JDBC Driver for SAP Concur

Build 22.0.8462


Create, update, delete, and query all active attendee types for the company.

Table Specific Information


The driver uses the SAP Concur APIs to process a filter that refers to Id. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.

For example, the driver will offload the processing of the following query to the SAP Concur APIs:

SELECT * FROM AttendeeTypes WHERE Id = '123456'
You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false.


To insert an attendee type the following columns are required: Name, Code, AttendeeFormId, and DuplicateSearchFields.

INSERT INTO AttendeeTypes (Name, Code, AttendeeFormId, DuplicateSearchFields) VALUES ('AttendeeTypeName','01234', '123456', 'Title,Company')


Updates are not supported for this table.


Deletes are not supported for this table.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ID [KEY] String True

The URI of the next page of results, if any.

AttendeeFormID String False

The unique identifier for the attendee form for this attendee type.

ConnectorID String False

The unique identifier for the Application Connector that is the data source for this attendee type. When this field is empty, the Expense database is the data source.

AllowAttendeeCountEditing Bool False

Determines whether users are allowed to edit the count for this attendee type. Format: true or false

AllowManuallyEnteredAttendees Bool False

Determines whether users are allowed to add attendees for this attendee type. Format: true or false

Code String False

A code that indicates the type of attendee. Examples: EMPLOYEE, SPOUSE, BUSGUEST. Maximum length: 40 characters

DuplicateSearchFields String False

The list of Attendee field IDs used by the Add Attendee user interface to alert users that the attendee they want to add is a possible duplicate. This parent element has a DuplicateSearchField child element for each field ID.

Name String False

The name for the attendee type. This name must be unique. Maximum length: 40 characters

URI String True

The URI of the next page of results, if any.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462