SSIS Components for Box

Build 23.0.8839


本製品 はBox のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。

CData SSIS Components for Box テーブル

Name Description
Bookmarks Query, insert, update and delete the available bookmarks in Box.
Collaborations Create, update, delete, and query the available Collaborations in Box.
Comments Create, update, delete, and query the available Comments in Box.
Folders Create, update, delete, and query the available Folders in Box.
Groups Create, update, delete, and query the available Groups in Box.
Memberships Create, update, delete, and query the available Memberships in Box.
MetadataTemplates Create, update, delete and query the Metadata Templates in Box
TaskAssignments Create, update, delete, and query the available Task Assignments in Box.
Tasks Create, update, delete, and query the available Tasks in Box.
TrashedItems Delete and query the available TrashedItems in Box.
Users Create, update, delete, and query the available Users in Box.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839