ODBC Driver for SuiteCRM

Build 22.0.8462

macOS DSN Configuration

This section shows how to set up ODBC connectivity and configure DSNs on macOS.

Minimum macOS Version

The CData ODBC Driver for SuiteCRM driver requires macOS Sierra (10.12) or above.

Licensing the Driver

In a terminal, run the following commands to license the driver. To activate a trial, omit the <key> input.

cd "/Applications/CData ODBC Driver for SuiteCRM/bin"
sudo ./install-license.sh <key>

You'll be prompted for a name and password. These refer to your name and your machine's password.

Connecting To SuiteCRM V4.1 API

You can connect to SuiteCRM data via the V4.1 API by simply setting the following connection properties:

  • Schema: Set this to suitecrmv4.
  • Url: Set this to the URL associated with the SuiteCRM application, for example http://suite.crm.com.
  • User: Set this to the user associated with the SuiteCRM account.
  • Password: Set this to the password associated with the SuiteCRM account.

Note that retrieving SuiteCRM metadata can be expensive. It is advised that you store the metadata locally as described in Caching Metadata.

Connecting To SuiteCRM V8 API

Before Connecting

Before you connect to SuiteCRM V8 API you will need to first configure it in your SuiteCRM instance. The API can be configured in SuiteCRM version 7.10+. To configure the API, please follow the steps written in the SuiteCRM JSON API docs, found here: https://docs.suitecrm.com/developer/api/developer-setup-guide/json-api/#_before_you_start_calling_endpoints .

The SuiteCRM V8 API uses OAuth2.0 as its main method of authentication using 2 types of grant type, password or client credentials. Please see Using OAuth Authentication for a guide on how to connect with OAuth.

Uninstalling the Driver

The easiest way to uninstall the driver is to open a terminal and run the included uninstall.sh script, located in the installation directory. For example:

cd "/Applications/CData ODBC Driver for SuiteCRM"
sudo ./uninstall.sh

Note: The script needs to be run from the installation directory.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462