CData Python Connector for eBay

Build 24.0.8963


Update, delete, and query Item Listings for sellers.

Table Specific Information


The following query retrieves seller items. By default this query returns items that were added in the last 100 days.

SELECT * FROM ItemListing

ItemListing is the only table that supports ORDER BY. Only two columns can be used for ordering: StartTime and EndTime. The following query retrieves items that end between the specified time, ordered by the item ending soonest.

SELECT * FROM ItemListing WHERE EndTimeFrom = '2016-01-25' AND EndTimeTo = '2016-02-05' ORDER BY EndTime


The AddItem stored procedure provides the functionality to add a new item.


The inputs that are required for an update depend on the type of the item and its category. At least the ItemId and one property of the item must be provided in an update.

UPDATE ItemListing SET Title = 'My Awesome Item' WHERE ItemId = '123456789'
After one item in a multiquantity listing has been sold, sellers cannot change the values in the Title, Primary Category, Secondary Category, Listing Duration, and Listing Type fields. However, all other fields are still editable.


The ItemId and EndingReason must be specified to delete an item.

DELETE FROM ItemListing WHERE ItemId = '123456789' AND  EndingReason = 'LostOrBroken'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ItemId [KEY] String False

The Id that uniquely identifies the item listing. The Id is generated by eBay after an item is listed. You cannot choose or revise this value.

Title String False

Name of the item as it appears in the listing or search results.

AutoPay Boolean False

If true, the seller requests immediate payment for the item.

BuyerProtection String False

Flag to indicate the eligibility of an item for the PayPal Buyer Protection program.

BuyItNowPrice Decimal False

This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a Buy It Now price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately.

ConditionDescription String False

This string field is used by the seller to more clearly describe the condition of items that are not brand new.

Country String False

Defines the 2-letter ISO 3166 country code.

Currency String False

Currency associated with the price information of the item. 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.

Description String False

The description of the item by the seller. In listing requests, you can use CDATA tags to submit your description if you want to use HTML or XML-reserved characters in the description.

HideFromSearch Boolean False

Whether the listing is hidden from all searches occurring on eBay.

HitCount Integer False

The number of page views for the item.

Adult Boolean False

If true, the item is listed in a Mature category.

BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice Decimal False

The price at which Best Offers are automatically accepted. Similar in use to MinimumBestOfferPrice.

CheckoutEnabled Boolean False

This flag indicates whether or not the Checkout Enabled preference of the seller is turned on (at account level or at listing level).

StartTime Datetime False

The StartTime for when the item was listed.

EndTime Datetime False

Time stamp (in GMT) when the listing is scheduled to end (calculated based on the values of StartTime and ListingDuration), or the actual end time if the item has ended.

MinimumBestOfferPrice Decimal False

Specifies the minimum acceptable Best Offer price. If a buyer submits a Best Offer that is below this value, the offer is automatically declined by the seller.

ViewItemURL String False

The URL of the Web page where a user can view the listing. On the U.S. site, this is called the View Item page.

ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch String False

This URL takes you to the same View Item page as ViewItemURL, but this URL is optimized to support natural search. That is, this URL is designed to make items on eBay easier to find via popular Internet search engines.

ListingDuration String False

Describes the number of days the seller wants the listing to be active (available for bidding/buying).

ListingType String False

The format of the listing the seller wants to use, such as Chinese auction or fixed price.

Location String False

Indicates the geographical location of the item (along with Country). When you revise a listing, you can add or change this value only if the listing has no bids (or no items have sold), and it does not end within 12 hours.

CategoryId String False

Category Id for the first (or only) category in which the item is listed (or will be listed, if the item is new).

CategoryName String False

This string value is the display name of the eBay primary category, as it would appear on the eBay website.

PrivateListing Boolean False

If true, designates the listing as private.

Quantity Integer False

The meaning of this value depends on the context.

QuantityAvailableHint String False

Indicates the type of message that will be returned describing the quantity available for the item.

QuantityThreshold Integer False

The quantity threshold above which the seller prefers not to show the actual quantity available.

ReservePrice Decimal False

The lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell the item.

Refund String False

Display string that buyer applications can use to present RefundOption in a more user-friendly format to buyers.

RefundOption String False

Indicates how the seller will compensate the buyer for a returned item.

ReturnsAccepted String False

Display string that buyer applications can use to present ReturnsAcceptedOption in a more user-friendly format to buyers.

ReturnsAcceptedOption String False

Indicates whether the seller allows the buyer to return the item. One of the following values: ReturnsAccepted or ReturnsNotAccepted. If you specify ReturnsNotAccepted, the View Item page will indicate that returns are not accepted instead.

ReturnsWithin String False

Display string that buyer applications can use to present ReturnsWithinOption in a more user-friendly format to buyers.

ReturnsWithinOption String False

The buyer can return the item within this period of time from the day they receive the item.

ShippingCostPaidBy String False

Display string that buyer applications can use to present ShippingCostPaidByOption in a more user-friendly format to buyers.

ShippingCostPaidByOption String False

The party who pays the shipping cost for a returned item.

ItemRevised Boolean False

This field is returned as true if the original listing has been revised.

SellerName String False

The name of the seller. This field is used as part of the address.

CurrentPrice Decimal False

The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

ListingStatus String False

Specifies an active or ended listing status in the processing workflow.

PromotionalEndTime Datetime False

End time of a discount for an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature.

PromotionalOriginalPrice Decimal False

Original price of an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature.

PromotionalStartTime Datetime False

Start time of a discount for an item whose price a seller has reduced with the Promotional Price Display feature.

QuantitySold Integer False

The total number of items purchased so far in the lifetime of the listing. Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available.

ReserveMet Boolean False

Indicates whether the reserve price has been met for the listing. Returns true if the reserve price was met or no reserve price was specified.

SecondChanceEligible Boolean False

Part of the Second Chance Offer feature, which indicates whether the seller can extend a second chance offer for the item.

Site String False

The name of the site on which the item is listed.

SKU String False

A SKU (stock keeping unit) is an identifier defined by a seller.

StartPrice Decimal False

The original price of the item at listing or relisting time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price.

TimeLeft String False

Time left before the listing ends. The duration is represented in the ISO 8601 duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS).

TotalQuestionCount Integer False

The number of questions asked about this item. Applies to eBay Motors Pro applications only.

WatchCount Integer False

The number of watches placed on this item from the My eBay accounts of the buyers.

StoreCategoryId Long False

Unique identifier of a primary custom category in which to list the item.

StoreCategoryId2 Long False

Unique identifier for the secondary custom category in which to list the item.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AdminEndedItemsOnly String

Specifies whether to return only items that were administratively ended based on a policy violation.

EndTimeFrom Datetime

Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time. Specify either an end-time range or a start-time range filter. Each of the time ranges must be a value less than 120 days.

EndTimeTo Datetime

Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time. Specify either an end-time range or a start-time range filter. Each of the time ranges must be a value less than 120 days.

GranularityLevel String

Specifies the subset of item and user fields to return.

StartTimeFrom Datetime

Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item start time.

StartTimeTo Datetime

Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item start time. Must be specified if StartTimeFrom is specified.

UserId String

Specifies the seller whose items will be returned. UserId is an optional input. If not specified, retrieves listings for the user identified by the authentication token passed in the request.

DetailLevel String

Detail levels are instructions that define standard subsets of data to return for particular tables.

The allowed values are ReturnAll.

EndingReason String

Indicates the reason the seller ended the listing early.

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Build 24.0.8963