JDBC Driver for Streak

Build 22.0.8462


Retrieve Streak files from a specific box.

Table Specific Information


Streak allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for Files are FileKey and BoxKey. For example:

SELECT * FROM Files WHERE FileKey='agxzfm1haWxmb29nYWVyLAsabE9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbiIJY2RhdGEuY29tDAsSBEZpbGUYgIDs8PiumAkM'

SELECT * FROM Files WHERE BoxKey='agxzfm1haWxmb29nYWVyLAsSDE9yZ2FabXphdGlvbiIJY2RhdGEuY29tDAsSBENhc2UYgICs7-O4mwsM'


Name Type References Description
FileKey [KEY] String Key of the file.
FileType String Type will be either GMAIL_API or DRIVE. GMAIL_API means the information was scraped from email attachments in a box. DRIVE means the user added a drive file to the box directly.
FileOwner String


Each file comes from a particular email that was added to a box. This property is the key of the user that added the email to the box.
BoxKey String


Key of the box.
CreationTimestamp Timestamp When the file was created.
LastUpdatedTimestamp Timestamp When the file was last updated.
Size String The size of the file in bytes.
MimeType String The mime type of the file.
FileName String The filename with the extension.
MainFileName String The filename without the extension.
DriveUrl String Google drive URL of attachment.
DriveFileId String Google drive File Id of attachment.
DriveIconUrl String Google drive URL of Icon of attachment.
DriveOwnerId String Google drive Owner Id of attachment.
DriveBoxKey String Google drive Box key of attachment.
IsCurrentUserOwnerInDrive Boolean Whether the user is the owner of the file in google drive.
LastSavedTimestamp Timestamp When the file was last saved.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462