ODBC Driver for Xero

Build 22.0.8462

macOS DSN Configuration

This section shows how to set up ODBC connectivity and configure DSNs on macOS.

Minimum macOS Version

The CData ODBC Driver for Xero driver requires macOS Sierra (10.12) or above.

Licensing the Driver

In a terminal, run the following commands to license the driver. To activate a trial, omit the <key> input.

cd "/Applications/CData ODBC Driver for Xero/bin"
sudo ./install-license.sh <key>

You'll be prompted for a name and password. These refer to your name and your machine's password.

Connecting to a Xero API

The driver supports the following Xero APIs:

  • Accounting API: Set the Schema connection property to ACCOUNTING
  • Australian Payroll API: Set the Schema connection property to PAYROLLAUS
  • Files API: Set the Schema connection property to FILES
  • Fixed Assets API: Set the Schema connection property to ASSETS
  • Projects API: Set the Schema connection property to PROJECTS

It is also recommended that you set the Tenant property, which can be the name or ID of a Xero organization. Xero allows you to authorize the driver to access multiple organizations. By default the driver will pick the first one, which may not be the one you expect if the driver is granted access to additional organizations.

If you need to confirm what organizations the driver has access to, you can connect without an Tenant and read the Tenants view. This will provide both the ID and the name of each connected organization. You should use the ID to set the Tenant property when possible since multiple organizations can have the same name.

Authenticating to Xero

All connections to Xero are authenticated using OAuth. The driver supports using PKCE applications and OAuth applications. For desktop applications, the driver's embedded application is the simplest way to authenticate.

When the driver starts, it will open a browser and Xero will request your login information. The driver will use the credentials you provide to access your Xero data. These credentials will be saved and automatically refreshed as needed. For desktop applications, the driver's default application is the simplest way to authenticate.

When the driver starts, it will open a browser and Xero will request your login information. The driver will use the credentials you provide to access your Xero data. These credentials will be saved and automatically refreshed as needed.

Uninstalling the Driver

The easiest way to uninstall the driver is to open a terminal and run the included uninstall.sh script, located in the installation directory. For example:

cd "/Applications/CData ODBC Driver for Xero"
sudo ./uninstall.sh

Note: The script needs to be run from the installation directory.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462