Tableau Connector for Box

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete and query the Metadata Templates in Box

Table Specific Information


You can retrieve information about the Metadata Template.

SELECT * FROM MetadataTemplates

You can also retrieve the information of any Template in your enterprise:

SELECT * FROM MetadataTemplates WHERE Id = 'e93746cc-03f6-4dee-ab45-01834989950c'


You can insert Metadata Template for your enterprise.

Insert a single field to the Template.

INSERT INTO MetadataTemplates (DisplayName, Scope, FieldsDisplayName, FieldsType) VALUES ('TestTemplate', 'enterprise', 'TestField', 'String')

Insert multiple fields to the Template.

INSERT INTO MetadataFields#TEMP (FieldDisplayName, FieldType, FieldOptions) VALUES ('Industry', 'enum', 'Technology, HealthCare')
INSERT INTO MetadataFields#TEMP (FieldDisplayName, FieldType) VALUES ('Contact Role', 'string')

INSERT INTO MetadataTemplates (DisplayName, Scope, FieldsAggregate) VALUES ('TestTemplate', 'enterprise', 'MetadataFields#TEMP')


Add field to the existing Template.

UPDATE MetadataTemplates SET Op = 'addField', FieldsKey = 'category', FieldsDisplayName = 'Category', FieldsisHidden = false, FieldsType = 'string' WHERE Scope = 'enterprise' AND TemplateKey = 'TestTemplate'

Update Fields in the Template.

UPDATE MetadataTemplates SET Op = 'editField', FieldsKey = 'Category', FieldsDescription = 'The Product Category' WHERE Scope = 'enterprise' AND TemplateKey = 'TestTemplate'

ReOrder Fields in the Template.

UPDATE MetadataTemplates SET Op = 'reorderFields', FieldsKey = 'Category,Industry,Contact' WHERE Scope = 'enterprise' AND TemplateKey = 'TestTemplate'

Remove Fields from the Template.

UPDATE MetadataTemplates SET Op = 'removeField', FieldsKey = 'Industry' WHERE Scope = 'enterprise' AND TemplateKey = 'TestTemplate'

Add Enum Options to the EnumField.

UPDATE MetadataTemplates SET Op = 'addEnumOption', FieldsKey = 'Industry', EnumOptionKey = 'AL' WHERE Scope = 'enterprise' AND TemplateKey = 'TestTemplate'

ReOrder Enum Options in the EnumField.

UPDATE MetadataTemplates SET Op = 'reorderEnumOptions', FieldsKey = 'industry', EnumOptionKey = 'AL,AK,AR,N/A' WHERE Scope = 'enterprise' AND TemplateKey = 'TestTemplate'

Update Enum Options in the EnumField. Specify Present value, New value in the EnumOption column separated with comma.

UPDATE MetadataTemplates SET Op = 'editEnumOption', FieldsKey = 'industry', EnumOptionKey = 'N/A,Outside USA' WHERE Scope = 'enterprise' AND TemplateKey = 'TestTemplate'

Remove Enum Options from the EnumField

UPDATE MetadataTemplates SET Op = 'removeEnumOption', FieldsKey = 'industry', EnumOptionKey = 'Outside USA' WHERE Scope = 'enterprise' AND TemplateKey = 'TestTemplate'


MetadataTemplates can be deleted by providing Scope and TemplateKey and issuing a DELETE statement.

DELETE FROM MetadataTemplates WHERE Scope = 'enterprise' AND TemplateKey = 'TestTemplate'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

The ID of the metadata template.

TemplateKey String False

A unique identifier for the template. This identifier is unique across the scope of the enterprise to which the metadata template is being applied, yet is not necessarily unique across different enterprises

CopyInstanceOnItemCopy Boolean False

Whether or not to copy the metadata for a file or folder when an it is copied.

DisplayName String False

The display name of the template

FieldsId [KEY] String True

The Unique Id of the Metadata Template field

FieldsKey String False

A unique identifier for the field. The identifier must be unique within the template to which it belongs.

FieldsDisplayName String False

The display name of the field as it is shown to the user in the web and mobile apps.

FieldsType String False

The type of field

FieldsDescription String False

A description of the field

FieldsisHidden Boolean False

Whether this field is hidden in the UI for the user and can only be set through the API instead.

FieldsOptions String False

A list of options for this field. This is used in combination with the enum and multiSelect field types.

TemplateisHidden Boolean False

Defines if this template is visible in the Box web app UI, or if it is purely intended for usage through the API

Scope String False

The scope of the metadata template.

Type String True

Type of the template. Value is always metadata_template


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Op String

The type of change to perform on the template. Some of these are hazardous as they will change existing templates.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。editTemplate, addField, reorderFields, addEnumOption, reorderEnumOptions, reorderMultiSelectOptions, addMultiSelectOption, editField, removeField, editEnumOption, removeEnumOption, editMultiSelectOption, removeMultiSelectOption

EnumOptionKey String

Update Only: For operations that affect multiple enum options this defines the keys of the options that are affected.

MultiSelectOptionKey String

Update Only: For operations that affect multiple multi select options this defines the keys of the options that are affected.

FieldsAggregate String

To insert more than one fields in the Template. The accepted columns are FieldsDisplayName, FieldsType, FieldsDescription, FieldsKey, FieldsisHidden, FieldsOptions

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963