ODBC Driver for GitHub

Build 22.0.8462


Lists information about commits done in a repository .

View-Specific Information

You must specify the UserLogin when executing a SELECT query against this view. You can specify the values in the WHERE clause or as connection properties. A value specified in the WHERE clause takes precedence over the connection property.

If you do not specify a UserLogin value, the driver will use the login name of the authenticated user.


The driver uses the GitHub API to restrict results to the specified UserLogin and RepositoryName values.

The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver. You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria that refer to other columns will cause an error.

  • UserLogin, BranchName and RepositoryName support the following operator: =
  • CommittedDate supports the following operators: =,>=,>,<,<=
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Commits WHERE RepositoryName = 'MyRepo'

SELECT * FROM Commits WHERE UserLogin = 'MyUser' AND RepositoryName = 'MyRepo'

SELECT * FROM Commits WHERE BranchName = 'master'

SELECT * FROM Commits WHERE RepositoryName = 'MyRepo' AND CommittedDate >= '2017-12-18 09:02:22.0' AND CommittedDate <= '2018-01-11 15:00:08.0'


Name Type OrderBySupport Description
Id [KEY] String The ID of the commit.
UserLogin String The login name of the user.
RepositoryName String The name of the repository.
BranchName [KEY] String The name of the branch.
Additions Int The number of additions in this commit.
AuthorEmail String The email of the commit author.
AuthorUserLogin String The GitHub user corresponding to the email field. Null if no such user exists.
AuthoredByCommitter Boolean Check if the committer and the author match.
AuthoredDate Datetime The datetime when this commit was authored.
CommitResourcePath String The HTTP path for this Git object.
CommitUrl String The HTTP URL for this Git object.
CommittedDate Datetime The datetime when this commit was committed.
CommittedViaWeb Boolean Check if committed via GitHub web UI.
CommitterEmail String The email of the committer.
CommitterUserLogin String The GitHub user corresponding to the email field. Null if no such user exists.
Deletions Int The number of deletions in this commit.
Message String The Git commit message.
MessageBody String The Git commit message body.
MessageBodyHTML String The commit message body rendered to HTML.
MessageHeadline String The Git commit message headline.
MessageHeadlineHTML String The commit message headline rendered to HTML.
OnBehalfOf String The organization's login name this commit was made on behalf of.
PushedDate Datetime The datetime when this commit was pushed.
ResourcePath String The HTTP path for this commit.
Signature String ASCII-armored signature header from object.
SignatureEmail String Email used to sign this object.
SignatureIsValid Boolean True if the signature is valid and verified by GitHub.
SignaturePayload String Payload for GPG signing object. Raw ODB object without the signature header.
SignatureSigner String GitHub user's login name corresponding to the email signing this commit.
SignatureState String The state of this signature. VALID if signature is valid and verified by GitHub, otherwise represents reason why signature is considered invalid.
WasSignedByGitHub Boolean True if the signature was made with GitHub's signing key.
StatusState String The combined commit status.
StatusCheckRollupState String Check and Status rollup combined status state for this commit.
TarballUrl String Returns a URL to download a tarball archive for a repository. Note: For private repositories, these links are temporary and expire after five minutes.
TreeResourcePath String The HTTP path for the tree of this commit.
TreeUrl String The HTTP URL for the tree of this commit.
Url String The HTTP URL for this commit.
ViewerCanSubscribe Boolean Check if the viewer is able to change their subscription status for the repository.
ViewerSubscription String Identifies if the viewer is watching, not watching, or ignoring the subscribable entity.
ZipballUrl String Returns a URL to download a zipball archive for a repository. Note: For private repositories, these links are temporary and expire after five minutes.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462