ODBC Driver for Shopify

Build 22.0.8462


Create and query refunds.

Table-Specific Information


The driver uses the Shopify API to process search criteria that refer to the OrderId column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.

For example, the following queries are processed server side. If you specify the unique identifier of the Order, then this view will only list refund information concerning that order.


SELECT * FROM Refunds WHERE OrderId = '179098550295'

SELECT * FROM Refunds WHERE OrderId='179098550295' AND Id='7382073367'
You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false. When SupportEnhancedSQL is false, you must specify at least OrderId. The Shopify APIs require that queries contain this filter. Search criteria that refers to other columns will cause an error.


You must specify the OrderId when inserting a refund.

  • Calculate a refund for a line item and shipping using aggregates.

    INSERT INTO Refunds(OrderId, CalculateRefund, ShippingFullRefund, LineAggregate) VALUES('123', true, true, '[{\"id\":\"123\",\"quantity\":3,\"restock_type\": \"return\",\"location_id\": \"12346\"}]')

  • Calculate a refund for a line item and shipping using temporary table.

    INSERT INTO OrdersItems#Temp (ItemId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 3)
    INSERT INTO Refunds(OrderId, CalculateRefund, ShippingFullRefund, LineAggregate) VALUES('123', true, true, 'OrdersItems#Temp')

  • Calculate a refund for a partial amount of shipping.

    INSERT INTO Refunds(OrderId, CalculateRefund, ShippingAmount) VALUES('123', true, 2.56)

  • Create a new refund for an order using aggregates.

    INSERT INTO Refunds(OrderId, Restock, Notify, Note, ShippingFullRefund, LineAggregate) VALUES('123', true, true, 'Wrong size', true, '[{\"id\":\"123\",\"quantity\":3,\"restock_type\": \"return\"}]')

  • Create a new refund for an order using temporary table.

    INSERT INTO OrdersItems#Temp (ItemId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 3)
    INSERT INTO Refunds(OrderId, Restock, Notify, Note, ShippingFullRefund, LineAggregate) VALUES('123', true, true, 'Wrong size', true, 'OrdersItems#Temp')

  • Create a new refund for an order and attach a transaction to the refund as well using aggregates.

    INSERT INTO Refunds(OrderId, LineAggregate, OrderTransactionAggregate) VALUES('123', '[{\"id\":\"123\",\"quantity\":3,\"restock_type\": \"return\"}]', '[{\"kind\":\"refund\",\"amount\":5.5,\"gateway\":\"bogus\",\"parent_id\":\"789\"}]')

  • Create a new refund for an order and attach a transaction to the refund as well using temporary table.

    INSERT INTO OrdersItems#Temp (ItemId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 3)
    INSERT INTO Transactions#Temp (TransactionItemParentId, TransactionItemAmount, TransactionItemKind, TransactionItemGateway) VALUES ('789', 5.5, 'refund', 'bogus')
    INSERT INTO Refunds(OrderId, LineAggregate, OrderTransactionAggregate) VALUES('123', 'OrdersItems#Temp','Transactions#Temp')

  • Refund a specific amount of shipping using aggregates.

    INSERT INTO Refunds(OrderId, ShippingAmount, OrderTransactionAggregate) VALUES('123', 5.3, '[{\"parent_id\":\"456\"}]')

  • Refund a specific amount of shipping using temporary table.

    INSERT INTO Transactions#Temp (TransactionItemParentId) VALUES ('456')
    INSERT INTO Refunds(OrderId, ShippingAmount, OrderTransactionAggregate) VALUES('123', 5.3, 'Transactions#Temp')


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Long True

The unique identifier for the refund.

OrderId Long False


The id of the order.

OrderUpdatedAt Datetime True


The date and time when the order was last modified.

Note String False

The optional note attached to a refund.

Restock Boolean True

Whether or not the line items were added back to the store inventory.

UserId Long True

The unique identifier of the user who performed the refund.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the refund was created.

ProcessedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the refund was imported.

LineAggregate String False

A JSON aggregate of line items associated with the refund.

OrderTransactionAggregate String False

A JSON aggregate of transactions associated with the refund.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Notify Boolean

Whether or not to send a refund notification to the customer.

DiscrepancyReason String

An optional comment, used if there is a discrepancy between calculated and actual refund amounts (one of: restock, damage, customer, other)

ShippingAmount Decimal

Set specific amount of shipping to refund. Takes precedence over FullRefund.

ShippingFullRefund Boolean

Whether or not to to refund all remaining shipping.

CalculateRefund Boolean

Set to true to simply calculate the refund but not process it

The default value is false.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462