ODBC Driver for QuickBooks Online

Build 22.0.8675

macOS DSN Configuration

This section shows how to set up ODBC connectivity and configure DSNs on macOS.

Minimum macOS Version

The CData ODBC Driver for QuickBooks Online driver requires macOS Sierra (10.12) or above.

Licensing the Driver

In a terminal, run the following commands to license the driver. To activate a trial, omit the <key> input.

cd "/Applications/CData ODBC Driver for QuickBooks Online/bin"
sudo ./install-license.sh <key>

You'll be prompted for a name and password. These refer to your name and your machine's password.

Authenticating to QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Online uses the OAuth authentication standard. You can use the Embedded Credentials to connect without setting any connection properties. When you connect, the driver opens the OAuth endpoint in your default browser. Simply log in and grant permissions to the application. The driver then completes the OAuth process.

Uninstalling the Driver

The easiest way to uninstall the driver is to open a terminal and run the included uninstall.sh script, located in the installation directory. For example:

cd "/Applications/CData ODBC Driver for QuickBooks Online"
sudo ./uninstall.sh

Note: The script needs to be run from the installation directory.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8675