Excel Add-In for Google Ad Manager

Build 24.0.8963


Update and query DoubleClick for Publishers Creatives.


The following queries are processed server side by the Google Ad Manager APIs.

Retrieve a list of Creatives. For example:

SELECT * FROM [Creatives]

Additionally, you can specify the Id or filter by any other column.

SELECT * FROM [Creatives] WHERE Id = '138206791680'


You can update any field not marked as read-only by specifying the Id column.

UPDATE [Creatives] SET Name = 'Updated creative' WHERE Id = '138206791680'


The INSERT operation is not supported for this table.


The DELETE operation is not supported for this table.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AdvertiserId Long False

The ID of the advertiser that owns the creative. This attribute is required.

Id [KEY] Long True

Uniquely identifies the Creative. This value is read-only and is assigned by Google when the creative is created. This attribute is required for updates.

Name String False

The name of the creative. This attribute is required and has a maximum length of 255 characters.

Width Int False

The width of the Creative.

Height Int False

The height of the Creative.

IsAspectRatio Bool False

Whether the size defined by height and width represents an aspect ratio.

PreviewUrl String True

The URL of the creative for previewing the media. This attribute is read-only and is assigned by Google when a creative is created.

PolicyLabels String True

Set of policy labels detected for this creative. This attribute is read-only.

AppliedLabels String False

The set of labels applied to this creative.

LastModifiedDateTime Datetime True

The date and time this creative was last modified.

ThirdPartyDataDeclaration String False

The third party companies associated with this creative. This is distinct from any associated companies that Google may detect programmatically.

Snippet String True

The HTML snippet that this creative delivers. This attribute is required.

ExpandedSnippet String True

The HTML snippet that this creative delivers with macros expanded. This attribute is read-only and is set by Google.

CreativeTemplateVariableValues String False

Stores values of CreativeTemplateVariable in the CreativeTemplate.

SslScanResult String True

The SSL compatibility scan result for this creative.

SslManualOverride String False

The manual override for the SSL compatibility of this creative. This attribute is optional and defaults to SslManualOverride.NO_OVERRIDE.

LockedOrientation String True

A locked orientation for this creative to be displayed in.

AssetSize String True

The asset size of an internal redirect creative. Note that this may differ from size if users set overrideSize to true. This attribute is read-only and is populated by Google.

InternalRedirectUrl String False

The internal redirect URL of the DFA or DART for Publishers hosted creative. This attribute has a maximum length of 1024 characters.

IsSafeFrameCompatible Bool True

Whether the Creative is compatible for SafeFrame rendering.

Html5Asset String False

The HTML5 asset. To preview the HTML5 asset, use the CreativeAsset.assetUrl. In this field, the CreativeAsset.assetByteArray must be a zip bundle and the CreativeAsset.fileName must have a zip extension.

DestinationUrl String False

The URL the user is directed to if they click on the creative. This attribute is only required if the template snippet contains the %u or %%DEST_URL%% macro. It has a maximum length of 1024 characters

DestinationUrlType String False

The action that should be performed if the user clicks on the creative. This attribute is optional and defaults to DestinationUrlType.CLICK_TO_WEB.

HtmlSnippet String False

The HTML snippet that this creative delivers.

CustomCreativeAssets String False

A list of file assets that are associated with this creative, and can be referenced in the snippet.

OverrideSize Bool True

Allows the creative size to differ from the actual HTML5 asset size. This attribute is optional. thirdPartyImpressionTrackingUrls.

IsInterstitial Bool False

True if this internal redirect creative is interstitial.

PrimaryImageId Long True

Uniquely identifies the Creative. This value is read-only and is assigned by Google when the creative is created. This attribute is required for updates.

PrimaryImageName String True

The name of the creative. This attribute is required and has a maximum length of 255 characters.

PrimaryImageSize Long True

Primary image size.

PrimaryImageUrl String True

Primary image url.

AltText String False

Alternative text to be rendered along with the creative used mainly for accessibility. This field is optional and has a maximum length of 500 characters.

ThirdPartyImpressionTrackingUrls String False

A list of impression tracking URL to ping when this creative is displayed. This field is optional and each string has a maximum length of 1024 characters.

AmpRedirectUrl String False

The URL of the AMP creative.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963