Power BI Connector for Basecamp

Build 23.0.8839


Retrieve ToDos on Basecamp.

Table Specific Information


The following are columns supported as search criteria by Basecamp:

  • ProjectId
  • ToDoListId
  • Id
  • Completed
  • Remaining
  • Trashed
  • DueAt
  • DueOn

DueAt and DueOn can be used with the '>' or'>=' operators.

The following query retrieves only completed ToDos belonging to a certain Project.

SELECT * FROM ToDos WHERE ProjectId = '11111111' AND Completed = True

The following query filters ToDos that are due since a certain date.

SELECT * FROM ToDos WHERE ProjectId = '11111111' AND DueAt > '2016-01-01'

The following query lists the remaining ToDos that belong to a ToDo list.

SELECT * FROM ToDos WHERE ProjectId = '11111111' AND ToDoListId = '123456789' AND Remaining = true


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The unique identifier of the topic.
AppUrl String The app URL.
AssigneeId String Id of the person assigned to.
AssigneeName String Name of the person assigned to.
AssigneeType String Type of assignee.
CommentsCount Integer Number of comments on this to-do.
Completed Boolean Whether the to-do is completed.
Content String Description of the to-do.
CreatedAt Datetime The date and time when the record was created.
CreatorAvatarUrl String Creator Avatar URL.
CreatorFullsizeAvatarUrl String Creator full-size avatar URL.
CreatorId String The Id of the creator.
CreatorName String The name of the creator.
DueAt Datetime The date and time when the to-do is set due.
DueOn Datetime The date and time when the to-do is set due.
Position Integer Position number of the current to-do on the list.
Private Boolean Whether this to-do is private.
Remaining Boolean Boolean value for remaining to-dos.
SubscribersId String The Id of the subscriber.
SubscribersName String The name of the subscriber.
ToDoList String To-do list.
ToDoListId String The to-do list Id.
Trashed Boolean Boolean value for deleted to-dos.
UpdatedAt Datetime The date and time when the record was last updated.
URL String The URL of the to-do.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ProjectId String The Id of the Project associated with the to-do.

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Build 23.0.8839