JDBC Driver for Xero

Build 22.0.8462


Views are composed of columns and pseudo columns. Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views do not support updates. Entities that are represented as views are typically read-only entities. Often, a stored procedure is available to update the data if such functionality is applicable to the data source.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table, and the data that comes back is similar in that regard.

Dynamic views, such as queries exposed as views, and views for looking up specific combinations of project_team work items are supported.

CData JDBC Driver for Xero Views

Name Description
EmployeeBankAccounts Query the bank accounts for an Employee in a Xero organisation.
EmployeePayTemplateDeductions Query the pay template deduction lines for an Employee in a Xero organisation.
EmployeePayTemplateEarnings Query the pay template earnings lines for an Employee in a Xero organisation.
EmployeePayTemplateLeave Query the pay template leave lines for an Employee in a Xero organisation.
EmployeePayTemplateReimbursements Query the pay template reimbursement lines for an Employee in a Xero organisation.
EmployeePayTemplateSupers Query the pay template super lines for an Employee in a Xero organisation.
LeaveBalances Query the Leave Balance for an Employee in a Xero organisation.
PaySlipDeductions Query payslip deduction line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipEarnings Query payslip earning line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipLeaveAccrual Query payslip leave accrual line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipLeaveEarnings Query payslip leave earnings line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipReimbursements Query payslip reimbursements line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlips Query payslips for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipSuperannuations Query payslip superannuation line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipTaxes Query payslip tax line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipTimesheetEarnings Query payslip timesheet-earnings line-items for a Xero organisation.
Tenants Query the list of organisations connected to your Xero account.

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Build 22.0.8462