ADO.NET Provider for Box

Build 23.0.8839


Delete and query the available TrashedItems in Box.

Table Specific Information

TrashedItems are Files and Folders that have been deleted. This table supports only two operations: Select and Delete. Deleting from this table permanently deletes the File and is not recoverable.


To search in the TrashedItems table for a specific item, specify the type of the item (File,Folder or WEB_LINK).

SELECT * FROM TrashedItems WHERE SearchTerms LIKE '%Untitled%' AND Type = 'file'

Or, if you want to query a single deleted Folder you could execute a query like the following:

SELECT * FROM TrashedItems WHERE Id = '123' AND Type = 'folder'

Or, if you want to query a single deleted Bookmark you could execute a query like the following:

SELECT * FROM TrashedItems WHERE Id = '123' AND Type = 'web_link'


TrashedItems can be deleted by specifying the Id and the Type of the item and issuing a DELETE statement.

DELETE FROM TrashedItems WHERE Id = 'abc123' AND Type = 'file'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
SearchTerms String False

Query to search the trashed items database.

Id [KEY] String False

The Id of the trashed item.

Name String False

The name of the trashed item.

Type String False

The type of the item can be trashed item,folder or web_link.

Sha1 String False

The SHA-1 encryption of the trashed item.

Etag String False

The Etag of the trashed item.

SequenceId String False

The sequence Id of the trashed item.

Description String False

The description of the trashed item.

Size Integer False

The size of the trashed item.

CreatedAt Datetime False

The date the trashed item was created at.

ModifiedAt Datetime False

The date the trashed item was modified at.

TrashedAt Datetime False

The date the trashed item was trashed at.

PurgedAt Datetime False

The date the trashed item was purged at.

ContentCreatedAt Datetime False

The date the content of the trashed item was created at.

ContentModifiedAt Datetime False

The date the content of the trashed item was modified at.

CreatedById String False

The Id of the user that created the trashed item.

CreatedByName String False

The Name of the user that created the trashed item..

CreatedByLogin String False

The Login of the user that created the trashed item..

SharedLink String False

The shared link of the user that created the trashed item.

ModifiedBy String False

The Id of the user that last modified the trashed item.

ModifiedByName String False

The Name of the user that last modified the trashed item..

ModifiedByLogin String False

The Login of the user that last modified the trashed item..

OwnedById String False

The Id of the user that owns the trashed item.

OwnedByName String False

The Name of the user that owns the trashed item..

OwnedByLogin String False

The Login of the user that owns the trashed item..

ParentId String False

The Id of the folder that contains the trashed item.

ItemStatus String False

The status of the trashed item.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Scope String

The scope of the search.

FileExtension String

The extension of the trashed item.

SearchContent String

The content to search the query at, separated by commas.

AsUserId String

The Id of the user you want to impersonate. Only works with Admin, Co-Admin and Service Accounts.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839