Power BI Connector for eBay

Build 23.0.8839

Creating a Custom OAuth App

There are two authentication methods available for connecting to eBay: using a token generated for accessing only personal data or using tokens that allow other users to access their own data. Both methods require you to join the eBay Developers Program.

Register and Get Your Keyset

After joining the eBay Developers Program, you can obtain the following values from the Developer Account Dashboard > Application Keysets page.

  1. OAuthClientId (App ID)
  2. DevID
  3. OAuthClientSecret (Cert ID)

Creating an OAuth App

You can create OAuth apps meant to be used by either a single or multiple users. These scenarios are detailed in the following sections.

Single User

If you are working with your own account, follow the steps below to generate a token from eBay's user interface:
  1. Go to your Developer Account Dashboard and open the User Access Tokens page.
  2. Select the environment for your app.
    • Select Production if you are searching for real items or listing real items to the live eBay site.
    • Select Sandbox if you are creating test listings in the sandbox.
  3. Underneath Get a User Token Here, select the authentication method to use when generating a token. OAuth tokens are valid for all eBay APIs (RESTful APIs and Traditional APIs), while Auth'n'Auth tokens are only valid for the Traditional APIs.

  4. Click Sign in to Sandbox or Sign in to Production depending on the environment, and log in with credentials for either your sandbox or production eBay account.

Note: To enable OAuth authentication, you should check the OAuth Enabled checkbox under Your eBay Sign-in Settings for the RuName (eBay Redirect URL name) that you will be using to sign-in. If it is not enabled, then only the Auth'n'Auth authentication method will be supported. See the "Set Up an OAuth App" section for more information.

Multiple Users

eBay implements the OAuth authentication standard, which you can use to access your own data or allow other users to access their own data.

Follow the steps below to configure the user consent flow:

  1. Go to your Developer Account Dashboard and open the User Access Tokens page.
  2. Select the environment for your app.
    • Select Production if you are searching for real items or listing real items to the live eBay site.
    • Select Sandbox if you are creating test listings in the sandbox.
  3. Underneath Your eBay Sign-in Settings in the Get a Token from eBay via Your Application section, add a new RuName (eBay Redirect URL) by clicking on Add eBay Redirect URL or expand the tab for the RuName that you will be using to authenticate.
  4. Check the OAuth Enabled checkbox for your RuName. If it is not enabled, then only the Auth'n'Auth authentication method will be supported.
  5. Set Your auth accepted URL to https://oauth.cdata.com/oauth/ since the eBay requires a secure Redirect URI (https) and does not accept a localhost URI.
  6. Click Save to save your changes.
  7. Select OAuth, then click Test Sign-In to verify that you can sign-in with your RuName.

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Build 23.0.8839