JDBC Driver for TaxJar

Build 22.0.8462

Establishing a Connection

Creating a JDBC Data Source

You can create a JDBC data source to connect from your Java application. Creating a JDBC data source based on the CData JDBC Driver for TaxJar consists of three basic steps:

  • Add the driver JAR file to the classpath. The JAR file is located in the lib subfolder of the installation directory. Note that the .lic file must be located in the same folder as the JAR file.
  • Provide the driver class. For example:
  • Provide the JDBC URL. For example:

    The second format above can be used whenever there is a conflict in your application between drivers using the same URL format to ensure you are using the CData driver. The URL must start with either "jdbc:taxjar:" or "jdbc:cdata:taxjar:" and can include any of the connection properties in name-value pairs separated with semicolons.

Authenticating a TaxJar Account

To authenticate to the TaxJar API, you will need to first obtain the API Key from the TaxJar UI. Remember that the API is available only for Professional and Premium TaxJar plans. If you already have a Professional or Premium plan you can find the APIKey by logging in the TaxJar UI and going to Account->TaxJar API. After obtaining the API Key you can set the APIKey connection property. That's all you need to do for a successful connection.

Extra Notes

  • By default the driver will retrieve data of the last 3 months in case the entity supports date range filtering. You can use the StartDate to set the minimum creation date of the data retrieved.
  • If the API Key has been created for a sandbox API account please set UseSandbox to true in order for a successful connection.
  • In case you are using a sandbox API account please remember that not everything will work as expected. This is also documented in the TaxJar developer docs here: Sandbox Environment and here: Unsupported endpoints
  • The TaxJar API rate limiting is really generous. (10000 requests per minute for TaxJar Professional plans and 25000 per minute for the TaxJar Premium plans).
  • Because of the TaxJar API limits we are restricted to make an http request for each row in order to collect as much data as we can. We suggest to increase the value of the MaxThreads connection property.
  • The default value of MaxThreads has been set to 20 which means it will make at most 20 concurrent requests. To improve the performance of the driver consider increasing this value based on the machines resources.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462