Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
CData ODBC Driver for eBay Views
Name | Description |
Bidders | Query eBay users that bid on a specified listing, regardless of whether the listing has ended. |
Categories | Query eBay Categories. |
CategoryFeatures | Query the settings supported by eBay Categories. |
CategorySubtree | Retrieve all nodes of the category tree hierarchy (the subtree) below a specified category in a specified category tree. |
CategorySuggestions | Return an array of suggested categories that eBay has determined correspond to keywords that describe an item. |
CategoryTree | Retrieve the complete category tree corresponding to a specified category tree ID. |
CompatibilityProperties | Retrieve an array of parts compatibility aspects that are used to describe compatible vehicles. |
CompatibilityPropertyValues | Retrieve an array of parts compatibility aspect values that are used to describe compatible vehicles. |
Countries | Lists the country code and associated name of the countries supported by the eBay system, regardless of the site specified in the request. |
Currencies | Query the supported Currencies in eBay. |
DefaultCategoryTreeId | Retrieve the default category tree reference for a specific eBay marketplace. |
FulfillmentPolicies | Retrieves all the fulfillment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter. |
HighestBidder | Query the Highest Bidder of the eBay users who bid on a specified listing, regardless of whether the listing has ended. |
ItemAspectsForCategory | Retrieve an array of aspects that are appropriate for describing items in a specified category. |
ItemCompatibilityList | Query compatability categories and possible compatability values for a specific item. |
ItemShipping | Query details pertinent to one or more items for which calculated shipping has been offered by the seller, such as package dimension, weight, and packaging/handling costs. |
ItemSpecifics | Query item specifics for a specific item. |
ItemTransactions | Query order line item (transaction) information for a specified listing. For auction listings, order line items are not created until the auction ends with a winning bidder, or if the Buy It Now feature is enabled for the listing and used by the buyer to purchase the item. For fixed-price listings, order line items are created after a buyer has committed to purchase the item(s). |
MostWatchedItems | Query items with the highest watch counts for the entire site or for a specific category. The top items are determined by the Watch Count totals from the preceding day. Ranking of the Most Watched Items is calculated with the latest Watch Count information. |
OrderPayments | Query all payments of the orders, in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only payment details of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Payment details of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId. |
Orders | Query all orders in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId. |
OrderShipping | Query shipping details of the orders in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only shipping details of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Shipping details of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId. |
PaymentPolicies | Retrieves all the payment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter. |
ReturnPolicies | Retrieves all the return policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the MarketplaceId query parameter. |
ShippingCarriers | Query Shipping Carriers supported by the specified site. |
ShippingCategories | A shipping service category supported for the site. |
ShippingLocations | Lists the regions and locations supported by eBay's shipping services. Returns all shipping locations supported by eBay, regardless of the site specified in the request. |
ShippingServices | Query Shipping Services supported by the specified eBay site. |
Sites | Lists all available eBay sites and their associated SiteID numbers. |
SuggestedCategories | Query eBay list of categories with the highest number of listings. |
TopSellingProducts | Query your eBay Top Selling Products. |
TransactionLinkedItems | Query all linked line items of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only linked line items of transactions made in the last 90 days are returned. Linked line items of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds. |
TransactionPayments | Query all payments of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only payments of transactions made in the last 90 days are returned. Payments of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds. |
TransactionRefunds | Query all refunds of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only refunds of transactions made in the last 90 days are returned. Refunds of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds. |
Transactions | Query all transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only transactions of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Transactions of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId. |
TransactionShipping | Query shipping details of the transactions in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only shipping details of transaction made in the last 90 days are returned. Shipping details of the transactions in orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderIds. |