ADO.NET Provider for Basecamp

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieve activity Events on Basecamp 3.


An event is created any time a recording changes.


You can retrieve all activity Events in the specified project and recording.The columns supported as search criteria by Basecamp are ProjectId and RecordingId.

If ProjectId is not specified in the query, the default ProjectId will be used.

SELECT * FROM Events WHERE ProjectId = '1111111' AND RecordingId = '22222222'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the event.
ProjectId Long


The Id of the Project associated with the document.
RecordingId Long


The Id of the Recording associated with this event.
Action String The action description for the event.
Details String Details on the event.
CreatedAt Datetime The date and time when the event was created.
CreatorId Long


Event creator Id.
CreatorAttachableSgid String Event creator Attachable SGID.
CreatorName String Event creator Name.
CreatorEmailAddress String Event creator Email Address.
CreatorTitle String Event creator Title.
CreatorBio String Event creator Bio.
CreatorCreatedAt Datetime Event creator creation date and time.
CreatorUpdatedAt Datetime Event creator update date and time.
CreatorAdmin Boolean Boolean indicationg if the event creator is an admin.
CreatorOwner Boolean Boolean indicationg if the event creator is an owner.
CreatorTimeZone String Event creator's timezone.
CreatorCompanyId Long Event creator's company Id.
CreatorCompanyName String Event creator's company name.

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Build 24.0.8963