Tableau Connector for Reckon

Build 24.0.9110


Voids a given transaction in Reckon.


Name Type Description
TransactionType String The type of transaction to void.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。ARRefundCreditCard, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, SalesReceipt, VendorCredit

TxnID String The Id of the transaction to be voided. This should be the Id of an invoice, bill, check, or other such transaction.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
* String Output varies depending on the supplied QBXML request.

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Build 24.0.9110