ODBC Driver for Shopify

Build 22.0.8462


Tax rates with their effective dates of application

View-Specific Information


The driver uses the Shopify API to process search criteria that refer to the Id, CreatedAt, CustomerId, DiscountCode, Email, Name, ProcessedAt, RiskLevel, Test, UpdatedAt columns. The supported SQL operators are '=' and 'IN' for Id, '=' and '!=' for CustomerId, DiscountCode, Email, Name, RiskLevel and Test, '=','!=','>','<','<=','>=' for the CreatedAt, ProcessedAt, and UpdatedAt columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver. You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria will be ignored and an unfiltered response will be returned.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Id='gid://shopify/Order/232220695'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Id IN ('gid://shopify/Order/232220695', 'gid://shopify/Order/23220695')
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId!='3514040471'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND Test=true
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND RiskLevel='LOW'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND RiskLevel!='LOW'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND Email='test@cdata.com'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND Email!='test@cdata.com'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND DiscountCode='BlackFriday'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND DiscountCode!='BlackFriday'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND UpdatedAt='2022-01-18 02:32:26.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND UpdatedAt!='2022-01-18 02:32:26.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND UpdatedAt<='2022-01-18 02:32:26.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND UpdatedAt>='2022-01-18 02:32:26.0' AND UpdatedAt<='2022-05-10 07:52:22.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND ProcessedAt='2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND ProcessedAt!='2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND ProcessedAt<='2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND ProcessedAt>='2017-09-19 06:10:39.0' AND ProcessedAt<='2021-10-07 23:45:38.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND CreatedAt='2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND CreatedAt!='2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND CreatedAt<='2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId='3514040471' AND CreatedAt>='2017-09-19 06:10:39.0' AND CreatedAt<='2021-10-07 23:45:38.0'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String Globally unique identifier.
BillingAddressMatchesShippingAddress Boolean Whether the billing address matches the shipping address.
BillingAddress1 String The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number.
BillingAddress2 String The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit.
BillingAddressCity String The name of the city, district, village, or town.
BillingAddressCompany String The name of the customer's company or organization.
BillingAddressCountry String The name of the country.
BillingAddressCountryCodeV2 String The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US.
BillingAddressFirstName String The first name of the customer.
BillingAddressFormattedArea String A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country.
BillingAddressId String Globally unique identifier.
BillingAddressLastName String The last name of the customer.
BillingAddressLatitude Double The latitude coordinate of the customer address.
BillingAddressLongitude Double The longitude coordinate of the customer address.
BillingAddressName String The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName.
BillingAddressPhone String A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E.164 standard. For example, +16135551111.
BillingAddressProvince String The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district.
BillingAddressProvinceCode String The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON.
BillingAddressZip String The zip or postal code of the address.
CanMarkAsPaid Boolean Whether the order can be manually marked as paid.
CanNotifyCustomer Boolean Whether notifications can be sent to the customer or not.
CancelReason String Reason the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled.
CancelledAt Datetime Date and time when the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled.
Capturable Boolean Whether payment for the order can be captured. Returns true when the customer's credit card has been authorized for payment and the authorization period has not expired.
CartDiscountPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the order-level discount in presentment currency.
CartDiscountPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the order-level discount.
CartDiscountShopMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the order-level discount in shop currency.
CartDiscountShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the order-level discount.
ClientIp String The ip address of the client that is associated with this order.
Closed Boolean Whether the order is closed.
ClosedAt Datetime Date and time when the order closed. If the order is not closed, then this field is null.
Confirmed Boolean Whether inventory has been reserved for the order.
CreatedAt Datetime Date and time when the order was created in Shopify.
CurrencyCode String The currency of the store at the time of the order. If payment hasn't occurred, then this field is null.
CustomerId String Unique identifier of the customer who placed the order. Not all orders have customers associated with them.
CustomerFirstName String The first name of the customer who placed the order. Not all orders have customers associated with them.
CustomerLastName String The last name of the customer who placed the order. Not all orders have customers associated with them.
CustomerAcceptsMarketing Boolean Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials.
CustomerLocale String A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. Example values could be 'en', 'en-CA', 'en-PIRATE'.
DiscountCode String Discount code provided by the customer.
DisplayAddress1 String The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number.
DisplayAddress2 String The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit.
DisplayAddressCity String The name of the city, district, village, or town.
DisplayAddressCompany String The name of the customer's company or organization.
DisplayAddressCountry String The name of the country.
DisplayAddressCountryCodeV2 String The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US.
DisplayAddressFirstName String The first name of the customer.
DisplayAddressFormattedArea String A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country.
DisplayAddressId String Globally unique identifier.
DisplayAddressLastName String The last name of the customer.
DisplayAddressLatitude Double The latitude coordinate of the customer address.
DisplayAddressLongitude Double The longitude coordinate of the customer address.
DisplayAddressName String The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName.
DisplayAddressPhone String A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E.164 standard. For example, +16135551111.
DisplayAddressProvince String The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district.
DisplayAddressProvinceCode String The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON.
DisplayAddressZip String The zip or postal code of the address.
DisplayFinancialStatus String Financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's financial state and should only be used for display summary purposes.
DisplayFulfillmentStatus String Fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes.
Edited Boolean Whether the order has had any edits applied or not.
Email String Email address provided by the customer.
Fulfillable Boolean Whether there are items that can be fulfilled. After an order is completely fulfilled (or completely refunded without any fulfillments) then this field returns false.
FullyPaid Boolean Whether the order has been paid in full.
HasTimelineComment Boolean Whether the merchant added timeline comments to the order.
LegacyResourceId Long The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API.
MerchantEditable Boolean Whether the order can be edited or not.
Name String Unique identifier for the order that appears on the order. For example, #1000 or _Store1001. This value is not unique across multiple stores.
NetPaymentPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the net payment for the order in presentment currency.
NetPaymentPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the net payment for the order.
NetPaymentShopMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the net payment for the order in shop currency.
NetPaymentShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the net payment for the order.
Note String Contents of the note associated with the order.
OriginalTotalPricePresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the total price of the order prior to any applied edits in presentment currency.
OriginalTotalPricePresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the total price of the order prior to any applied edits.
OriginalTotalPriceShopMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the total price of the order prior to any applied edits in shop currency.
OriginalTotalPriceShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the total price of the order prior to any applied edits.
PaymentCollectionDetails String The payment collection details for an order requiring additional payment.
Phone String Phone number provided by the customer.
PresentmentCurrencyCode String The payment currency of the customer for this order.
ProcessedAt Datetime Date and time when the order was processed. When orders are imported from an app, this date and time may not match the date and time when the order was created.
PublicationId String The Id of the publication that created the order.
RefundDiscrepancyPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in presentment currency.
RefundDiscrepancyPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the difference between suggested and actual refund amounts.
RefundDiscrepancyShopMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in shop currency.
RefundDiscrepancyShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the difference between suggested and actual refund amounts.
Refundable Boolean Whether the order can be refunded.
RequiresShipping Boolean Whether any line item in the order requires physical shipping.
Restockable Boolean Whether the order can be restocked.
RiskLevel String Fraud risk level of the order.
ShippingAddress1 String The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number.
ShippingAddress2 String The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit.
ShippingAddressCity String The name of the city, district, village, or town.
ShippingAddressCompany String The name of the customer's company or organization.
ShippingAddressCountry String The name of the country.
ShippingAddressCountryCodeV2 String The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US.
ShippingAddressFirstName String The first name of the customer.
ShippingAddressFormattedArea String A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country.
ShippingAddressId String Globally unique identifier.
ShippingAddressLastName String The last name of the customer.
ShippingAddressLatitude Double The latitude coordinate of the customer address.
ShippingAddressLongitude Double The longitude coordinate of the customer address.
ShippingAddressName String The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName.
ShippingAddressPhone String A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E.164 standard. For example, +16135551111.
ShippingAddressProvince String The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district.
ShippingAddressProvinceCode String The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON.
ShippingAddressZip String The zip or postal code of the address.
SubtotalLineItemsQuantity Integer The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal.
SubtotalPricePresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the subtotal of the line items and their discounts in presentment currency.
SubtotalPricePresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the subtotal of the line items and their discounts.
SubtotalPriceShopMoneyAmount Decimal The amount of the subtotal of the line items and their discounts in shop currency.
SubtotalPriceShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the subtotal of the line items and their discounts.
TaxesIncluded Boolean Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order.
Test Boolean Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or the Shopify Payments test mode.
TotalCapturablePresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in presentment currency.
TotalCapturablePresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured.
TotalCapturableShopMoneyAmount Decimal The amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in shop currency.
TotalCapturableShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured.
TotalDiscountPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in presentment currency.
TotalDiscountPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts).
TotalDiscountShopMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in shop currency.
TotalDiscountShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts).
TotalOutstandingPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in presentment currency.
TotalOutstandingPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the total amount of money not yet authorized for the order.
TotalOutstandingShopMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in shop currency.
TotalOutstandingShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the total amount of money not yet authorized for the order.
TotalPricePresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in presentment currency.
TotalPricePresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts).
TotalPriceShopMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in shop currency.
TotalPriceShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts).
TotalReceivedPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount received by the customer for the order in presentment currency.
TotalReceivedPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the total amount received by the customer for the order.
TotalReceivedShopMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount received by the customer for the order in shop currency.
TotalReceivedShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the total amount received by the customer for the order.
TotalRefundedPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount refunded for the order in presentment currency.
TotalRefundedPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the total amount refunded for the order.
TotalRefundedShopMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount refunded for the order in shop currency.
TotalRefundedShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the total amount refunded for the order.
TotalRefundedShippingPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount refunded for shipping in presentment currency.
TotalRefundedShippingPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the total amount refunded for shipping.
TotalRefundedShippingShopMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount refunded for shipping in shop currency.
TotalRefundedShippingShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the total amount refunded for shipping.
TotalShippingPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount charged for shipping in presentment currency.
TotalShippingPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the total amount charged for shipping.
TotalShippingShopMoneyAmount Decimal The total amount charged for shipping in shop currency.
TotalShippingShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the total amount charged for shipping.
TotalTaxPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal The total of all taxes applied to the order in presentment currency.
TotalTaxPresentmentCurrencyCode String The presentment currency of the total of all taxes applied to the order.
TotalTaxShopMoneyAmount Decimal The total of all taxes applied to the order in shop currency.
TotalTaxShopCurrencyCode String The shop currency of the total of all taxes applied to the order.
TotalWeight Long Total weight (grams) of the order.
Unpaid Boolean Whether no payments have been made for the order. If no payments have been made for the order, then this returns true.
UpdatedAt Datetime Date and time when the order was last modified.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462