ODBC Driver for Domino

Build 22.0.8509


How fields that contain array values are presented.

Possible Values

Flatten, ChildTables

Data Type


Default Value



Domino allows fields within a database to have multiple values within each row. Some types of form elements allow this (for example, checkboxes or listboxes) as well as multiple form elements bound to the same field. The driver detects these fields and displays them differently based upon this option.

By default, the Flatten mode is used, which combines all the values in the field into a single text value. For example:

SELECT colors FROM Notes

["red", "green", "blue"]

If the ChildTables mode is used instead, each multi-value field is moved from its main view into a separate view. These views contain multiple rows per unique note identifier and can be JOINed back to the main view to get all the values of a multi-value field. For example:

SELECT Notes.[@unid], Notes_colors.[@offset], Notes_colors.color
FROM Notes INNER JOIN Notes_colors ON Notes.[@unid] = [Notes_colors].[@unid]

@unid              @offset  color
-----------------  ---------  -----
01234567890ABCDEF  1          red
01234567890ABCDEF  2          green
01234567890ABCDEF  3          blue

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Build 22.0.8509