ADO.NET Provider for Box

Build 23.0.8839


Query the available shared items in Box.

Table Specific Information

Shared Items are Files that are open to public viewing by using a URL. These files can also be password protected. Anyone who has access to this URL and password would be able to read/write to the file.


To select from SharedItems specify the SharedLink that points to the item.

SELECT * FROM SharedItems WHERE SharedLink = ''

If the SharedItem has a password also specify the password.

SELECT * FROM SharedItems WHERE SharedLink = '' AND SharedLinkPassword = 'password'

If you're authenticated as an administrator with user impersonation permissions, you can query shared items from multiple user accounts:


Note: User impersonation has the following limitations:

  • The authenticated user cannot be impersonated unless that user is a service account.
  • If the authenticated user is a standard user account, they can only query shared items associated with their account.
  • Shared items shared with multiple users are only returned for one of the users.


Name Type Description
Name String The name of the shared item.
ItemId [KEY] String The Id of the shared item.
ItemType String The item type that the shared item points to.
CreatedAt String The date the shared item was created at.
Description String The description of the of the shared item.
ModifiedAt String The date the shared item was modified at.
OwnedById String The id of owner of the shared item.
OwnedByName String The name of owner of the shared item.
OwnedByLogin String The login of owner of the shared item.
ParentId String The id of the parent of the shared item.
ParentName String The Name of the parent of the shared item.
Access String The availability of the shared item.
DownloadCount Integer The number of times the item was downloaded
DownloadUrl String The url to download the item from.
IsPasswordEnabled String If you need to specify a password to download the file or not.
CanDownload Boolean If the item is available to download or not.
CanPreview Boolean If the item is available to preview or not.
PreviewCount Integer The number of times the item was previewed.
Url String The preview url of the item.
Size Long The size of the item.
AsUserId String The Id of the user you want to impersonate. Only works with Admin, Co-Admin and Service Accounts.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
SharedLink String The shared link to query.
SharedLinkPassword String The password of shared link.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839