Create, update, and query DoubleClick for Publishers ProposalLineItems.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The unique ID of the ProposalLineItem. This attribute is read-only. |
ProposalId | Long | False |
The unique ID of the Proposal, to which the ProposalLineItem belongs. This attribute is required for creation and then is readonly. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the ProposalLineItem which should be unique under the same Proposal. This attribute has a maximum length of 255 characters. This attribute can be configured as editable after the proposal has been submitted. Please check with your network administrator for editable fields configuration. |
StartDateTime | Datetime | False |
The date and time at which the line item associated with the ProposalLineItem is enabled to begin serving. This attribute is optional during creation, but required and must be in the future when it turns into a line item. The DateTime.timeZoneID is required if start date time is not null. This attribute becomes readonly once the ProposalLineItem has started delivering. |
EndDateTime | Datetime | False |
The date and time at which the line item associated with the ProposalLineItem stops beening served. This attribute is optional during creation, but required and must be after the startDateTime. The DateTime.timeZoneID is required if end date time is not null. |
TimeZoneId | String | False |
The time zone ID in tz database format (e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles') for this ProposalLineItem. The number of serving days is calculated in this time zone. So if rateType is RateType.CPD, it will affect the cost calculation. The startDateTime and endDateTime will be returned in this time zone. This attribute is optional and defaults to the network's time zone. This attribute is read-only when using programmatic guaranteed, using sales management, or when using programmatic guaranteed, not using sales management. |
InternalNotes | String | False |
Provides any additional notes that may annotate the ProposalLineItem. This attribute is optional and has a maximum length of 65,535 characters. This attribute can be configured as editable after the proposal has been submitted. Please check with your network administrator for editable fields configuration. |
IsArchived | Boolean | True |
The archival status of the ProposalLineItem. This attribute is read-only. |
Goal | String | False |
The goal (i.e. contracted quantity, quantity or limit) that this ProposalLineItem is associated with, which is used in its pacing and budgeting. Goal.units must be greater than 0 when the proposal line item turns into a line item, Goal.goalType and Goal.unitType are readonly. For a Preferred deal ProposalLineItem, the goal type can only be GoalType.NONE. |
SecondaryGoals | String | False |
The secondary goals that this ProposalLineItem is associated with. For a programmatic line item with the properties RateType.CPM and LineItemType.SPONSORSHIP, this field will have one goal which describes the impressions cap. For other cases, this field is an empty list. |
ContractedUnitsBought | Long | False |
The contracted number of impressions or clicks. If this is a LineItemType.SPONSORSHIP ProposalLineItem, has RateType.CPD as a rate type, and isProgrammatic is false, then this represents the lifetime minimum impression. If this is a LineItemType.SPONSORSHIP ProposalLineItem, has RateType.CPD as a rate type, and isProgrammatic is true, then this represents the daily minimum impression. This attribute is required for percentage-based-goal proposal line items. It does not impact ad-serving and is for reporting purposes only. |
DeliveryRateType | String | False |
The strategy for delivering ads over the course of the ProposalLineItem's duration. This attribute is required. For a Preferred deal ProposalLineItem, the value can only be DeliveryRateType.FRONTLOADED. The allowed values are EVENLY, FRONTLOADED, AS_FAST_AS_POSSIBLE. |
RoadblockingType | String | False |
The strategy for serving roadblocked creatives, i.e. instances where multiple creatives must be served together on a single web page. This attribute is optional during creation and defaults to the product's roadblocking type, or RoadblockingType.ONE_OR_MORE if not specified by the product. The allowed values are ONLY_ONE, ONE_OR_MORE, AS_MANY_AS_POSSIBLE, ALL_ROADBLOCK, CREATIVE_SET. |
CompanionDeliveryOption | String | False |
The delivery option for companions. This is only valid if the roadblocking type is RoadblockingType.CREATIVE_SET. The default value for roadblocking creatives is CompanionDeliveryOption.OPTIONAL. The default value in other cases is CompanionDeliveryOption.UNKNOWN. Providing something other than CompanionDeliveryOption.UNKNOWN will cause an error. The allowed values are OPTIONAL, AT_LEAST_ONE, ALL, UNKNOWN. |
VideoMaxDuration | Long | False |
The max duration of a video creative associated with this ProposalLineItem in milliseconds. This attribute is optional, defaults to the Product.videoMaxDuration on the Product it was created with, and only meaningful if this is a video proposal line item. |
VideoCreativeSkippableAdType | String | False |
The proposal line item's creatives' skippability. This attribute is optional, only applicable for video proposal line items, and defaults to SkippableAdType.NOT_SKIPPABLE. The allowed values are UNKNOWN, DISABLED, ENABLED, INSTREAM_SELECT, ANY. |
FrequencyCaps | String | False |
The set of frequency capping units for this ProposalLineItem. This attribute is optional during creation and defaults to the product's frequency caps if Product.allowFrequencyCapsCustomization is false. |
DfpLineItemId | Long | True |
The unique ID of the corresponding LineItem. This will be null if the Proposal has not been pushed to Ad Manager. This attribute is read-only. |
LineItemType | String | False |
The corresponding LineItemType of the ProposalLineItem. For a programmatic ProposalLineItem, the value can only be one of: The allowed values are SPONSORSHIP, STANDARD, NETWORK, BULK, PRICE_PRIORITY, HOUSE, LEGACY_DFP, CLICK_TRACKING, ADSENSE, AD_EXCHANGE, BUMPER, ADMOB, PREFERRED_DEAL, UNKNOWN. |
LineItemPriority | Int | False |
The priority for the corresponding LineItem of the ProposalLineItem. This attribute is optional during creation and defaults to the default priority of the lineItemType. For forecasting, this attribute is optional and has a default value assigned by Google. See LineItem.priority for more information. |
RateType | String | False |
The method used for billing the ProposalLineItem. The allowed values are CPM, CPC, CPD, CPU, FLAT_FEE, VCPM, CPM_IN_TARGET, UNKNOWN. |
CreativePlaceholders | String | False |
Details about the creatives that are expected to serve through the ProposalLineItem. This attribute is optional during creation and defaults to the product's creative placeholders. |
Targeting | String | False |
Contains the targeting criteria for the ProposalLineItem. This attribute is optional during creation and defaults to the product's targeting. |
AppliedLabels | String | False |
The set of labels applied directly to the ProposalLineItem. This attribute is optional. |
EffectiveAppliedLabels | String | True |
Contains the set of labels applied directly to the proposal as well as those inherited ones. If a label has been negated, only the negated label is returned. This attribute is read-only. |
DisableSameAdvertiserCompetitiveExclusion | Boolean | False |
If a line item has a series of competitive exclusions on it, it could be blocked from serving with line items from the same advertiser. Setting this to true will allow line items from the same advertiser to serve regardless of the other competitive exclusion labels being applied. This attribute is optional and defaults to false. |
IsSold | Boolean | True |
Indicates whether this ProposalLineItem has been sold. This attribute is read-only. |
NetRate | String | False |
The amount of money to spend per impression or click in proposal currency. It supports precision of 4 decimal places in terms of the fundamental currency unit, so the Money.getAmountInMicros must be multiples of 100. It doesn't include agency commission. For example, if Proposal.currencyCode is 'USD', then $123.4567 could be represented as 123456700, but further precision is not supported. At least one of the two fields ProposalLineItem.netRate and ProposalLineItem.netCost is required. |
NetCost | String | False |
The cost of the ProposalLineItem in proposal currency. It supports precision of 2 decimal places in terms of the fundamental currency unit, so the Money.getAmountInMicros must be multiples of 10000. It doesn't include agency commission. For example, if Proposal.currencyCode is 'USD', then $123.45 could be represented as 123450000, but further precision is not supported. At least one of the two fields ProposalLineItem.netRate and ProposalLineItem.netCost is required. |
DeliveryIndicator | String | False |
Indicates how well the line item generated from this proposal line item has been performing. This will be null if the delivery indicator information is not available due to one of the following reasons: |
DeliveryData | String | False |
Delivery data provides the number of clicks or impressions delivered for the LineItem generated from this proposal line item in the last 7 days. This will be null if the delivery data cannot be computed due to one of the following reasons: 1) The proposal line item has not pushed to Ad Manager. 2) The line item is not deliverable. 3) The line item has completed delivering more than 7 days ago. 4) The line item has an absolute-based goal. ProposalLineItem.deliveryIndicator should be used to track its progress in this case. |
ComputedStatus | String | True |
The status of the LineItem generated from this proposal line item. This will be null if the proposal line item has not pushed to Ad Manager. This attribute is read-only. The allowed values are DELIVERY_EXTENDED, DELIVERING, READY, PAUSED, INACTIVE, PAUSED_INVENTORY_RELEASED, PENDING_APPROVAL, COMPLETED, DISAPPROVED, DRAFT, CANCELED. |
LastModifiedDateTime | Datetime | True |
The date and time this ProposalLineItem was last modified. This attribute is assigned by Google when a ProposalLineItem is updated. This attribute is read-only. |
ReservationStatus | String | True |
The reservation status of the ProposalLineItem. This attribute is read-only. The allowed values are RESERVED, NOT_RESERVED, RELEASED, CHECK_LINE_ITEM_RESERVATION_STATUS, UNKNOWN. |
LastReservationDateTime | Datetime | True |
The last DateTime when the ProposalLineItem reserved inventory. This attribute is read-only. |
EnvironmentType | String | True |
The environment that the ProposalLineItem is targeting. The default value is EnvironmentType.BROWSER. If this value is EnvironmentType.VIDEO_PLAYER, then this ProposalLineItem can only target ad units that have sizes whose AdUnitSize.environmentType is also EnvironmentType.VIDEO_PLAYER. This field is read-only and set to Product.environmentType of the product this proposal line item was created from. The allowed values are BROWSER, VIDEO_PLAYER. |
AllowedFormats | String | False |
The set of AllowedFormats that this proposal line item can have. If the set is empty, this proposal line item allows all formats. The allowed values are AUDIO, UNKNOWN. |
IsProgrammatic | Boolean | True |
Whether or not the Proposal for this ProposalLineItem is a programmatic deal. This attribute is populated from Proposal.isProgrammatic. This attribute is read-only. |
AdditionalTerms | String | False |
Additional terms shown to the buyer in Marketplace. |
ProgrammaticCreativeSource | String | False |
Indicates the ProgrammaticCreativeSource of the programmatic line item. The allowed values are PUBLISHER, ADVERTISER, UNKNOWN. |
GrpSettings | String | False |
Contains the information for a proposal line item which has a target GRP demographic. |
EstimatedMinimumImpressions | Long | False |
The estimated minimum impressions that should be delivered for a proposal line item. |
ThirdPartyMeasurementSettings | String | False |
Contains third party measurement settings for cross-sell Partners. |
MakegoodInfo | String | False |
Makegood info for this proposal line item. Immutable once created. Null if this proposal line item is not a makegood. |
HasMakegood | Boolean | True |
Whether this proposal line item has an associated makegood. This attribute is read-only. |
CanCreateMakegood | Boolean | True |
Whether a new makegood associated with this line item can be created. This attribute is read-only. |
PauseRole | String | True |
The NegotiationRole that paused the proposal line item, i.e. NegotiationRole.seller or NegotiationRole.buyer, or null when the proposal is not paused. This attribute is read-only. The allowed values are BUYER, SELLER, UNKNOWN. |
PauseReason | String | True |
The reason for pausing the ProposalLineItem, provided by the pauseRole. It is null when the ProposalLineItem is not paused. This attribute is read-only. |