ODBC Driver for Elasticsearch

Build 22.0.8462

Fine-Tuning Data Access

Fine Tuning Data Access

You can use the following properties to gain greater control over Elasticsearch API features and the strategies the driver uses to surface them:

  • GenerateSchemaFiles: This property enables you to persist table metadata in static schema files that are easy to customize, to persist your changes to column data types, for example. You can set this property to "OnStart" to generate schema files for all tables in your database at connection. The resulting schemas are based on the connection properties you use to configure Automatic Schema Discovery.
    Or, you can set this property to "OnUse" to generate schemas based on a query.
    To use the resulting schema files, set the Location property to the folder containing the schemas.
  • QueryPassthrough: This property enables you to use Elasticsearch's Search DSL language instead of SQL.
  • RowScanDepth: This property determines the number of rows that will be scanned to detect column data types when generating table metadata. This property applies if you are working with the dynamic schemas generated from Automatic Schema Discovery or if you are using QueryPassthrough.

Custom URLs

If a custom URL is required, using the form [Server]:[Port]/[URLPathPrefix], the 'URLPathPrefix' value can be specified via the Other property. For example: URLPathPrefix=myprefix

The driver will use the specified path prefix to build the URL required for connecting to the Elasticsearch API endpoints.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462