Tableau Connector for Box

Build 24.0.9111


Create, update, delete, and query the available Users in Box.



カレントユーザー、Id で指定されたエンタープライズ内の一人のユーザー、もしくはエンタープライズ内のすべてのユーザーを取得することができます。



SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = '1'

If you're authenticated as an administrator with user impersonation permissions, you can query users from multiple user accounts:


Note: User impersonation has the following limitations:

  • The authenticated user cannot be impersonated unless that user is a service account.
  • If the authenticated user is a standard user account, they can only query users associated with their account.
  • Users shared with multiple users are only returned for one of the users.



INSERT INTO Users (Login, Name, Role) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'Username', 'coadmin')


ReadOnly=False のカラムが更新可能です。

UPDATE Users SET Name = 'Test', Role = 'user', IsExemptFromDeviceLimits = false WHERE Id = '111'


Users は、Id を指定してDELETE ステートメントを発行することで削除できます。

DELETE FROM Users WHERE Id = '111'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

The Id of the user. When selecting you can set this to the value me to retrieve information for the logged-user.

Login String False

The login of the user.

Name String False

The name of the user.

EnterpriseId String False

The id of the user's enterprise. Set this to null to disassociate the user from the enterprise.

Role String False

The role of the user.

Language String False

The preferred language of the user.

IsPlatformAccessOnly Boolean False

If the user is an app user or not.

IsSyncEnabled Boolean False

If the user is allowed to use Box Sync or not.

JobTitle String False

The job title of the user.

Phone String False

The phone of the user.

Address String False

The address of the user.

SpaceAmount Long False

The amount of space the user is allowed to use.

SpaceUsed Long False

The amount of space the user has used.

MaxUploadSize Long False

The maximum upload size the user is allowed to upload.

TrackingCodes String False

The tracking codes of the user, separated by commas.

CanSeeManagedUsers Boolean False

The date the content of the user was created at.

TimeZone String False

The preferred timezone of the user.

IsExemptFromDeviceLimits Boolean False

If the user is exempt from device limitations or not.

IsExemptFromLoginVerification Boolean False

If the user is exempt from login verification or not.

Status String False

The status of the user.

IsPasswordResetRequired Boolean False

If the user should be asked to change his password on the next login or not.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The date the user was created.

ModifiedAt Datetime True

The date the user was modified.

AsUserId String False

The Id of the user you want to impersonate. Only works with Admin, Co-Admin and Service Accounts.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111