Power BI Connector for eBay

Build 23.0.8839


Query shipping details of the orders in which the authenticated user is either the buyer or seller. By default, only shipping details of orders made in the last 90 days are returned. Shipping details of orders older than 90 days can be retrieved by specifying OrderId.

View Specific Information


Examples of querying the OrderShipping view:

SELECT * FROM OrderShipping WHERE NumberOfDays = '30'

SELECT * FROM OrderShipping WHERE CreateTimeFrom = '2018-02-10' AND CreateTimeTo = '2018-03-16'


Name Type Description
OrderId [KEY] String The Id that uniquely identifies the item listing. The Id is generated by eBay after an item is listed. You cannot choose or revise this value.
AddressId String Unique ID for a user's address in the eBay database.
CityName String The name of the user's city.
Country String The two-digit code representing the country of the user.
CountryName String The name of the user's country.
AddressName String User's name for the address.
Phone String User's primary phone number.
PostalCode String User's postal code.
StateOrProvince String The state or province of the user's address. Whether it's a state or a province will depend on the region and/or country.
Street1 String The first line of the user's street address.
Street2 String The second line of the user's street address (such as an apartment number or suite number).
ShippingCharge Decimal The dollar value in this field indicates the amount that the seller is being charged (at order level) for the convenience of an eBay On Demand Delivery.
ExpeditedService Boolean Indicates whether the service is an expedited shipping service.
ShippingImportCharge Decimal The total cost of customs and taxes for the international leg of an order shipped using the Global Shipping Program.
ShippingInsuranceCost Decimal The insurance cost associated with shipping a single item with this shipping service.
ShippingServiceAdditionalCost Decimal The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item.
ShippingServiceCost Decimal The base cost of shipping the item using the shipping service specified in the ShippingService field.
ActualDeliveryTime Datetime This timestamp indicates when the order was actually delivered to the buyer.
EstimatedDeliveryTimeMax Datetime The EstimatedDeliveryTimeMin and EstimatedDeliveryTimeMax timestamps indicate the window during which the buyer can expect delivery.
EstimatedDeliveryTimeMin Datetime The EstimatedDeliveryTimeMin and EstimatedDeliveryTimeMax timestamps indicate the window during which the buyer can expect delivery.
HandleByTime Datetime This timestamp indicates the latest date/time that the seller should ship the package to ensure that the package arrives to the buyer within the estimated delivery window.
ScheduledDeliveryTimeMax Datetime The ScheduledDeliveryTimeMin and ScheduledDeliveryTimeMax timestamps indicate the delivery window for which the buyer can expect to receive the order.
ScheduledDeliveryTimeMin Datetime The ScheduledDeliveryTimeMin and ScheduledDeliveryTimeMax timestamps indicate the delivery window for which the buyer can expect to receive the order.
ShippingTrackingEvent String This enumeration value indicates whether or not the order has been picked up from the store indicated by the StoreID value.
StoreId String The unique identifier of the store from where the order will be delivered.
SalesTaxAmount Decimal The amount of sales tax, calculated for an order based on the SalesTaxPercent and pricing information.
SalesTaxPercent Float Percent of an item's price to be charged as the sales tax for the order.
SalesTaxState String State or jurisdiction for which the sales tax is being collected. Only returned if the seller specified a value.
ShipmentTrackingNumbers String The tracking numbers assigned by the shipping carriers.
ShippingCarriers String The name of the shipping carriers used to ship the items.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CreateTimeFrom Datetime Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the orders created within this date range.
CreateTimeTo Datetime Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the orders created within this date range.
ModTimeFrom Datetime Specifies the start of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days.
ModTimeTo Datetime Specifies the end of the date range for which to retrieve shipping details of the orders modified within this date range. The maximum time range that may be specified is 30 days.
NumberOfDays Integer All eBay shipping details of the orders that were either created or modified within this period are returned in the output. Min: 1. Max: 30.
OrderRole String Filters the returned shipping details of the orders based on the role of the user. The user's role is either buyer or seller.
OrderStatus String Filters the returned shipping details of the orders based on the status of the order. Applicable Values: Active, All, Completed, Inactive.

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Build 23.0.8839