SSIS Components for Basecamp

Build 24.0.9060


The component models the data in Basecamp as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData SSIS Components for Basecamp Tables

Name Description
CalendarEvents Retrieve calendar events on Basecamp 3.
CardTableCards Create, Update, and Query the Card table cards.
CardTableColumns Create, Update, and Query the Card table columns.
Comments Retrieve comments on a Basecamp 3 recording.
Documents Retrieve, create, update, and delete Documents on Basecamp 3.
Messages Retrieve messages on Basecamp 3.
Projects Retrieve, create, update, and delete Projects on Basecamp 3.
ToDoLists Retrieve ToDoLists on Basecamp 3.
ToDos Retrieve ToDos on Basecamp 3.
Vaults Retrieve Vaults(folders) on Basecamp 3 folders.

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Build 24.0.9060