Tableau Connector for Basecamp

Build 24.0.8963

Data Model

The CData Tableau Connector for Basecamp models the Basecamp 2 and Basecamp APIs as relational tables, views, and stored procedures. These are defined in schema files, which are simple, text-based configuration files.

The available entities, as well as any API limitations and requirements for querying these entities, are documented in Basecamp 2 Data Model and Basecamp 3 Data Model.


The Data Models illustrate an example of what your Basecamp environment might look like. The actual data model will be obtained dynamically based on your Basecamp account.

Key Features

  • Tables and Views are dynamically defined to model calendars, documents, and projects on Basecamp.
  • Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Basecamp, including downloading and uploading objects.
  • Live connectivity to these objects means any changes to your Basecamp account are immediately reflected when using the connector.

Basecamp 2 Data Model

Basecamp 2 Data Model describes the schemas available to connect to Basecamp 2 accounts. You can use tables to work with live Basecamp data. You can use stored procedures provided by CData Tableau Connector for Basecamp to automate working with Basecamp data.

Basecamp 3 Data Model

Basecamp 3 Data Model describes the schemas available to connect to Basecamp 3 accounts. You can use tables to work with live Basecamp data. You can use stored procedures provided by CData Tableau Connector for Basecamp to automate working with Basecamp data.

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Build 24.0.8963