ODBC Driver for CSV

Build 22.0.8462

Data Formatting

This section provides a complete list of the Data Formatting properties you can configure in the connection settings for this provider.

IncludeColumnHeadersWhether to get column names from the first line of the specified files.
FMTThe format to be used to parse all text files.
ExtendedPropertiesThe Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0-compatible extended properties for text files.
RowDelimiterThe character which will be used to detect the end of a CSV row.
SkipTopSkips the amount of rows specified starting from the top.
IgnoreBlankRowsIndicates whether to skip the empty rows.
IncludeEmptyHeadersWhether to include empty value for a column name within column header.
SkipHeaderCommentsIf set to true, skips rows at the top of the file beginning with #.
CharsetSpecifies the session character set for encoding and decoding character data transferred to and from the CSV file. The default value is UTF-8.
QuoteEscapeCharacterDetermines the character which will be used to escape quotes.
QuoteCharacterDetermines the character which will be used to quote values in CSV file.
TrimSpacesSet to True if you want the provider to trim preceeding and trailing spaces in a cell containing a quoted value.
PushEmptyValuesAsNullIndicates whether to read the empty values as empty or as null.
NullValuesA comma separated list which will be replaced with nulls if there are found in the CSV file.
PathSeparatorDetermines the character which will be used to replace the file separator.
IgnoreIncompleteRowsIndicates whether to ignore incomplete rows.
MaxCellLengthMax length a cell can hold, after passing this number the cell content will get truncated. If value is -1 then we don't limit the cell content length.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462