JDBC Driver for Oracle SCM

Build 22.0.8462


The Collaboration Supply Data Uploads resource manages a compressed file containing supply data for externally managed organizations that is processed by Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration Cloud. This resource is associated with a feature that requires opt in.


Name Type Description
ImportRequestId [KEY] String Value that uniquely identifies the user's request to import data.
DocumentId String Value that uniquely identifies the uploaded supply data file.
ProcessId String Value that uniquely identifies the running Load Supply Data for Externally Managed Organizations scheduled process.
CollectionProcessId String Value that uniquely identifies the running Collection Job Set scheduled process.
Filename String Name of the uploaded supply data file.
RefreshNumber String Number used by the Collection Job Set scheduled process to collect data.
StatusCode String Abbreviation that identifies the current state of the import request.
Status String Current state of the import request.
SourceSystem String Alphanumeric code used to identify the source application.
CollectionTypeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the type of planning data collection process that can be launched. Accepted values are 1 for Targeted and 2 for Net Change.
CollectionType String Type of planning data collection process that can be launched.
RequestSourceCode String Abbreviation that identifies the type of user who performed the request action.
RequestSource String Type of user who performed the request action. Values include Enterprise or Supplier.
ProcessErrorsFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then errors occurred when processing the supply data request. If false, then errors did not occur. The default value is false.
BOLoadErrorsFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then errors occurred when loading an object to the staging tables. If false, then errors did not occur. The default value is false.
BOInErrorList String Comma-separated list of objects that were not loaded to the staging tables.
BOLoadWarningsFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then warnings occurred when loading an object to the staging tables. If false, then warnings did not occur. The default value is false.
BOInWarningList String Comma-separated list of objects that encountered a warning when loaded to the staging tables.
Notes String Notes associated with the import request.
MessageId String Value that uniquely identifies the B2B message.
B2BFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the request originated from a business-to-business message. If false, then it did not. The default value is false.
B2BUser String User who created the B2B message.
CreatedBy String User who created the supply data request.
CreationDate Datetime Date and time when the user created the supply data request.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date and time when the user most recently updated the supply data request.
LastUpdatedBy String User who most recently updated the supply data request.
Attachment String Value that identifies the base64-encoded supply data file.
SupplierId String Value that uniquely identifies the trading partner invoking the B2B message

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Build 22.0.8462