Tableau Connector for eBay

Build 24.0.9111


Query eBay users that bid on a specified listing, regardless of whether the listing has ended.



フィルタがサポートされているカラムはItemId およびListMode です。このビューからデータを取得するには、ItemId を指定する必要があります。

SELECT * FROM Bidders WHERE ItemId = '1234567'

SELECT * FROM Bidders WHERE ItemId = '1234567' AND ListMode = 'EndedListing'


Name Type Description
Action String Indicates the type of offer being made on the specified listing.
MaxBid Decimal Amount of the offer placed. For auction listings, the amount bid on the item (subject to outbid by other buyers). For fixed-price listings, the fixed sale price at which the item is purchased. For auction listings with an active Buy It Now option, this amount will be either the Buy It Now price for purchase or the amount of a bid, depending on the offer type.
Currency String The three-digit currency code for the Max Bid.
ConvertedPrice Decimal The price in the currency specified.
ConvertedPriceCurrency String The three-digit currency Id of the converted price.
HighestBid Decimal Amount the highest bidder has bid on the item. Applicable to only auction listings where there is progressive bidding and winning bidders are determined based on the highest bid.
HighestBidCurrency String The three-digit currency code for the highest bid.
Quantity Integer Specifies the number of items the user tendering the offer intends to purchase, bid on, or make a Best Offer on.
SecondChanceEnabled Boolean Indicates whether user is willing to be the recipient of second chance offers.
SiteCurrency String Unique Id identifying the currency in which the localized offer amounts are expressed.
TimeBid Datetime Date and time the offer or bid was placed.
UserId String Unique eBay user Id for the user.
UserCountry String The two-digit code representing the country of the user.
UserFeedbackScore Integer The aggregate feedback score for a user. A feedback score for a user is the net positive feedback minus the net negative feedback left for the user.
ItemId String The Id of the item. The bidders who bid on this item are returned.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
ListMode String Specifies which bidder information to return. EndedListing returns all nonwinning bidders for ended listings only. It can be used only by a seller. SecondChanceEligibleEndedListing returns all nonwinning bidders for an ended listing who have not yet received a Second Chance Offer and noted interest in receiving a Second Chance Offer. It can be used only by a seller. ViewAll returns all bidders for an ended or still-active listing. It can be used by any user.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。EndedListing, SecondChanceEligibleEndedListing, ViewAll

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Build 24.0.9111