ODBC Driver for Xero WorkflowMax

Build 22.0.8462


Return a list of all tasks of jobs.


The driver will use the Xero WorkflowMax API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the driver. Specifically, the following are processed server-side:

  • Complete supports the '=' operator.
  • CreatedDate supports the '<=,<,=,>,>=' operators.

SELECT * FROM JobTasks WHERE Complete=False
SELECT * FROM JobTasks WHERE CreatedDate>='2000-11-11' AND CreatedDate<='2020-11-11'
SELECT * FROM JobTasks WHERE CreatedDate='2000-11-11'
SELECT * FROM JobTasks WHERE CreatedDate>='2000-11-11'
SELECT * FROM JobTasks WHERE CreatedDate>='2000-11-11' AND CreatedDate<='2020-11-11' AND Complete=true


EstimatedMinutes, TaskID, JobID, Name, StartDate, DueDate are required to insert. The following query creates a new JobTask:

INSERT INTO JobTasks (EstimatedMinutes, TaskUUID, JobID, Name, StartDate, DueDate) VALUES ('100', '9d382fcf-7013-4d97-8dd8-c08e8b26a0b2', 'J000002', '21910642', '2019-07-17T00:00:00', '2019-07-17T00:00:00')


Name Type ReadOnly Description
JobID String True

The job identifier related to the task.

UUID [KEY] String True

The task identifier.

TaskUUID String True

The task identifier references Tasks.ID.

Name String True

The name of the task.

Description String True

The description related to the task.

EstimatedMinutes Int True

The estimated time for completing the task.

ActualMinutes Int True

Actual time passed.

Completed Boolean True

Determine if the task is completed or not.

Billable Boolean True

Determines if the task is billable or not true(default) | false.

CreatedDate Date True

Determines the datetime when the task has started.

DueDate Date True

Determines the datetime when the task should be finished.

AssignedStaffUUID String True

List of staff members assigned to the job in xml format

Label String False

Used while inserting to determine a label to the task.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462