JDBC Driver for SAP Concur

Build 22.0.8462


Views are composed of columns and pseudo columns. Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views do not support updates. Entities that are represented as views are typically read-only entities. Often, a stored procedure is available to update the data if such functionality is applicable to the data source.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table, and the data that comes back is similar in that regard.

Dynamic views, such as queries exposed as views, and views for looking up specific combinations of project_team work items are supported.

CData JDBC Driver for SAP Concur Views

Name Description
Allocations Lists all allocations per entry or report.
CompanyCardTransactions Retrieves corporate or credit card charges that are available for use in expense reports.
DigitalTaxInvoices Gets all digital tax invoices that can be validated by the user based on the search criteria.
ExpenseDelegators Retrieves the list of users that have granted delegate permissions to you.
ExpenseGroupConfigurationAttendeeTypes Lists the Attendee Types of the Expense Group Configurations.
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPaymentTypes Lists the payment types of the Expense Group Configurations.
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPolicies Lists the policies of Expense Group Configurations.
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPolicyExpenseTypes Lists the expense types for the Expense Group Configuration Policies.
ExpenseGroupConfigurations Lists the configurations of expense groups.
FormFields Query expense form fields.
Forms Query expense forms.
Identity Read user's core identity profile.
Invoice Gets all relevant information (Payment Request Header, Payment Request Line Item and Payment Request Allocation) of a Payment Request.
Locations Retrieve details of locations that are used by Concur and that are valid at the company of the user.
Notifications Lists notifications that have failed.
Opportunities Gets opportunities for a specified trip or for all trips that fall within a date range.
PaymentBatches Lists all the payment batches.
PaymentRequestDigests A payment request digest is a collection of summarized payment requests to invoice vendors.
ReportComments Read the comments entered on the expense report header, or expenses of an existing expense report.
ReportDetails Retrieves the full set of information for the report.
ReportDetailsExpenseEntry Lists all expense entries
ReportDetailsExpenseEntryItemization Lists all itemizations of an expense entry
ReportDetailsExpenseEntryItemizationAllocation Lists all allocations of an itemization
ReportDetailsExpenseEntryItemizationAllocationJournalEntry Lists all allocations of an itemization
ReportDetailsExpenseEntryItemizationAllocationVATData Lists all allocations of an itemization
ReportDetailsExpenseEntryItemizationAttendee Lists all allocations of an itemization
Suppliers Lists Suppliers based on the search criteria.
TripBookingPassengers Lists the passengers for a trip booking.
TripBookings Query all the bookings for a trip.
TripBookingSegmentCharges Query all the charges for a trip.
TripBookingSegments Query all the bookings for a trip.
TripBookingSegmentSeats Query all the seats for a trip.
Trips Query all the trips.
Users Lists user data based on the search criteria.

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Build 22.0.8462