ODBC Driver for Google Calendar

Build 22.0.8462


Query event instances in a Google calendar.

Table-Specific Information


Returns instances of the specified recurring event. CalendarId and EventId must be specified.

A recurring event consists of several instances: its particular occurrences at different times. These instances act as events themselves.

SELECT * FROM EventInstances WHERE CalendarId='thecalendarid' AND EventId='sq12g65ed3nk0n3n7sc6q6k0q8' 


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String The Id of the event.
CalendarId String The calendar identifier.
EventId String The event identifier.
Summary String The title of the event.
Description String The description of the event.
Location String The geographic location of the event as free-form text.
AllDayEvent Boolean This value indicates whether or not the event is an all-day event.
StartDateTime Datetime The (inclusive) start time of the event. For a recurring event, this value is the start time of the first instance.
EndDateTime Datetime The (exclusive) end time of the event. For a recurring event, this value is the end time of the first instance.
OriginalStartTimeDateTime Datetime For an instance of a recurring event, this value is the time when the event would start according to the recurrence data in the recurring event identified by RecurringEventId.
SendNotification Boolean This value sets whether to send a notification when performing an insert or update.
Kind String The type of the resource, returned in the format calendar#event.
ETag String The ETag of the resource.
Status String The status of the event.
HTMLLink String The absolute link to the event in the Google Calendar Web UI.
Created Datetime The creation time of the event.
Updated Datetime The latest modification time of the event.
ColorId Integer The color of the event. This value is an Id referring to an entry in the event section of the colors definitions.
CreatorEmail String The creator's email address, if available.
CreatorDisplayName String The creator's name, if available.
OrganizerEmail String The organizer's email address, if available.
OrganizerDisplayName String The organizer's name, if available.
RecurringEventId String For an instance of a recurring event, this value is the event Id of the recurring event itself.
Transparency String This value sets whether the event blocks time on the calendar. If set to transparent, the event does not block time on the calendar. If set to opaque, the event blocks time; this is the default value.
Visibility String The visibility of the event.
iCalUid String The event Id in the iCalendar format.
Sequence String The sequence number as per iCalendar.
AttendeesAggregate String An XML aggregate of the event's attendees. This includes the values Email, DisplayName, Organizer, Self, Resource, Optional, ResponseStatus, Comment, and AddtnlGuests.
AttendeesEmails String A comma-separated list of attendee's email addresses, if available.
AttendeesDisplayNames String A comma-separated list of attendee's names, if available.
AttendeesResponseStatus String A comma-separated list of attendee's response status, if available.
AttendeesOmitted Boolean This field sets whether attendees have been omitted from the event's representation. When updating an event, this field can be used to update only the participant's response. When retrieving an event, the attendees that are returned are restricted to only the participant by the MaxAttendees query parameter.
ExtendedPropertiesPrivateKey String This field contains properties that are private to the copy of the event that appears on the calendar.
ExtendedPropertiesPrivateValue String This field contains properties that are private to the copy of the event that appears on the calendar.
ExtendedPropertiesSharedKey String This field contains properties that are shared between copies of the event on other attendees' calendars.
ExtendedPropertiesSharedValue String This field contains properties that are shared between copies of the event on other attendees' calendars.
AnyoneCanAddSelf Boolean This value sets whether anyone can invite themselves to the event.
GuestsCanInviteOthers Boolean This value sets whether attendees other than the organizer can invite others to the event.
GuestsCanSeeOtherGuests Boolean This value sets whether attendees other than the organizer can see who the event's attendees are.
PrivateCopy Boolean This value sets whether this is a private event copy where changes are not shared with other copies on other calendars.
RemindersUseDefault Boolean This value sets whether the default reminders of the calendar apply to the event.
ReminderOverrideMethods String A comma-separated list of the methods used by the reminder. The possible values are EMAIL, SMS, and POPUP.
ReminderOverrideMinutes String A comma-separated list of the minutes before the start of the event when the corresponding ReminderOverrideMethod should trigger.

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Build 22.0.8462