Power BI Connector for Basecamp

Build 23.0.8839


Retrieve ToDoLists on Basecamp.

Table Specific Information


The following columns are supported by Basecamp as search criteria:

  • ProjectId
  • Id
  • PersonId
  • Completed
  • Trashed
  • CreatedAt

CreatedAt can be used with the '>' or '>=' operators.

The following query retrieves only completed ToDoLists belonging to a certain Project since a certain date.

SELECT * FROM ToDoLists WHERE ProjectId = '11111111' AND Completed = True AND CreatedAt > '2016-01-01'M

The following query retrieves a single ToDoList from a certain Project.

SELECT * FROM ToDoLists WHERE ProjectId = '11111111' AND Id = '123456789'

The following query retrieves ToDoLists that are assigned to a certain Person.

SELECT * FROM ToDoLists WHERE PersonId = '11111111'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The unique identifier of the topic.
AppUrl String The app URL.
AssignedTodos String Assigned to-dos.
BucketAppUrl String The topic bucket app URL.
BucketColor String The to-do bucket color.
BucketId String The to-do bucket Id.
BucketName String The to-do bucket name.
BucketType String The to-do bucket type.
BucketUrl String The to-do bucket URL.
Completed Boolean Whether the to-do list is completed.
CompletedCount Integer Number of completed to-dos.
CreatedAt Datetime The date and time when the record was created.
CreatorAvatarUrl String Creator Avatar URL.
CreatorFullsizeAvatarUrl String Creator full-size avatar URL.
CreatorId String The Id of the creator.
CreatorName String The name of the creator.
Description String The to-do list description.
Name String The name of the to-do list.
Position Integer Position number of the current to-do list.
Private Boolean Whether the to-do list is private.
RemainingCount Integer Number of unfinished to-dos.
SubscribersId String The Id of the subscriber.
SubscribersName String The name of the subscriber.
ToDos String To-dos list.
Trashed Boolean Boolean value for deleted to-do lists.
UpdatedAt Datetime The date and time when the record was last updated.
URL String The URL of the to-do list.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ProjectId String The Id of the Project associated with the to-do list.
PersonId String The Id of the Person associated with the to-do list.

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Build 23.0.8839