Tableau Connector for eBay

Build 24.0.9111


Query all payments of the orders, in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only payment details of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Payment details of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId.



OrderPayments ビューのクエリ例:

SELECT * FROM OrderPayments WHERE ModTimeFrom = '2/22/2018'

SELECT * FROM OrderPayments WHERE NumberOfDays = '30'


Name Type Description
PaymentId [KEY] String A unique transaction ID for the payment.
OrderId String A unique identifier for an eBay order.
FeeOrCreditAmount Decimal Fee Amount is a positive value and Credit Amount is a negative value.
Payee String The person or organization who is to receive the payment allocation.
Payer String This field indicates the eBay user or eBay partner who submitted the payment.
PaymentAmount Decimal The amount of the payment that is allocated to the payee.
PaymentStatus String The current status of a buyer payment that is allocated to a specified payee.
PaymentTime Datetime The date and time when the payment is received by the payee.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
CreateTimeFrom Datetime Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the orders created within this date range.
CreateTimeTo Datetime Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the orders created within this date range.
ModTimeFrom Datetime Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days.
ModTimeTo Datetime Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve payment details of the orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days.
NumberOfDays Integer All eBay payment details of the orders that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30.
OrderRole String Filters the returned payment details of the orders based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller.
OrderStatus String Filters the returned payment details of the orders based on the status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Completed, Inactive.

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Build 24.0.9111