the past:
SELECT * FROM ItemTransactions WHERE ItemId = '012345678901' AND NumberOfDays = '25'
Get information for a specific transaction that was made for a specific item:
SELECT * FROM ItemTransactions WHERE ItemId = '012345678901' AND TransactionId = '0'
Name | Type | Description |
OrderLineItemId [KEY] | String | A unique identifier for an eBay order line item. This field is created as soon as there is a commitment to buy from the seller, and its value is based upon the concatenation of ItemId and TransactionId with a hyphen in between these two Ids. |
TransactionId | String | The unique identifier for a transaction that was made for a specific item. If a TransactionId is provided, any specified time filter is ignored. |
ItemId | String | Unique identifier for an eBay item listing. |
HandlingCost | Decimal | The handling cost that the seller has charged for the order line item. This field is only returned after checkout is complete. The value of this field is returned as zero dollars (0.0) if the seller did not specify a handling cost for the listing. |
ShippingCost | Decimal | The shipping cost paid by the buyer for the order line item. This field is only returned after checkout is complete. |
AdjustmentAmount | Decimal | Adjustment amount entered by the buyer. A positive amount indicates the amount is an extra charge being paid to the seller by the buyer. A negative value indicates this amount is a credit given to the buyer by the seller. |
AmountPaid | Decimal | The total amount the buyer paid for the order line item. |
Currency | String | A standard 3-digit ISO 4217 currency code for currency used in countries around the world. |
BestOfferSale | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the order line item was created as the result of the seller accepting a Best Offer from a buyer. |
BuyerId | String | Unique eBay user Id for the user. |
BuyerCheckoutMessage | String | This field is returned if a buyer left a comment for the seller during the checkout flow. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Indicates the creation time of the order line item. |
DepositType | String | This value indicates whether or not the seller requires a deposit for the vehicle. This field is only applicable to U.S. eBay Motors listings. Otherwise, this field is returned as an empty value. |
EBayPlusTransaction | Boolean | If true, this transaction is for an item that was purchased under the eBay Plus program. |
ExtendedOrderId | String | A unique identifier for an eBay order. |
FinalValueFee | Decimal | A Final Value Fee is calculated and charged to the account of a seller immediately upon creation of an order line item. |
Gift | Boolean | This boolean field is returned as true if the seller is giving a digital gift card to another individual as a gift. This field is only applicable for digital gift card order line items. |
GiftSummaryMessage | String | This free-form text contains the message that the purchaser of the digital gift card left for the recipient of the gift card. |
IntangibleItem | Boolean | This flag indicates whether or not the order line item is an intangible good such as an MP3 track or a mobile phone ringtone. Intangible items are not eligible for the PayPal Seller Protection program, so the seller will not be able to open an Unpaid Item case against the buyer. |
InvoiceSentTime | Datetime | This field indicates the date and time that an order invoice was sent from the seller to the buyer. This field is only returned if an invoice (containing the order line item) was sent to the buyer. |
IsMultiLegShipping | Boolean | If IsMultilegShipping is true, the Global Shipping Program (GSP) will be used to ship the order line item to an international buyer. |
LogisticsPlanType | String | This field will be returned only if the buyer purchased a digital gift card, which is delivered by email, or if the buyer purchased an item that is enabled with the Click and Collect feature. |
PaidTime | Datetime | Indicates the time when the order was marked paid. This field is not returned until payment has been made by the buyer. This field will not be returned for orders where the buyer has received partial or full refunds. |
QuantityPurchased | Integer | This value indicates the number of identical items purchased at the same time by the same buyer from one listing. |
ShippedTime | Datetime | Indicates the time when the items associated with the order were marked as shipped. This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as shipped in My eBay, Selling Manager Pro, or programmatically by the seller through the CompleteSale stored procedure. |
ShippingConvenienceCharge | Decimal | The amount that the seller is being charged for the convenience of an eBay Now delivery. |
ExpeditedService | Boolean | Indicates whether the service is an expedited shipping service. |
ShippingServiceImportCharge | Decimal | The total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. This amount is calculated and supplied for each item by the international shipping provider when a buyer views the item properties. |
ShippingInsuranceCost | Decimal | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ShippingPackageInfo | String | If the order is being delivered through eBay Now, it contains information on the status of the order, the unique identifier of the store where the order is originating from, and the expected and actual delivery times. |
ShippingService | String | A shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer. |
ShippingServiceAdditionalCost | Decimal | The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases one or more of the same line item. |
ShippingServiceCost | Decimal | The base cost using the shipping service specified in the ShippingService field to ship the item. In the case of a multiple quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field shows the cost to ship each additional item if the buyer purchases one or more of the same line item. |
ShippingServicePriority | Integer | This integer value controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. |
ShippingTimeMax | Integer | The maximum guaranteed number of days the shipping carrier will take to ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
ShippingTimeMin | Integer | The minimum guaranteed number of days in which the shipping carrier can ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). |
BuyerSelectedShipping | Boolean | Indicates whether the buyer has selected shipping details during checkout. |
CheckoutStatus | String | Indicates the current status of the checkout flow for the order. |
CompleteStatus | String | Indicates whether checkout is complete, incomplete, or pending for an order. |
DigitalStatus | String | The current state of a purchased digital gift card. |
EBayPaymentStatus | String | Indicates the success or failure of the online payment for an order by the buyer. |
InquiryStatus | String | This field gives the status of an Item Not Received (INR) Inquiry by the buyer. This field is only returned if the buyer has created an INR Inquiry. |
LastTimeModified | Datetime | Indicates date and time the status of an order was last updated (in GMT). |
PaymentHoldStatus | String | This field indicates the type and/or status of a payment hold on the item. |
PaymentInstrument | String | The payment method used by a German buyer who was offered the Pay Upon Invoice option. This field will only be returned if a German buyer was offered the Pay Upon Invoice option. Otherwise, the payment method selected by the buyer is returned in the PaymentMethodUsed field. |
PaymentMethodUsed | String | The payment method that the buyer selected to pay for the order. If checkout is not yet complete, PaymentMethodUsed is set to whatever the buyer selected as his or her preference on the Review Your Purchase page. |
ReturnStatus | String | This field gives the status of a return request from the buyer. This field is only returned if the buyer has initiated a return request or has escalated an existing return request into a return case. |
TransactionPrice | Decimal | The price of the order line item (transaction). |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ModTimeFrom | String | The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields specify a date range for retrieving order line items associated with the specified ItemId. The ModTimeFrom field is the starting date range. |
ModTimeTo | String | The ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo fields specify a date range for retrieving order line items associated with the specified ItemId. The ModTimeTo field is the ending date range. |
NumberOfDays | String | This time filter specifies the number of days (24-hour periods) in the past to search for order line items. |
Query items with the highest watch counts for the entire site or for a specific category. The top items are determined by the Watch Count totals from the preceding day. Ranking of the Most Watched Items is calculated with the latest Watch Count information.
The only columns that can be used to filter are CategoryId, AffiliateCustomId, AffiliateNetworkId, and AffiliateTrackingId. These filters are optional.
SELECT * FROM MostWatchedItems
SELECT * FROM MostWatchedItems WHERE CategoryId = '277'
Name | Type | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | String | The Id that uniquely identifies the item listing. The Id is generated by eBay after an item is listed. |
Title | String | Name of the item as it appears in the listing or search results. |
Subtitle | String | Subtitle of the item. Only returned if the seller included a subtitle for the listing. |
WatchCount | Integer | The number of watches placed on this item from the My eBay accounts of the buyers. |
BidCount | Integer | The number of bids that have been placed on the item. |
BuyItNowPrice | Decimal | The Buy It Now Price of the item (if any), in the currency of the site on which the item was listed. |
Currency | String | The 3-digit ISO 4217 currency codes for the currency used by the site. |
OriginalRetailPrice | Decimal | The actual retail price set by the manufacturer (OEM). |
PricingTreatment | String | Using OriginalRetailPrice, MinimumAdvertisedPrice, and StartPrice values, eBay identifies whether the listing falls under MAP or STP (aka OriginalRetailPrice). |
SoldOffEbay | Boolean | Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this flag indicates that the discount price (specified as StartPrice) is the price for which the seller offered the same (or similar) item for sale on a Web site or offline store other than eBay in the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the price for the item set by the seller. |
SoldOnEbay | Boolean | Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this flag indicates that the discount price (specified as StartPrice) is the price for which the seller offered the same (or similar) item for sale on eBay in the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the price for the item set by the seller. |
GlobalId | String | The site upon which the item is listed. Returns a Global Id, which is a unique identifier for combinations of site, language, and territory. |
ImageURL | String | URL for a picture used as the Gallery thumbnail, if any. The image uses one of the following graphics formats: JPEG, BMP, TIF, or GIF. Only returned if the seller chose to show a gallery image. |
OriginalPrice | Decimal | Original price of an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature. Only returned if the price has been revised. |
PrimaryCategoryId | String | Numeric Id of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. (Listings can appear in more than one category.) |
PrimaryCategoryName | String | Display name of the first (or only) category in which the item is listed. This is a fully qualified category breadcrumb (e.g., Computers & Networking:Laptops, Notebooks). |
ShippingCost | Decimal | The shipping cost associated with the first shipping service. Only returned when ShippingType is flat. |
ShippingType | String | The shipping cost model offered by the seller. |
TimeLeft | String | Time left before the item listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnDTnHnMnS). For ended listings, the time left is P0DT0H0M0S (zero days, zero hours, zero minutes, and zero seconds). |
ViewItemURL | String | The URL of the Web page where a user can view the listing. On the U.S. site, this is called the View Item page. If you enabled affiliate tracking in the call, ViewItemURL contains a string that includes affiliate tracking information (see the eBay Partner Network). |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryId | String | Specifies the category from which to retrieve item listings. |
AffiliateCustomId | String | Need not be specified. You can define an AffiliateCustomId to better monitor your marketing efforts. If you are using the eBay Partner Network, and you provide an AffiliateCustomId, the tracking URL returned by the eBay Partner Network will contain the AffiliateUserId. |
AffiliateNetworkId | String | Specifies your tracking partner for affiliate commissions. |
AffiliateTrackingId | String | The value you specify is obtained from your tracking partner. |
Query all payments of the orders, in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only payment details of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Payment details of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId.
Examples of querying the OrderPayments view:
SELECT * FROM OrderPayments WHERE ModTimeFrom = '2/22/2018' SELECT * FROM OrderPayments WHERE NumberOfDays = '30'
Name | Type | Description |
PaymentId [KEY] | String | A unique transaction ID for the payment. |
OrderId | String | A unique identifier for an eBay order. |
FeeOrCreditAmount | Decimal | Fee Amount is a positive value and Credit Amount is a negative value. |
Payee | String | The person or organization who is to receive the payment allocation. |
Payer | String | This field indicates the eBay user or eBay partner who submitted the payment. |
PaymentAmount | Decimal | The amount of the payment that is allocated to the payee. |
PaymentStatus | String | The current status of a buyer payment that is allocated to a specified payee. |
PaymentTime | Datetime | The date and time when the payment is received by the payee. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CreateTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the orders created within this date range. |
CreateTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the orders created within this date range. |
ModTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
ModTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
NumberOfDays | Integer | All eBay payment details of the orders that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30. |
OrderRole | String | Filters the returned payment details of the orders based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller. |
OrderStatus | String | Filters the returned payment details of the orders based on the status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Completed, Inactive. |
Query all orders in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId.
Examples of querying the Orders view:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderId = '110276240386-28854859001' SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderId IN ('110276240386-28854859001', '110277719772-28859911001') SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CreateTimeFrom = '2018-02-10' AND CreateTimeTo = '2018-03-16' SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderStatus = 'Active' SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE NumberOfDays = '26'
Name | Type | Description |
OrderId [KEY] | String | A unique identifier for an eBay order. |
ExtendedOrderId | String | The unique identifier of the order in legacy format, as traditionally used by the Trading API. |
BuyerUserId | String | eBay user ID of the order's buyer. |
SellerUserId | String | This is the eBay user ID of the order's seller. |
OrderStatus | String | This enumeration value indicates the current status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Cancelled, Completed, Inactive. |
AdjustmentAmount | Decimal | This value indicates the dollar amount by which the buyer has adjusted the order total. |
AmountPaid | Decimal | This value indicates the total amount of the order. |
AmountSaved | Decimal | This value indicates the shipping discount experienced by the buyer as a result of creating a Combined Invoice order. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | Timestamp that indicates the date and time that the order was created. |
ShippedTime | Datetime | Timestamp indicating the date and time of order shipment. This field is not returned until the order has been marked as shipped. |
PaymentMethod | String | The payment method that the buyer selected to pay for the order. |
PaymentStatus | String | This value indicates the payment status of an order. |
CheckoutStatus | String | Container consisting of details related to the current checkout status of the order. |
SellerEmail | String | The email address of the seller involved in the order. The email address of the seller is only returned if it is the same seller making the call. |
SubTotal | Decimal | The subtotal amount for the order is the total cost of all order line items. This value does not include any shipping/handling, shipping insurance, or sales tax costs. |
Total | Decimal | The Total amount equals the Subtotal value plus the shipping/handling, shipping insurance, and sales tax costs. |
CancelCompleteDate | Datetime | Timestamp indicating when the cancellation process of an eBay order has been completed. |
CancelInitiationDate | Datetime | This timestamp indicates when the cancellation of the eBay order was initiated. |
CancelInitiator | String | This value indicates which party initiated the cancellation of the eBay order. |
CancelReason | String | This value indicates the reason why the order cancellation was initiated. |
CancelStatus | String | The current status for the order cancellation request if it exists. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CreateTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve orders created within this date range. |
CreateTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve orders created within this date range. |
ModTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
ModTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
NumberOfDays | Integer | All eBay orders that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30. |
OrderRole | String | Filters the returned orders based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller. |
Query shipping details of the orders in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only shipping details of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Shipping details of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId.
Examples of querying the OrderShipping view:
SELECT * FROM OrderShipping WHERE NumberOfDays = '30' SELECT * FROM OrderShipping WHERE CreateTimeFrom = '2018-02-10' AND CreateTimeTo = '2018-03-16'
Name | Type | Description |
OrderId [KEY] | String | The Id that uniquely identifies the item listing. The Id is generated by eBay after an item is listed. You cannot choose or revise this value. |
AddressId | String | Unique ID for a user's address in the eBay database. |
CityName | String | The name of the user's city. |
Country | String | The two-digit code representing the country of the user. |
CountryName | String | The name of the user's country. |
AddressName | String | User's name for the address. |
Phone | String | User's primary phone number. |
PostalCode | String | User's postal code. |
StateOrProvince | String | The state or province of the user's address. Whether it's a state or a province will depend on the region and/or country. |
Street1 | String | The first line of the user's street address. |
Street2 | String | The second line of the user's street address (such as an apartment number or suite number). |
ShippingCharge | Decimal | The dollar value in this field indicates the amount that the seller is being charged (at order level) for the convenience of an eBay On Demand Delivery. |
ExpeditedService | Boolean | Indicates whether the service is an expedited shipping service. |
ShippingImportCharge | Decimal | The total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. |
ShippingInsuranceCost | Decimal | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ShippingServiceAdditionalCost | Decimal | The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. |
ShippingServiceCost | Decimal | The base cost of shipping the item using the shipping service specified in the ShippingService field. |
ActualDeliveryTime | Datetime | This timestamp indicates when the order was actually delivered to the buyer. |
EstimatedDeliveryTimeMax | Datetime | The EstimatedDeliveryTimeMin and EstimatedDeliveryTimeMax timestamps indicate the window during which the buyer can expect delivery. |
EstimatedDeliveryTimeMin | Datetime | The EstimatedDeliveryTimeMin and EstimatedDeliveryTimeMax timestamps indicate the window during which the buyer can expect delivery. |
HandleByTime | Datetime | This timestamp indicates the latest date/time that the seller should ship the package to ensure that the package arrives to the buyer within the estimated delivery window. |
ScheduledDeliveryTimeMax | Datetime | The ScheduledDeliveryTimeMin and ScheduledDeliveryTimeMax timestamps indicate the delivery window for which the buyer can expect to receive the order. |
ScheduledDeliveryTimeMin | Datetime | The ScheduledDeliveryTimeMin and ScheduledDeliveryTimeMax timestamps indicate the delivery window for which the buyer can expect to receive the order. |
ShippingTrackingEvent | String | This enumeration value indicates whether or not the order has been picked up from the store indicated by the StoreID value. |
StoreId | String | The unique identifier of the store from where the order will be delivered. |
SalesTaxAmount | Decimal | The amount of sales tax, calculated for an order based on the SalesTaxPercent and pricing information. |
SalesTaxPercent | Float | Percent of an item's price to be charged as the sales tax for the order. |
SalesTaxState | String | State or jurisdiction for which the sales tax is being collected. Only returned if the seller specified a value. |
ShipmentTrackingNumbers | String | The tracking numbers assigned by the shipping carriers. |
ShippingCarriers | String | The name of the shipping carriers used to ship the items. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CreateTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the orders created within this date range. |
CreateTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the orders created within this date range. |
ModTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
ModTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
NumberOfDays | Integer | All eBay shipping details of the orders that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30. |
OrderRole | String | Filters the returned shipping details of the orders based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller. |
OrderStatus | String | Filters the returned shipping details of the orders based on the status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Completed, Inactive. |
Retrieves all the payment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter.
MarketplaceId is required filter in the Select query. You can follow the query below to obtain the required values through SQL:
SELECT * FROM PaymentPolicies WHERE MarketplaceId = 'EBAY_US'
Some of the fields are named with the suffix Aggr. These fields display the content of the JSON tag with the same name that is returned from the API endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
PaymentPolicyId [KEY] | String | A unique eBay-assigned ID for a payment policy. This ID is generated when the policy is created. |
Description | String | The Description of the payment policy. |
Name | String | The Description of the payment policy. |
CategoryTypesName | String | The Category Type name value to which this policy applies. Used to discern accounts that sell motor vehicles from those that don't. |
DepositAggr | String | Amounts and due dates for deposits on motor vehicle listings on eBay Motors. Is applicable only if the field is set to MOTORS_VEHICLES. |
MarketplaceId | String | The ID of the eBay marketplace to which the payment policy applies. |
ImmediatePay | Boolean | If set to true, payment is due upon receipt (eBay generates a receipt when the buyer agrees to purchase an item). |
PaymentMethodAggr | String | If the seller is not opted-in to managed payments, this container returns a list of the payment methods accepted by the seller. |
RecipientAccountReferenceId | String | Contains the PayPal email address of the recipient (buyer) if referenceType is set to PAYPAL_EMAIL. |
RecipientAccountReferenceType | String | A reference a recipient's account. Currently only PAYPAL_EMAIL is valid. |
Retrieves all the return policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter.
MarketplaceId is required filter in the Select query. You can follow the query below to obtain the required values through SQL:
SELECT * FROM ReturnPolicies WHERE MarketplaceId = 'EBAY_US'
Some of the fields are named with the suffix Aggr. These fields display the content of the JSON tag with the same name that is returned from the API endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
ReturnPolicyId [KEY] | String | A unique eBay-assigned ID for this policy. |
Description | String | The seller-defined description of the return policy for internal use (this value is not displayed to end users). |
Name | String | The category type to which the policy applies (motor vehicles or non-motor vehicles). |
CategoryTypesName | String | The category type to which the policy applies (motor vehicles or non-motor vehicles). |
MarketplaceId | String | The ID of the eBay marketplace to which this return policy applies. |
ExtendedHolidayReturnsOffered | String | If set to true, the seller offers an Extended Holiday Returns policy for their listings. |
InternationalOverrideAggr | String | If populated, specifies the seller's policies for international returns (items that require postage via an international shipping service). |
RefundMethod | String | Indicates the method the seller uses to compensate the buyer for returned items. The return method specified applies only to remorse returns. |
RestockingFeePercentage | String | For sellers who accept returns, this field is filled if they charge buyers a restocking fee when items are returned. |
ReturnInstructions | String | Contains the seller's detailed explanation for their return policy and is displayed in the Return Policy section of the View Item page. |
ReturnMethod | String | Valid in the US marketplace only, this optional field indicates additional services (other than money-back) that sellers can offer buyers for remorse returns. |
ReturnPeriodValue | String | Specifies the amount of time the buyer has to return an item. |
ReturnPeriodUnit | String | Specifies the unit of measure of amount of time the buyer has to return an item. |
ReturnsAccepted | Boolean | If set to true, the seller accepts returns. |
ReturnShippingCostPayer | String | This field indicates who is responsible for paying for the shipping charges for returned items. The field can be set to either BUYER or SELLER. |
Query Shipping Carriers supported by the specified site.
Name | Type | Description |
ShippingCarrierId | Integer | Numeric identifier. |
Description | String | Display string that applications can use to present a list of shipping carriers in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list). |
DetailVersion | String | Returns the latest version number for this field. |
ShippingCarrier | String | The code for the shipping carrier. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DetailName | String | A designation of what kind of information you wish returned for the specified eBay site.
The allowed values are ShippingCarrierDetails. |
A shipping service category supported for the site.
Name | Type | Description |
ShippingCategory [KEY] | String | Indicates the shipping category. Shipping categories include the following: ECONOMY, STANDARD, EXPEDITED, ONE_DAY, PICKUP, OTHER, and NONE. International shipping services are generally grouped into the NONE category. For more information on these shipping categories, and which services fall into which category, see the Shipping Basics page on the eBay Shipping Center site. |
Description | String | Display string that applications can use to present a list of shipping categories in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list). This field is localized per site. |
DetailVersion | String | Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DetailName | String | A designation of what kind of information you wish returned for the specified eBay site.
The allowed values are ShippingCategoryDetails. |
Lists the regions and locations supported by eBay's shipping services. Returns all shipping locations supported by eBay, regardless of the site specified in the request.
Name | Type | Description |
ShippingLocation [KEY] | String | Short name or abbreviation for a region (e.g., Asia) or location (e.g. Japan). |
Description | String | Display string that applications can use to present a list of shipping locations in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list). This field is localized in the language of the site. |
DetailVersion | String | Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DetailName | String | A designation of what kind of information you wish returned for the specified eBay site.
The allowed values are ShippingLocationDetails. |
Query Shipping Services supported by the specified eBay site.
The following query retrieves all available Shipping Services. There are no supported filters for this view.
SELECT * FROM ShippingServices
Name | Type | Description |
ShippingServiceId [KEY] | Integer | Numeric identifier. A value greater than 50000 represents an international shipping service. |
CODService | Boolean | This flag is returned as true if the corresponding ShippingService value is a COD (Cash-On-Delivery) service. |
CostGroupFlat | Boolean | If returned, this is the shipping service group to which the shipping service belongs. |
Description | String | A user-friendly description of shipping service options. |
DetailVersion | String | Returns the latest version number for this field. |
DimensionsRequired | Boolean | Whether the shipping service option requires that package dimensions are provided by the seller. |
ExpeditedService | Boolean | Indicates whether the shipping service is an expedited shipping service. Only returned for sites for which the Get It Fast feature is enabled and only if true. |
InternationalService | Boolean | Indicates whether the shipping service is an international shipping service. |
MappedToShippingServiceId | Integer | The Id of another shipping service that will be used when a shipping service is deprecated. |
ShippingCategory | String | Indicates the shipping category. Shipping categories include the following: ECONOMY, STANDARD, EXPEDITED, ONE_DAY, PICKUP, OTHER, and NONE. International shipping services are generally grouped into the NONE category. |
ShippingService | String | The name of the shipping service option. If the ValidForSellingFlow column is not true, this particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing. |
ShippingTimeMax | Integer | The maximum guaranteed number of days the shipping carrier will take to ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). Always returned when ExpeditedService is true or if defined for a particular service. |
ShippingTimeMin | Integer | The minimum guaranteed number of days the shipping carrier will take to ship an item (not including the time it takes the seller to deliver the item to the shipping carrier). Always returned when ExpeditedService is true or if defined for a particular service. |
SurchargeApplicable | Boolean | True if a surcharge applies for any region that this service ships to. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. |
ValidForSellingFlow | Boolean | If this field is returned as true, the shipping service option can be used. If this field is returned as false, the shipping service option is not currently supported. |
WeightRequired | Boolean | If true, a seller who selects this package type for the listing and then offers this shipping service must specify WeightMajor and WeightMinor in the item definition. If not returned, WeightRequired is false. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DetailName | String | A designation of what kind of information you wish returned for the specified eBay site.
The allowed values are ShippingServiceDetails. |
Lists all available eBay sites and their associated SiteID numbers.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteID | Integer | Numeric identifier for an eBay site. If you are using the SOAP API, you use numeric site IDs in the request URL. If you are using the XML API, you use numeric site IDs in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header. |
SiteName | String | Short name that identifies an eBay site. Usually, an eBay site is associated with a particular country or region (e.g., US or Belgium_French). Specialty sites (e.g., eBay Stores) use the same site ID as their associated main eBay site. The US eBay Motors site is an exception to this convention. |
DetailVersion | String | Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
DetailName | String | A designation of what kind of information you wish returned for the specified eBay site.
The allowed values are SiteDetails. |
Query eBay list of categories with the highest number of listings.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryId | Integer | This string value is the unique identifier of an eBay category. |
CategoryName | String | This string value is the display name of the eBay primary category, as it would appear on the eBay website. |
CategoryParentId | String | This string value is the category Id of the parent category of the primary category indicated in the CategoryId field. |
CategoryParentName | String | This string value is the display name of the eBay primary category, as it would appear on the eBay website. |
PercentItemFound | Integer | Percentage of the matching items that were found in this category, relative to other categories in which matching items were also found. Indicates the distribution of matching items across the suggested categories. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Query | String | This field is used to specify the search query, consisting of one or more keywords to search for in listing titles and descriptions. The words and and or are treated like any other word. |
Query your eBay Top Selling Products.
The only columns that can be used to filter are AffiliateCustomId, AffiliateNetworkId, and AffiliateTrackingId. These filters are optional.
SELECT * FROM TopSellingProducts
SELECT * FROM TopSellingProducts WHERE AffiliateCustomId = '12345'
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | The title of the product, as specified in the catalog. |
ProductId | String | The eBay or external Ids associated with the product. Use this value as input to search for the same product in the future, or use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned). The ProductId values can be used to retrieve products, item listings, or guides and reviews. Max length: 4000. |
ProductURL | String | Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product, such as the description or film credits for a movie. This information is hosted through the eBay website and it cannot be edited. Portions of the content are protected by copyright. This link allows users to view additional descriptive details about the product. |
ImageURL | String | Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) associated with the eBay catalog product. The URL is for the image eBay usually displays in product search results (usually 70px tall). It may be helpful to calculate the dimensions of the photo programmatically before displaying it. Only returned if a URL is available for the product. |
CatalogName | String | Name of the catalog the product is in. Only returned if product is in a catalog. |
ReviewCount | Long | The total number of reviews available for this product on the eBay website. |
HighestPrice | Decimal | The highest price for items listed as this product. |
LowestPrice | Decimal | The lowest price for items listed as this product. |
Currency | String | The three-digit currency code as defined in ISO 4217. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AffiliateCustomId | String | Need not be specified. You can use this pseudo column if you want to leverage it to better monitor your marketing efforts. If you are using the eBay Partner Network, and you provide an AffiliateCustomId, the tracking URL returned by the eBay Partner Network will contain the AffiliateUserId. |
AffiliateNetworkId | String | Specifies your tracking partner for affiliate commissions. |
AffiliateTrackingId | String | The value you specify is obtained from your tracking partner. |
Query all linked line items of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only linked line items of transactions made in the last 90 days are returned. Linked line items of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the linked order line item. |
TransactionId | String | Unique identifier for an eBay sales transaction. |
OrderId | String | The unique identifier of the order to which the linked line item belongs. |
EstimatedDeliveryTimeMax | Datetime | Indicates the latest date and time to receive the order. |
EstimatedDeliveryTimeMin | Datetime | Indicates the earliest date and time to receive the order. |
SellerUserID | String | The eBay user ID of the seller who sold the linked line item. |
ItemName | String | Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name. |
ItemValue | String | Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier. |
ItemsTitle | String | This field is used to specify the title of the listing. |
CreateTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders created within this date range. By default the date range is 90 days. |
CreateTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders created within this date range. By default the date range is 90 days. |
ModTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
ModTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
NumberOfDays | Integer | All eBay payment details of the transactions in orders that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30. |
OrderRole | String | Filters the returned payment details of the transactions based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller. |
OrderStatus | String | Filters the returned payment details of the transactions based on the status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Completed, Inactive. |
Query all payments of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only payments of transactions made in the last 90 days are returned. Payments of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds.
Examples of querying the TransactionPayments view:
SELECT * FROM TransactionPayments WHERE OrderRole = 'Seller' SELECT * FROM TransactionPayments WHERE OrderId = '110277719772-28859911001'
Name | Type | Description |
TransactionReferenceId [KEY] | String | A unique transaction ID for the payment. |
TransactionId | String | The unique identifier of the transaction the payment has been made for. |
OrderId | String | The unique identifier of the order the payment has been made for. |
FeeOrCreditAmount | Decimal | Fee Amount is a positive value and Credit Amount is a negative value. |
Payee | String | The person or organization who is to receive the payment allocation. |
Payer | String | This field indicates the eBay user or eBay partner who submitted the payment. |
PaymentAmount | Decimal | The amount of the payment that is allocated to the payee. |
PaymentStatus | String | The current status of a buyer payment that is allocated to a specified payee. |
PaymentTime | Datetime | The date and time when the payment is received by the payee. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CreateTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders created within this date range. By default the date range is 90 days. |
CreateTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders created within this date range. By default the date range is 90 days. |
ModTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
ModTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
NumberOfDays | Integer | All eBay payment details of the transactions in orders that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30. |
OrderRole | String | Filters the returned payment details of the transactions based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller. |
OrderStatus | String | Filters the returned payment details of the transactions based on the status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Completed, Inactive. |
Query all refunds of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only refunds of transactions made in the last 90 days are returned. Refunds of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds.
Name | Type | Description |
ReferenceId [KEY] | String | This dollar value is the amount of the refund to the buyer for this specific refund transaction. |
TransactionId | String | The unique identifier of the transaction the payment has been made for. |
OrderId | String | The unique identifier of the order the payment has been made for. |
FeeOrCreditAmount | Decimal | Fee Amount is a positive value and Credit Amount is a negative value. |
RefundTo | String | This field is the eBay user ID of the buyer who is receiving the refund or store credit from the merchant. |
RefundType | String | This value indicates whether the merchant refunded or provided a store credit to the buyer for the returned In-Store Pickup item. |
RefundAmount | Decimal | This dollar value is the amount of the refund to the buyer for this specific refund transaction. |
RefundStatus | String | This value indicates the success or failure of the attempt by the merchant to refund or provide store credit to the buyer for a returned In-Store Pickup item. |
RefundTime | Datetime | This date/time value is the timestamp for the refund transaction. This field is not returned if the refund was not successful (RefundStatus=FAILED). |
CreateTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders created within this date range. By default the date range is 90 days. |
CreateTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders created within this date range. By default the date range is 90 days. |
ModTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
ModTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the transactions in orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
NumberOfDays | Integer | All eBay payment details of the transactions in orders that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30. |
OrderRole | String | Filters the returned payment details of the transactions based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller. |
OrderStatus | String | Filters the returned payment details of the transactions based on the status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Completed, Inactive. |
Query all transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only transactions of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Transactions of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId.
Examples of querying the Transactions view.
SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE OrderRole = 'Seller' SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE OrderId = '110276240386-28854859001' SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE CreateTimeFrom = '2/10/2018' AND CreateTimeTo = '3/16/2018'
Name | Type | Description |
TransactionId [KEY] | String | Unique identifier for an eBay order line item. An order line item is created once there is a commitment from a buyer to purchase an item. |
OrderId | String | The Id that uniquely identifies the item listing. The Id is generated by eBay after an item is listed. You cannot choose or revise this value. |
ItemId | String | The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. |
ItemSite | String | The name of the site on which the item is listed. |
ItemTitle | String | This field is used to specify the title of the listing. |
ActualHandlingCost | Decimal | The handling cost that the seller has charged for the order line item. |
ActualShippingCost | Decimal | The shipping cost paid by the buyer for the order line item. This field is only returned after checkout is complete. |
BuyerEmail | String | Email address for the user. |
BuyerFirstName | String | The first name of the buyer who purchased the order. |
BuyerLastName | String | The last name of the buyer who purchased the order. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | Indicates the creation time of the order line item. |
Price | Decimal | The price of the order line item. |
SiteId | String | The site upon which the order line item (transaction) was created. |
PaidTime | Datetime | Indicates the time when the order was marked paid. |
DigitalRecipientEmail | String | This field displays the email address of the sender/purchaser of the digital gift card. |
DigitalRecipientName | String | This field displays the actual name (not the eBay user ID) of the sender/purchaser of the digital gift card. |
DigitalSenderEmail | String | This field displays the email address of the sender/purchaser of the digital gift card. |
DigitalSenderName | String | This field displays the actual name (not the eBay user ID) of the sender/purchaser of the digital gift card |
DigitalDeliveryMethod | String | This value indicates the method in which the digital gift card will be delivered to the buyer. |
EBayPlusTransaction | Boolean | If true, this transaction is for an item that was purchased under the eBay Plus program. |
FinalValueFee | Decimal | A Final Value Fee is calculated and charged to a seller's account immediately upon creation of an order line item. |
GuaranteedDelivery | Boolean | This field is returned as true if the order line item is qualified for eBay Guaranteed Delivery, or false if it is not eligible. |
GuaranteedShipping | Boolean | This field is returned as true if the seller chose to use eBay's Guaranteed Shipping feature at listing time. |
InvoiceSentTime | Datetime | This field indicates the date/time that an order invoice was sent from the seller to the buyer. |
DigitalStatus | String | This enumeration value indicates the current state of a purchased digital gift card. |
InquiryStatus | String | This field gives the status of a buyer's Item Not Received (INR) Inquiry. |
ReturnStatus | String | This field gives the status of a buyer's return request. |
TotalTaxAmount | Decimal | This value indicates the total tax amount for the order line item, including the sales tax on the item, the sales tax on shipping and handling, and any electronic waste recycling fee. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CreateTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve transactions of orders created within this date range. |
CreateTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve transactions of orders created within this date range. |
ModTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve transactions of orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
ModTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve transactions of orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
NumberOfDays | Integer | All eBay transactions that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30. |
OrderRole | String | Filters the returned transactions based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller. |
OrderStatus | String | Filters the returned transactions based on the status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Completed, Inactive. |
Query shipping details of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only shipping details of transaction made in the last 90 days are returned. Shipping details of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds.
Examples of querying the TransactionShipping view:
SELECT * FROM TransactionShipping WHERE ModTimeFrom = '2/22/2018' AND ModTimeTo = '3/4/2018' SELECT * FROM TransactionShipping WHERE OrderId = '110277719772-28859911001' SELECT * FROM TransactionShipping WHERE OrderId IN ('110277719772-28859911001', '110276240386-28854859001')
Name | Type | Description |
TransactionId [KEY] | String | Unique identifier for the transaction. |
OrderId | String | Unique identifier for the order. |
InternationalPackagingHandlingCosts | Decimal | Fees a seller might assess for the shipping of the item (in addition to whatever the shipping service might charge). |
PostalCode | String | Postal code for the location from which the package will be shipped. |
PackagingHandlingCosts | Decimal | Fees a seller might assess for the shipping of the item (in addition to whatever the shipping service might charge). |
ShippingIrregular | Boolean | This boolean field indicates that the shipping package is considered an irregular shape and/or size by the shipping carrier, and thus requires special handling. |
ExpeditedService | Boolean | Indicates whether the service is an expedited shipping service. |
ShippingImportCharge | Decimal | The total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program. |
ShippingInsuranceCost | Decimal | The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service. |
ShippingServiceAdditionalCost | Decimal | The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. |
ShippingServiceCost | Decimal | The base cost of shipping the item using the shipping service specified in the ShippingService field. |
ShippingPackageInfo | String | This aggregate contains all shipping package info. |
ShipmentTrackingNumbers | String | The tracking numbers assigned by the shipping carriers. |
ShippingCarriers | String | The name of the shipping carriers used to ship the items. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CreateTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the transactions in orders created within this date range. By default the date range is 90 days. |
CreateTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the transactions in orders created within this date range. By default the date range is 90 days. |
ModTimeFrom | Datetime | Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the transactions in orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
ModTimeTo | Datetime | Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the transactions in orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days. |
NumberOfDays | Integer | All eBay shipping details of the transactions in orders that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30. |
OrderRole | String | Filters the returned shipping details of the transactions based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller. |
OrderStatus | String | Filters the returned shipping details of the transactions based on the status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Completed, Inactive. |
The connection string properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure in the connection string for this provider. Click the links for further details.
For more information on establishing a connection, see Establishing a Connection.
Property | Description |
AuthScheme | The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are OAuth and AuthNAuth. |
DevID | Your Developer Id, as registered with the eBay Developers Program. |
SiteID | The Id of the eBay site to which you want to send the request. By default this is 0, (U.S.). |
UseSandbox | A boolean indicating if you are using a sandbox account. |
RuName | The Redirect URL name used for validation. This property is only needed if you are using the provider to allow other users to access their own data. |
Property | Description |
OAuthClientId | Specifies the client Id that was assigned the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer key.) This ID registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthClientSecret | Specifies the client secret that was assigned when the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer secret ). This secret registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthAccessToken | A token received after authentication to the OAuth network, granting the user access. The access token is used in place of the user's login ID and password, which stay on the server. |
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | Specifies the certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
Property | Description |
FirewallType | Specifies the protocol the provider uses to tunnel traffic through a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | Identifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy used to traverse a firewall and relay user queries to network resources. |
FirewallPort | Specifies the TCP port to be used for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | Identifies the user ID of the account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | Specifies the password of the user account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | Specifies whether the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations, rather than using a manually specified proxy server. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port on your specified proxy server (set in the ProxyServer connection property) that has been reserved for routing HTTP traffic to and from the client. |
ProxyAuthScheme | Specifies the authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyUser | The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyPassword | The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the proxy server set in the ProxyServer connection property. |
Property | Description |
LogModules | Specifies the core modules to include in the log file. Use a semicolon-separated list of module names. By default, all modules are logged. |
Property | Description |
Location | Specifies the location of a directory containing schema files that define tables, views, and stored procedures. Depending on your service's requirements, this may be expressed as either an absolute path or a relative path. |
BrowsableSchemas | Optional setting that restricts the schemas reported to a subset of all available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC . |
Tables | Optional setting that restricts the tables reported to a subset of all available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC . |
Views | Optional setting that restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC . |
Property | Description |
MaxRows | Specifies the maximum rows returned for queries without aggregation or GROUP BY. |
Other | Specifies additional hidden properties for specific use cases. These are not required for typical provider functionality. Use a semicolon-separated list to define multiple properties. |
PseudoColumns | Specifies the pseudocolumns to expose as table columns. Use the format 'TableName=ColumnName;TableName=ColumnName'. The default is an empty string, which disables this property. |
Timeout | Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the provider waits for a server response before throwing a timeout error. The default is 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. |
UserDefinedViews | Specifies a filepath to a JSON configuration file defining custom views. The provider automatically detects and uses the views specified in this file. |
This section provides a complete list of the Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
AuthScheme | The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are OAuth and AuthNAuth. |
DevID | Your Developer Id, as registered with the eBay Developers Program. |
SiteID | The Id of the eBay site to which you want to send the request. By default this is 0, (U.S.). |
UseSandbox | A boolean indicating if you are using a sandbox account. |
RuName | The Redirect URL name used for validation. This property is only needed if you are using the provider to allow other users to access their own data. |
The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are OAuth and AuthNAuth.
Your Developer Id, as registered with the eBay Developers Program.
Your Developer Id, as registered with the eBay Developers Program.
The Id of the eBay site to which you want to send the request. By default this is 0, (U.S.).
The Id of the eBay site to which you want to send the request. By default this is 0, (U.S.)
A boolean indicating if you are using a sandbox account.
A boolean indicating if you are using a sandbox account.
The Redirect URL name used for validation. This property is only needed if you are using the provider to allow other users to access their own data.
The Redirect URL name used for validation. This property is only needed if you are using the Sync App to allow other users to access their own data. You can obtain this by clicking User Tokens from your developer account, clicking Get a Token from eBay via Your Application, and then clicking Add eBay Redirect URL.
This section provides a complete list of the OAuth properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
OAuthClientId | Specifies the client Id that was assigned the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer key.) This ID registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthClientSecret | Specifies the client secret that was assigned when the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer secret ). This secret registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthAccessToken | A token received after authentication to the OAuth network, granting the user access. The access token is used in place of the user's login ID and password, which stay on the server. |
Specifies the client Id that was assigned the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer key.) This ID registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientId is one of a handful of connection parameters that need to be set before users can authenticate via OAuth. For details, see Establishing a Connection.
Specifies the client secret that was assigned when the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer secret ). This secret registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret is one of a handful of connection parameters that need to be set before users can authenticate via OAuth. For details, see Establishing a Connection.
A token received after authentication to the OAuth network, granting the user access. The access token is used in place of the user's login ID and password, which stay on the server.
The OAuth access token has a server-dependent timeout, limiting user access. This is set using the OAuthExpiresIn property. However, it can be reissued between requests to keep access alive as long as the user keeps working.
If InitiateOAuth is set to REFRESH, we recommend that you also set both OAuthExpiresIn and OAuthTokenTimestamp. The Sync App uses these properties to determine when the token expires so it can refresh most efficiently.
If OAuthExpiresIn and OAuthTokenTimestamp are not specified, the Sync App refreshes the token immediately.
This section provides a complete list of the SSL properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | Specifies the certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
Specifies the certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.
If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.
This property can take the following forms:
Description | Example |
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
A path to a local file containing the certificate | C:\cert.cer |
The public key (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.
Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.
This section provides a complete list of the Firewall properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
FirewallType | Specifies the protocol the provider uses to tunnel traffic through a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | Identifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy used to traverse a firewall and relay user queries to network resources. |
FirewallPort | Specifies the TCP port to be used for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | Identifies the user ID of the account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | Specifies the password of the user account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
Specifies the protocol the provider uses to tunnel traffic through a proxy-based firewall.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
Note: By default, the Sync App connects to the system proxy. To disable this behavior and connect to one of the following proxy types, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The following table provides port number information for each of the supported protocols.
Protocol | Default Port | Description |
TUNNEL | 80 | The port where the Sync App opens a connection to eBay. Traffic flows back and forth via the proxy at this location. |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | The port where the Sync App opens a connection to eBay. SOCKS 4 then passes theFirewallUser value to the proxy, which determines whether the connection request should be granted. |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | The port where the Sync App sends data to eBay. If the SOCKS 5 proxy requires authentication, set FirewallUser and FirewallPassword to credentials the proxy recognizes. |
To connect to HTTP proxies, use ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate to HTTP proxies, use ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword.
Identifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy used to traverse a firewall and relay user queries to network resources.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
Specifies the TCP port to be used for a proxy-based firewall.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
Identifies the user ID of the account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
Specifies the password of the user account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
This section provides a complete list of the Proxy properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | Specifies whether the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations, rather than using a manually specified proxy server. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port on your specified proxy server (set in the ProxyServer connection property) that has been reserved for routing HTTP traffic to and from the client. |
ProxyAuthScheme | Specifies the authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyUser | The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyPassword | The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the proxy server set in the ProxyServer connection property. |
Specifies whether the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations, rather than using a manually specified proxy server.
When this connection property is set to True, the Sync App checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations (no need to manually supply proxy server details).
This connection property takes precedence over other proxy settings. Set to False if you want to manually configure the Sync App to connect to a specific proxy server.
To connect to an HTTP proxy, see ProxyServer. For other proxies, such as SOCKS or tunneling, see FirewallType.
The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through.
The Sync App only routes HTTP traffic through the proxy server specified in this connection property when ProxyAutoDetect is set to False. If ProxyAutoDetect is set to True, which is the default, the Sync App instead routes HTTP traffic through the proxy server specified in your system proxy settings.
The TCP port on your specified proxy server (set in the ProxyServer connection property) that has been reserved for routing HTTP traffic to and from the client.
The Sync App only routes HTTP traffic through the proxy server port specified in this connection property when ProxyAutoDetect is set to False. If ProxyAutoDetect is set to True, which is the default, the Sync App instead routes HTTP traffic through the proxy server port specified in your system proxy settings.
For other proxy types, see FirewallType.
Specifies the authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property.
The authentication type can be one of the following:
For all values other than "NONE", you must also set the ProxyUser and ProxyPassword connection properties.
If you need to use another authentication type, such as SOCKS 5 authentication, see FirewallType.
The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property.
The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword connection properties are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.
After selecting one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme, set this property as follows:
ProxyAuthScheme Value | Value to set for ProxyUser |
BASIC | The user name of a user registered with the proxy server. |
DIGEST | The user name of a user registered with the proxy server. |
NEGOTIATE | The username of a Windows user who is a valid user in the domain or trusted domain that the proxy server is part of, in the format user@domain or domain\user. |
NTLM | The username of a Windows user who is a valid user in the domain or trusted domain that the proxy server is part of, in the format user@domain or domain\user. |
NONE | Do not set the ProxyPassword connection property. |
The Sync App only uses this username if ProxyAutoDetect is set to False. If ProxyAutoDetect is set to True, which is the default, the Sync App instead uses the username specified in your system proxy settings.
The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property.
The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword connection properties are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.
After selecting one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme, set this property as follows:
ProxyAuthScheme Value | Value to set for ProxyPassword |
BASIC | The password associated with the proxy server user specified in ProxyUser. |
DIGEST | The password associated with the proxy server user specified in ProxyUser. |
NEGOTIATE | The password associated with the Windows user account specified in ProxyUser. |
NTLM | The password associated with the Windows user account specified in ProxyUser. |
NONE | Do not set the ProxyPassword connection property. |
For SOCKS 5 authentication or tunneling, see FirewallType.
The Sync App only uses this password if ProxyAutoDetect is set to False. If ProxyAutoDetect is set to True, which is the default, the Sync App instead uses the password specified in your system proxy settings.
The SSL type to use when connecting to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property.
This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to the HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer. You can set this connection property to the following values :
AUTO | Default setting. If ProxyServer is set to an HTTPS URL, the Sync App uses the TUNNEL option. If ProxyServer is set to an HTTP URL, the component uses the NEVER option. |
ALWAYS | The connection is always SSL enabled. |
NEVER | The connection is not SSL enabled. |
TUNNEL | The connection is made through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy. |
A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the proxy server set in the ProxyServer connection property.
The ProxyServer is used for all addresses, except for addresses defined in this property. Use semicolons to separate entries.
Note that the Sync App uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed. If you want to explicitly configure proxy exceptions for this connection, set ProxyAutoDetect to False.
This section provides a complete list of the Logging properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
LogModules | Specifies the core modules to include in the log file. Use a semicolon-separated list of module names. By default, all modules are logged. |
Specifies the core modules to include in the log file. Use a semicolon-separated list of module names. By default, all modules are logged.
This property lets you customize the log file content by specifying the logging modules to include. Logging modules categorize logged information into distinct areas, such as query execution, metadata, or SSL communication. Each module is represented by a four-character code, with some requiring a trailing space for three-letter names.
For example, EXEC logs query execution, and INFO logs general provider messages. To include multiple modules, separate their names with semicolons as follows: INFO;EXEC;SSL.
The Verbosity connection property takes precedence over the module-based filtering specified by this property. Only log entries that meet the verbosity level and belong to the specified modules are logged. Leave this property blank to include all available modules in the log file.
For a complete list of available modules and detailed guidance on configuring logging, refer to the Advanced Logging section in Logging.
This section provides a complete list of the Schema properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
Location | Specifies the location of a directory containing schema files that define tables, views, and stored procedures. Depending on your service's requirements, this may be expressed as either an absolute path or a relative path. |
BrowsableSchemas | Optional setting that restricts the schemas reported to a subset of all available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC . |
Tables | Optional setting that restricts the tables reported to a subset of all available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC . |
Views | Optional setting that restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC . |
Specifies the location of a directory containing schema files that define tables, views, and stored procedures. Depending on your service's requirements, this may be expressed as either an absolute path or a relative path.
The Location property is only needed if you want to either customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, etc.) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.
If left unspecified, the default location is %APPDATA%\\CData\\Ebay Data Provider\\Schema, where %APPDATA% is set to the user's configuration directory:
Platform | %APPDATA% |
Windows | The value of the APPDATA environment variable |
Linux | ~/.config |
Optional setting that restricts the schemas reported to a subset of all available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC .
Listing all available database schemas can take extra time, thus degrading performance. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string saves time and improves performance.
Optional setting that restricts the tables reported to a subset of all available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC .
Listing all available tables from some databases can take extra time, thus degrading performance. Providing a list of tables in the connection string saves time and improves performance.
If there are lots of tables available and you already know which ones you want to work with, you can use this property to restrict your viewing to only those tables. To do this, specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.
Note: If you are connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you must specify each table you want to view by its fully qualified name. This avoids ambiguity between tables that may exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
Optional setting that restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC .
Listing all available views from some databases can take extra time, thus degrading performance. Providing a list of views in the connection string saves time and improves performance.
If there are lots of views available and you already know which ones you want to work with, you can use this property to restrict your viewing to only those views. To do this, specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.
Note: If you are connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you must specify each view you want to examine by its fully qualified name. This avoids ambiguity between views that may exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
This section provides a complete list of the Miscellaneous properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
MaxRows | Specifies the maximum rows returned for queries without aggregation or GROUP BY. |
Other | Specifies additional hidden properties for specific use cases. These are not required for typical provider functionality. Use a semicolon-separated list to define multiple properties. |
PseudoColumns | Specifies the pseudocolumns to expose as table columns. Use the format 'TableName=ColumnName;TableName=ColumnName'. The default is an empty string, which disables this property. |
Timeout | Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the provider waits for a server response before throwing a timeout error. The default is 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. |
UserDefinedViews | Specifies a filepath to a JSON configuration file defining custom views. The provider automatically detects and uses the views specified in this file. |
Specifies the maximum rows returned for queries without aggregation or GROUP BY.
This property sets an upper limit on the number of rows the Sync App returns for queries that do not include aggregation or GROUP BY clauses. This limit ensures that queries do not return excessively large result sets by default.
When a query includes a LIMIT clause, the value specified in the query takes precedence over the MaxRows setting. If MaxRows is set to "-1", no row limit is enforced unless a LIMIT clause is explicitly included in the query.
This property is useful for optimizing performance and preventing excessive resource consumption when executing queries that could otherwise return very large datasets.
Specifies additional hidden properties for specific use cases. These are not required for typical provider functionality. Use a semicolon-separated list to define multiple properties.
This property allows advanced users to configure hidden properties for specialized scenarios. These settings are not required for normal use cases but can address unique requirements or provide additional functionality. Multiple properties can be defined in a semicolon-separated list.
Note: It is strongly recommended to set these properties only when advised by the support team to address specific scenarios or issues.
Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.
DefaultColumnSize | Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000. |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine. |
RecordToFile=filename | Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file. |
Specifies the pseudocolumns to expose as table columns. Use the format 'TableName=ColumnName;TableName=ColumnName'. The default is an empty string, which disables this property.
This property allows you to define which pseudocolumns the Sync App exposes as table columns.
To specify individual pseudocolumns, use the following format: "Table1=Column1;Table1=Column2;Table2=Column3"
To include all pseudocolumns for all tables use: "*=*"
Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the provider waits for a server response before throwing a timeout error. The default is 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable the timeout.
This property controls the maximum time, in seconds, that the Sync App waits for an operation to complete before canceling it. If the timeout period expires before the operation finishes, the Sync App cancels the operation and throws an exception.
The timeout applies to each individual communication with the server rather than the entire query or operation. For example, a query could continue running beyond 60 seconds if each paging call completes within the timeout limit.
Setting this property to 0 disables the timeout, allowing operations to run indefinitely until they succeed or fail due to other conditions such as server-side timeouts, network interruptions, or resource limits on the server. Use this property cautiously to avoid long-running operations that could degrade performance or result in unresponsive behavior.
Specifies a filepath to a JSON configuration file defining custom views. The provider automatically detects and uses the views specified in this file.
This property allows you to define and manage custom views through a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. These views are automatically recognized by the Sync App and enable you to execute custom SQL queries as if they were standard database views. The JSON file defines each view as a root element with a child element called "query", which contains the SQL query for the view. For example:
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM ItemListing WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }
You can define multiple views in a single file and specify the filepath using this property. For example: UserDefinedViews=C:\Path\To\UserDefinedViews.json. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the Sync App.
Refer to User Defined Views for more information.