ADO.NET Provider for Basecamp

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieve, create, update, and delete Calendar Events on Basecamp.



Basecamp は、WHERE 句でフィルタ条件として使用される限られたカラムのサブセットのみをサポートします。このテーブルのすべてのBoolean カラムは'=' 演算子と一緒に使うことができます。ProjectId、CalendarId、およびEndsAt も'=' 演算子と一緒に使うことができます。さらに、StartsAt カラムは、'>=' 演算子と一緒に使うことができます。


SELECT * FROM CalendarEvents WHERE StartsAt = '2016-01-01' AND EndsAt = '2016-02-01'
次のクエリは、特定のProject もしくはCalendar のCalendarEvents を取得します。
SELECT * FROM CalendarEvents WHERE ProjectId = '123456768'
SELECT * FROM CalendarEvents WHERE CalendarId = '123456768'


新しいCalendarEvent を作成するには、ProjectId かCalendarId およびStartsAt を指定します。

INSERT INTO CalendarEvents (ProjectId, Summary, Description, AllDay, StartsAt) VALUES ('12345678', 'My single, all-day Project event', 'Details to follow', 'true', 2016-02-01)

Update およびDelete

CalendarEvents の更新や削除には、ProjectId かCalendarId およびCalendarEvent Id を指定します。

UPDATE CalendarEvents SET Summary = 'Updated, two-day Project event', Description = 'Details to follow', AllDay = 'true', StartsAt = '2016-01-01', EndsAt = '2016-01-03' WHERE ProjectId = '12345678' AND Id = '12345678'

DELETE FROM CalendarEvents WHERE ProjectId = '12345678' AND Id = '12345678'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

The unique identifier for the calendar event.

AllDay Boolean False

Whether the calendar event is an all-day event.

AppUrl String True

The app URL.

BucketAppUrl String True

The calendar event bucket app url.

BucketColor String True

The calendar event bucket color.

BucketId String True

The calendar event bucket Id.

BucketName String True

The calendar event bucket name.

BucketType String True

The calendar event bucket type.

BucketUrl String True

The calendar event bucket URL.

CommentsCount Integer True

The number of comments on this calendar event.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the calendar event was created.

CreatorAvatarUrl String False

Creator Avatar URL.

CreatorFullsizeAvatarUrl String False

Creator full-size avatar URL.

CreatorId String False

The Id of the creator of the calendar event.

CreatorName String False

The name of the creator of the calendar event.

Description String False

The description for the calendar event.

EndsAt Datetime False

The end date and time for the calendar event.

Past Boolean False

Boolean value for past calendar events.

Private Boolean False

Whether this calendar event is private.

RemindAt Datetime False

The date and time for the calendar event reminder.

StartsAt Datetime False

The start date and time for the calendar event.

SubscribersId String False

The Id of the subscriber to the calendar event.

SubscribersName String False

The name of the subscriber to the calendar event.

Summary String False

The summary for the calendar event.

Trashed Boolean False

Boolean value for deleted calendar events.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the calendar event was updated.

Url String True

The URL of the calendar event.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
ProjectId String

The Id of the Project associated with the calendar event.

CalendarId String

The calendar Id associated with the calendar event.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963