TDV Adapter for Shopify

Build 22.0.8462


The adapter models the data in Shopify into a list of tables that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Generally, querying Shopify tables is the same as querying a table in a relational database. Sometimes there are special cases, for example, including a certain column in the WHERE clause might be required to get data for certain columns in the table. This is typically needed for situations where a separate request must be made for each row to get certain columns. These types of situations are clearly documented at the top of the table page linked below.

Shopify Adapter Tables

Name Description
ApplicationCharges Create or view Application Charges for Billing.
ApplicationCredit Create or view Application Credit for Billing.
Articles Create, read, update or delete articles
Assets Create, read, update or delete assets
Blogs Create, read, update or delete blogs
CollectionListings Query and delete information regarding different collects.
Collects Query, insert, or delete information regarding different collects.
Comments Create, read, update and delete the comments.
Countries Create, select, update, and delete information regarding countries.
CustomCollections Query, insert, update, or delete information regarding different custom collections.
CustomerAddresses Create, update, delete, and query customer addresses.
Customers Create, update, delete, and query customers.
DiscountCodes Create, select, update, and delete information regarding discount codes.
DraftOrders Create, update, delete, and query draft orders.
FulfillmentEvents Create, delete, and query information regarding fulfillment events.
Fulfillments Create, update, and query fulfillments.
FulfillmentServices Query, create, update, and delete information regarding different fulfillment services.
InventoryItems Query and update information regarding different inventory items.
InventoryLevels Query, create, and update information regarding different inventory levels.
MarketingEvents Create, update, delete, and query marketing events.
Metafields Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a resource.
OrderRisks Create, update, delete, and query order risks.
Orders Create, update, delete, and query orders.
OrderTransactions Create and query transactions.
Pages Create, read, update or delete pages
PriceRules Create, update, delete, and query price rules.
ProductImages Query, Update and Delete Product Images
ProductListings Query and delete product listings.
Products Create, update, delete, and query products.
ProductVariants Query and delete product listings.
Provinces Query and update information regarding different provinces.
RecurringApplicationCharges Create, update, delete, and query Recurring Application Charges.
Redirects Create, read, update or delete redirects.
Refunds Create and query refunds.
ScriptTags Create, read, update or delete script tags.
SmartCollections Query, insert, update, or delete information regarding different smart collections.
Themes Create, read, update or delete themes
UsageCharges Create or view Usage Charges for Recurring Application Charges.

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Build 22.0.8462