JDBC Driver for Box

Build 24.0.8963


Update, delete, and query the available Files in Box.



WHERE 句で条件を指定せずにファイルを検索すると、デフォルトでルートフォルダから最大5レベルのファイルのみが返されます。接続文字列でデフォルトの深度値を変更できます。e.g. DirectoryRetrievalDepth=10


エンタープライズ内のすべてのFiles を検索するには、SearhTerms カラムでFiles テーブルをクエリします。

SELECT * FROM Files WHERE SearchTerms LIKE '%untitled%'

特定のフォルダ内のすべてのFiles を検索するには、ParentId カラムの関連するフォルダのId でフィルタリングしてFiles テーブルをクエリします。

SELECT * FROM Files WHERE ParentId = '12'


ReadOnly=False のカラムが更新可能です。

UPDATE Files SET Description = 'example description', Sharedlink = 'http://sharedlink.com', OwnedbyId = '321', ParentId = '12', Name = 'updated file name' WHERE Id = '123'


Files は、Id を指定してDELETE ステートメントを発行することで削除できます。このファイルはTrashedItems に移動されます。

DELETE FROM Files WHERE Id = '100'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
SearchTerms String True

Query to search the files database.

Id [KEY] String True

The Id of the file.

Name String False

The name of the file.

Sha1 String False

The SHA-1 encryption of the file.

Etag String False

The Etag of the file

SequenceId String False

The sequence Id of the file.

Description String False

The description of the file.

Size Integer True

The size of the file.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The date the file was created at.

ModifiedAt Datetime True

The date the file was modified at.

TrashedAt Datetime True

The date the file was trashed at.

PurgedAt Datetime True

The date the file was purged at.

ContentCreatedAt Datetime True

The date the content of the file was created at.

ContentModifiedAt Datetime True

The date the content of the file was modified at.

CreatedById String True

The Id of the user that created the file.

CreatedByName String True

The Name of the user that created the file.

CreatedByLogin String True

The Login of the user that created the file.

SharedLink String False

The shared url of the file.

ModifiedById String True

The Id of the user that last modified the file.

ModifiedByName String True

The Name of the user that last modified the file.

ModifiedByLogin String True

The Login of the user that last modified the file.

OwnedById String False

The Id of the user that owns the file.

OwnedByName String False

The Name of the user that owns the file.

OwnedByLogin String False

The Login of the user that owns the file.

ParentId String False

The Id of the folder that contains the file.

ItemStatus String False

The status of the file.

Path String True

The full path of the file.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Scope String

The scope of the search.

FileExtension String

The extension of the file.

ContentTypes String

The content to search the query at, separated by commas. This can contain a mixture of the following: name, file_content, description, comments, tags.

OwnerUserIDs String

The Ids of the owners to limit the search to, separated by a comma.

AncestorfolderIDs String

The Ids of the folders to limit the search to, separated by a comma.

AsUserId String

The Id of the user you want to impersonate. Only works with Admin, Co-Admin and Service Accounts.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963